Chapter 6

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Katie's POV

I'm waiting in the airport for Caitlin's flight to land. God I really missed her I know it was only  a little over a week apart from her but it felt like forever. As soon as I see her and Kyra come around the corner I get and basically speed walk to get to her quicker.
"Hi baby" I mumbled into her neck as she gives me a very tight hug
"Hi darlin I missed you" she says while kissing me quickly.
I turn towards Kyra who seems to be scanning the crowd looking for someone.
"Kyra do you need a ride home?"
"No Lauryn is getting me but thanks!"
Right. My sister who is now Kyra's roommate because of me.
"Ah there she is!"
Lauryn had her hood up, but you could still see her eyes were red from crying. My heart dropped when I saw that. Apparently so did Kyra's because she ran over to give her a hug and was whispering something into her ear. Whatever Kyra said calmed Lauryn down instantly it seemed. And then they were quickly on their way out the door while Kyra turned around to say goodbye to us. My sister not once looking in my direction.
"Lauryn wait!" I yelled. I saw her pause a second, but looked at kyra and kept walking. Kyra gave a sad smirk and shrug and followed after Lauryn right away.

"Why was she crying?" Caitlin asked me.
"I have no idea. Her girlfriend broke up with her over break. It could be that or it could be about me. I have no idea."
"Did she tell you about the breakup? Does that mean you finally reached out to her?"
"Uhh no. My mom told me" I said sheepishly
"Katie seriously," Caitlin said frustrated as we headed towards the car lot, "fix this soon. I know she's your sister and this is between you and her, but she's my teammate now and eventually she's going to be part of my family too so I'm not going to just sit here and let you keep shoving a wedge between the two of you."
"I know Cait. I just gotta figure out how. I mean you saw she didn't even turn around to look at me."
Caitlin instantly sensed that my opinion on the matter had changed since coming back from break. I knew I had to fix it. I wasn't being stubborn anymore. She sighed slightly and grabbed my hand as we drove off, calming me down.
"Can we go back to talking about how she "will be your family eventually"
"Nope. Not until you fix things." Caitlin said teasingly.

Lauryns POV
I arrived with plenty of time to get to Kyra on time from the airport. But I couldn't go in there crying so I just sat in my car. Since getting back to London, I didn't have the distraction of soccer during the international break and now the breakup was finally really hitting me. I really liked her and I didn't know how to process it all. I kept trying to think of what I could have done differently. But part of me also knew Katie would be in the airport for Cait and I didn't want to face her now. Couldn't. I avoided eye contact with her completely but I felt her eyes on me while Kyra was saying a lot of nice things to me about how she was going to help me through this breakup. And that she's been here before so she understands. I finally calmed down but almost lost it again when Katie called after me. It's the first I've heard my sisters voice since that night. I had so many feelings all at once. I could have cried, could have had a full out screaming match with Katie. But I chose the easier option. Walk away without turning around. That night kyra and I stayed on the couch watching a movie while she rubbed my back as I cried.

We returned to practice the next day as we had a match two days later. We were going to have a team meeting before practice like always. We usually go over who is going to start the game so that parts of practice can be focused on those players. Today, Jonas called me to his office before the meeting. I was a little nervous to be honest. He's never called me in before I thought I was in trouble or something, but when I walked in and he was smiling my nerves relaxed a bit.
"Lauryn you alright?"
"Yeah all good you?"
"Excellent! Listen I won't keep you long, but I wanted to tell you I watched your games this international break. You were phenomenal. Looked like you really started to put it all together out there. And the staff and I have noticed you doing the same here at practice too."
"Oh well thank Jonas! That means a lot!"
"Of course. Now listen, Kim is still recovering from a knee injury, so I think it's time to finally give you your first start. What do you think?"
"You're kidding?! Thank you so much!"
"you earned it mini McCabe! Now come on let's go to team meeting and let the girls know."
I eagerly agreed and got up and followed him in. The girls were all talking so they didn't notice I was following Jonas in. Except for Kyra who was clearly confused where I was but smiled when she saw me.

"Alright girls let's get right to it. Big game this weekend. For this match up we have Manu in goal
Steph, Lotte, Amanda, Katie as defenders
Caitlin, Russo, Beth up top.
Wally, Kyra, and Lauryn in midfield.
"Yeah mini!!" I heard Beth yell
I tried to act normal, but I couldn't this was what I worked for.  It finally paid off. I had the biggest smile on my face and I couldn't even try to control it. I saw Katie's head whip around as soon as my name was mentioned. I wasn't directly looking at her but out of the corner of my eye I saw that she was genuinely so happy and proud looking. Part of me wanted to run up and hug her. But no I'm not making the first move she has to make it up to me. And "sorry" won't cut it.
Kyra was the first to give me a hug. "Ahh we are starting together this is sick!!"
"I know I'm so excited!"
We giggled and gave each other another hug.

After practice was over I was headed out to the car lot with Kyra and saw Katie leaning against my car.
"Shit. Not going to be able to avoid her this time Ky. Just give me five okay I'm sorry"
"No worries I'll go talk to Cait."

"So first start huh?"
"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.
"I'm really proud of you Laur. For that and how well you played over break."
"Yeah well it was only U21 so nothing special right?" I said as sarcastically as I could manage.
"Lauryn I'm sorry I said those things to you. Can we go home and talk please? I want to make things right between us."
I don't know why but for some reason I got really mad at her all over again. Did she think I'd just come running back to her the first time she attempted an apology and all would be okay?
"That's not my home anymore." Was all I said before turning around and calling Kyra over.
"Kyra and I are going home. If you would so kindly get off my car." I said giving her a little shove.
I knew she wanted to push back. But I got into the car without looking back or giving her the chance for the last word.

I think part of me was also not going to let Katie ruin my day. I found out I'm finally starting a game. This was huge and she wasn't ruining that.

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