Chapter 5

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Not long after Lauryn left did Katie arrive at the airport. Unfortunately she had to go right to training for some interviews. She was so busy that she didn't get to go to her childhood home until a few days after arrival.
Katie's POV
"Hey mom! I'm home!"
"Hi my darling! I've missed you so much. You're just in time we got Lauryns game on. It's about to start."
I could feel my mom stare at me as my body immediately tensed at the mention of Lauryns name. But before she could say anything two of my nieces came running around the corner jumping onto my legs.
"Hi munchkins! How are yous?"
"Good! I learned a new soccer move!"
"You'll have to show me later okay! Let's go watch Auntie Lauryn play"

I couldn't watch Lauryns first game because I had one the same time. I laughed afterwards because I had a hatrick in my game and I was wondering why my family wasn't texting me until I realized Lauryn had outdone me when she got four goals. I was so proud of her and it made me hate what I said to her even more. I was hard on her because I want her to be better than me but I know I went about it in the completely wrong way. At the same time I'm one of the most stubborn people in the world so of course I hadn't apologized yet. Much to Caitlin's annoyance with me. But until my girlfriend returned from Australia she couldn't yell at me in person so I would hold off apologizing until that was the case.

As I was watching Lauryn on tv I realized I haven't really watched her play a whole game in a while. She hadn't appeared for Arsenal yet and before getting on the U21 team there wasn't many of her games being streamed online.
I saw how she read the game and took control. I saw the ball skill she had. I even saw some skills that looked very much like my own. Clearly she studied my games more than I had even realized. And of course she got a yellow card. I mean she is a McCabe.

Lauryns team ended up winning and Lauryn had 2 more goals in a 3-0 win.

My mom pulled me aside and asked to go for a walk. I really thought it was probably just to catch up but quickly realized she had a secret agenda when the questions started flying.

"So are you going to tell me what's going on with you and your sister or do I have to pry it out of you both?"

"Lauryn didn't say anything?"

"No not to me and I wasn't going to push. She had a let's just say emotional couple of days home and I didn't need to make it worse. I think she might have told Ella. They locked in their room for quite some time."

"Explains why Ella gave me the cold shoulder just now." I laughed.  "But what do you mean by emotional?"

"She will probably hate me for telling you but her girlfriend broke up with her. She didn't want to do long distance."

I didn't know much about lauryns girlfriend and I knew they weren't together all that long. But I could tell Lauryn really liked her and breakups hurt. Especially the first one.

"Oh I had no idea. I feel really bad for her" I said honestly.

"Well maybe you should talk to her about it when you guys get back to London."

"That is if she talks to me or doesn't move out" there we go I ripped the bandaid off and could feel my mothers eyes shooting dagger through me.

"What did you do Katie?" She said harshly

I sighed heavily before answering. And then I told her the whole story.
"Her first night there I found out about her girlfriend. I don't know why but finding out about it months later made me realize I don't know as much as I thought about her. For some reason it made me feel really protective. But I took it the completely wrong way. I was always on her for little stuff. Don't get me wrong she has an attitude sometimes and deserved some of the things I told her. But there was one day she tweaked her ankle a little bit. I might have made it out worse than it actually was but I'm trying to get her to realize she needs to tell the physio everything no matter how small. She's in this for the long run now doing this professionally. She has to take care of herself.
Anyways. A few days before callouts came out coach called me and asked about Lauryn and how she thought it might be good to call her up for experience. I was mad at her for ignoring everything I said and I didn't think she was ready or mature enough. I told them her ankle injury. That's why she's playing for U21 and not on my team. She figured it out and flipped out rightfully so.  She asked me why I did it. I told her I didn't think she was ready. That they would make her play for publicity reasons and that I didn't want her out there until she was ready. It came out harsher than I meant it. I think I killed her confidence. Anyways she hasn't spoken to me since. Told Caitlin she's moving out when we get back to London with Kyra."

"Oh Katie.... I know you meant well I do. But come on. You were in her exact position once. Think about when you were 18. You didn't care about any of that stuff you started to over the years with the club. By learning through experience. If someone shoved all that down your throat the second you joined you would have quit. You have to let her grow just like you did. But that doesn't mean you can't help her out along the way. More importantly be there for her when she fails. You weren't perfect. It made you stronger. She needs the same.

You know she had offers from so many clubs. Most smaller or in lower divisions. Most of which she would be a starter at. But she only had one she wanted to accept. She's not stupid she knows you are 28 and while you'll still be playing for a few more years you aren't going to be playing forever. All she's ever wanted was to play with her big sister. I used to have to take her laptop away so she wouldn't stay up all night watching your game film.

You have to fix this because she has worked harder than I ever knew was possible just to be able to play with you. And don't you ever take away a chance for her to grow as a player just because you don't think she's ready. She wants to learn. And she really wants to learn from you."

At this point I was basically crying. I knew every word my mom said was right. I knew I needed to make it right. I just didn't know how yet.

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