Chapter 11

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It had been about a week since I dealt with Katie and Caitlin telling me to stop talking to Abby. Since then I have been much more secretive about when I text her and call her when I'm around them. I moved back in with Kyra now that I was pretty much back to normal and back in practice. Kyra asked one night if I ended up texting Abby. I said I had and then she got really awkward so since then I never brought it back up. I think she noticed I was in my room a lot thought because I didn't want to text and call Abby In front of Kyra.
I thought things had been going really with Abby and we had planned on a good date for her to come watch me play. I chose a week we had two games so she could see me twice. She had been really excited.
Or so I thought.
Flashback to previous phone conversation with Abby tonight
L- Hey baby how are you?
A- yeah I'm good! Just getting around to booking my tickets!
L- ah I can't wait! I miss you so much.
A- I miss you too babe. Listen I was thinking maybe we could split the airplane ticket or you could pay and I'll pay you back.
L- oh uh are you short on money? I can spot you some if you need.
A- that would be great! I just figured it wouldn't kill ya with your Arsenal paycheck right?!
L- I mean I just started I don't get paid that much but yeah I can at least split it with you.
A- okay baby thanks. Anyways do you think you can get us in some cool clubs?
L- uh no Abby I'm not like some famous person haha
A- what about your teammates
L- Abby what are you trying to get at? Do you want to come see me or just come to try and get some free stuff and hang out at cool places.
A- of course I want to hang with you. I just thought there would be some cool perks now ya know. Sorry didn't mean to offend jeez
L- didn't mean to offend? Abby you broke my heart. I apparently stupidly let you back in to my life. Really thought we were going to be better this time. And all you wanted was me for my new fame which I don't really have so go find some other soccer girlfriend who will pay for all your shit to not even have them hang out with you.
A- Lauryn-

I didn't even let her finish before I hung up on her.
"Laur you good?" Kyra said peaking her head into my room only to find me with frustrated tears rolling down my face.  "What's wrong?"
"I messed up and my freakin sister was right."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Ugh not really but I probably should. I let Abby in again thinking she really wanted to get back together. But she just wanted me because I play for Arsenal now. Katie and Caitlin told me that I should stay away and I didn't listen cause I'm stubborn."
"Why did you want to go back to her?"
"I don't know"
"Yes you do"
"You're good at reading me," I said while she smirked and poked my side. "She was the safe option. I knew what I was getting there. I was quite blindsided by the first breakup and thought maybe she just regretted it because it was so sudden. She had already broken my walls down before it would be easier to let her in."
"When you say safe option. Does that mean there is someone else you like?"
"I well um uh -"
"So there is. Im sorry Lauryn I gotta go."
"Kyra wait!"
"No I can't okay. I can't deal with you liking another person again."
"Why not?"
"Because ... you know what it doesn't matter. I'll talk to you later."
I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to my sit on my bed.  "What if that other person is you?"
"You can't just say that."
"Im not. I really mean it. I was too scared before. I didn't realize how I felt until after Abby and I broke up and then I pushed it down because there was no way you would the same about me. Im just a 18 year old kid who just joined the team. We were pals that's it. But then Katie hinted you might like me too and I completely shut down. Made myself just pretend you were my friend. Went back to Abby. But I don't want to pretend there's nothing between us anymore."
"Lauryn you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that. You aren't just some kid to me okay. Hell I'm a kid too if you forgot."
There was a moment of silence before I leaned forward and kissed her. It was a light kiss. But it felt so right.
There was a sparkle in her eye when she pulled away. "Listen I know you probably don't want to hear this right now. But I want to take this slow. You just ended it a second time with Abby. You need to heal. Let me take you on a date in a few  weeks. Until then just know I don't plan on going anywhere."
"I'd love nothing more Ky." I said blushing as she got up and left me alone in my room. Damn what an emotional rollercoaster today was.

Text to Katie and Caitlin
L- hey guys. Just wanted to say I'm sorry for last week and blowing up on you guys when you were just trying to give me advice. You were both right of course. 🙄 anyways slap me next time I don't listen to you guys (lightly katie) and in case I didn't say it enough thanks for taking care of me and my concussed brain. Love you guys
K-aww Laur I'm sorry. That's the one time I'm not happy about being right.
C- yeah I'm sorry too :( you're welcome to come over we can have a movie night!
L- that's okay. I'll be fine. You guys were right about something else too so I think I'm going to hang out here instead. Night guys!
K- do you mean Kyra??????
C- Lauryn explain.
K- 3 missed calls.

"Umm Lauryn why did Caitlin call me 4 times?"
"Ignore them. I'll tell them tomorrow I want them to freak out a bit tonight. Let's just watch a movie."
"Ohhhhh I LOVE messing with Cait and Katie."

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