Chapter 13

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After my forced, but helpful conversation with Katie things seemed to be going really well. Kyra and I were getting closer every day. I felt like I was really moving on from Abby. And football was going extremely well. We've played a few games since my return after the concussion and if I do say so myself I've been playing really well. Katie and I agreed that she wouldn't try to fight anyone that fouled me anymore unless I gave her a signal. I'd stick up for myself and be aggressive, but if there was someone in particular that had it out for me I'd give Katie a nod and she understood immediately what that meant. Let's just say the league soon realized that if my fouls against them didn't hurt enough they'd have Katie to deal with and the tactic of trying to foul Little McCabe soon ended and I was defended against normally.

Today we were playing Leicester City. I was cooking breakfast for Kyra and looked up to see her humming to herself at the table. She just looked so cute and all I wanted to do was hug her. That's when I realized I was ready. I was ready to finally go on a date with her. I decided after the game I'd tell her. I blushed thinking to myself.
We made our way to the stadium. It was a home game so didn't take long to get there. We got into the locker room and Kyra changed into her warm up top. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom because I didn't want to be caught staring at her abs.
Jesus get it under control McCabe.
I laughed immediately as I turned around though because I saw Katie staring at Caitlin, but they were already together so she didn't even attempt to look away. I decided to remind her that her annoying little sister is still here and took a towel and threw it hard right in her face.
"LAURYN!!" She yelled before getting up looking like she was going to tackle me.
"Well if you didn't stare so much I wouldn't have done it." I yelled back loud enough for most girls to hear and make Katie go red.
Mission accomplished.
Caitlin was just laughing her head off at the situation but leaned down to kiss Katie's forehead and then whispered something that made Katie turn even redder. I didn't want to even guess what that would be.

We finally went out to warmup and I saw Kyra going over to say hi to someone. I realized a little later it was Courtney Nevin. Her ex. They were both Australian so I didn't think too much into it. Just a reunion and saying hi. But throughout the warmup they kept looking over to one another.
Later in the tunnel before walking out to the field Courtney winked at her and Kyra laughed. I was getting kinda mad now. I know these are just little things. But it's her ex and kyra hasn't done this before with any other players.

As the game went on Courtney and Kyra seemed to be having a bunch of little unnecessary touches throughout the game. I was getting pissed. The next time Courtney got the ball I decided to let out some anger and May have poorly timed a tackle. I knew it would be a foul but wasn't expecting the ref to pull out a yellow. Shit.
Kyra looked less than impressed at that. I didn't know if it was because of the yellow. Or that the foul was on her ex.
I  saw Katie give me a weird look from across the field, but Caitlin was closest to me and whispered in my ear as I was walking away from the ref.
"That was a dumb foul. But everyone on this team makes dumb fouls. Take a deep breath and move on. Use your head we can't afford any sloppy fouls anymore okay? Don't let it affect you it's not the end of the world"
That actually made me stop seeing red for once this game and actually focus in. From that point on I played so much better.
We ended up winning 2-1. Probably should have been more but we will take the 3 points.
I had completely forgot about the whole situation until I saw Kyra and Courtney hugging after the game for a little too long.
And I was back to being pissed. I made my way over to some fans taking a few pictures and then rushed off into the locker room changing as quickly as possible. Then sent two texts.
To Kyra. "Forgot to tell you I'm going home with Katie. See you later"

To Katie. "Stole your keys I'm waiting in the car :P"

I just needed a place to be alone so Katie's car was the best spot for a while knowing her and Caitlin always took forever after a game. I was going to tell Kyra I wanted to go on a date today. Instead I get to see her flirt with her ex all day. This day sucked. I was so made that I let myself open up to someone again just to get upset. Again.

Caitlin and Katie finally got in the car. And it was almost as if they knew exactly what was wrong with me because they didn't question anything just let me talk when I was ready as they had their own conversation in the front seat.

I was so zoned out I don't even know what they were talking about when I finally spoke up as we were pulling into their driveway.
"I was going to tell her I was ready today."
"Come inside let's talk"
When we finally got inside I told Caitlin and Katie how every little time they were together annoyed me and went on to saying I was so stupid for trusting her and letting her in.
I don't know what I expected their reactions to be. But I didn't expect them to start laughing.
"Has anyone told you how much you and Katie are alike?" Caitlin said laughing which was met by my frowning face and arms crossed across my chest.  I looked to Katie for help as to why Caitlin would say that.
"I think what Caitlin meant to say was we've both been in this position before. It's really easy to talk yourself into seeing something that's not really there."
"What do you mean?"
"Well," Caitlin started, "yes you are correct they used to date. But they don't anymore. And never wil again. They dated when they were younger. It didn't work out but they stayed friends. What you were witnessing was just two really close friends messing around on the pitch. Trust me I'm with them both at camp that's how they act. I would never have encouraged Kyra to go after you if I thought she still had feelings for court."
"But they seemed so flirty!"
"You're just trying to believe that Laur. I saw them too. It looked like just friends to me. I think you just are a little jealous." Katie said with a smirk.
"Am not!"
"Yeah okay whatever you think. You are a little jealous and that's okay. But maybe try this thing called communication out with Kyra. It goes a long way."
I didn't give an answer knowing I should hear Kyra out first.
"Yeah Katie and I were really bad at communication at the beginning of our relationship"
"Yeah obviously I used to date Lia. Anytime we'd do a practice drill and be paired up together Katie would get jealous. Hence why I compared you two together. But I wasn't any better. When she went to international camp and I saw a pic of her and Ruesha I'd get mad too.
We never would really talk about it and then it led to fights. I think we both knew nothing was actually going on but when you let it build up it causes anger."
"So how do you fix it?"
"Well for us we just have to talk about everything" Katie said.
"Like now when I go away for camp and Ruesha and I are doing something I'll always shoot Caitlin a text like hey we are going for coffee. Not that Cait needs to know what I'm doing at all times. Or wants to keep an eye on me. But the way the media spins everything we could go to coffee as a team and the media would take a pic of just me and Ruesha. Media gets in the way a lot you'll learn soon enough so for us it just helps to let the other know what's actually going on."
"And for me when I'm at practice with Lia or something like that I always give Katie's hand a little squeeze after the drill. Just so she rid reminded that she's the only one for me. Again we both fully trust one another completely but we never want to go back to where we started in not communicating. I'd never do anything to hurt her but it's never a bad thing to remind the other person of that."

I smiled to myself a little bit and gave them both a hug.
"Katie can you drive me back to Kyra's?"

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