Chapter 2

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"Alright girls go join the team on the field for training. And Lauryn, welcome to the team!"

"Thanks Jonas!" Lauryn responded before heading off in the direction of her sister.

"I can't believe you kept this a secret!!"

"Well I only kept it a secret from you, pretty much every one else knows. Also surprise number 2, I'm moving in with you until I find my own place."

"so that's why Caitlin was cleaning out the guest room this morning. And I'm guessing that's why Viv and Beth cleaned out a locker."

"Now you're catching on genius now come on and show me where the field is. This place is huge and I have no idea where I am going."

Katie laughed at her sister. She couldn't believe her little sister was here. With her. At Arsenal. It seems like just yesterday she was teaching her how to kick a ball. 

"Mini McCabe!!" Beth yelled as she ran across the field and picked Lauryn up. 

"Girls come say hi," Caitlin started, "This is Lauryn, or mini McCabe, the funnier, more skilled, better looking sister." But before Caitlin could finish Katie kicked a ball right into her stomach. "Finish that sentence and youre on the couch sweetheart."

Caitlin gave a sheepish smile and remained silent. Practice began shortly after saving Caitlin from Katie's daggers.

Lauryn was always more reserved and quieter than Katie, so she hung around her sister, Caitlin, Beth, and Viv mostly because she knew them through her sister.  Kyra was also hanging around the group as another new player.  Having known Caitlin and Steph already through her national team, she became quick friends with the group of girls that were slightly older than her. 

When partner drills started Kyra and Lauryn quickly teamed up together forming a quick friendship. 

"I'm so happy another young person is joining our friend group." Kyra said loudly enough for the other girls to hear. 

Lauryn snickered as Caitlin and Katie rolled their eyes. 

"Great now there are two annoying little sisters on this team." Katie joked as Lauryn gave her the side eye.

Practice finished with 5 a side drills. Caitlin and Lauryn were on the same team opposite of Katie. A 2 on 1 opportunity presented itself with Caitlin making a long cross to Lauryn over the top.  She had an excellent trap to control the ball and looked up to see Katie coming in to tackle the ball away. Having watched every game her sister has ever played and studying her moves she knew exactly what she going to do, so instead of going left like she looked like she would Lauryn popped the ball over Katie right when she went into her slide and jumped over her following the ball.  Quickly passing it right back to Caitlin who slotted it home.  

"MINI MCCABE!!" Shouts could be heard from the sideline with Caitlin running into giving her a hug. They both looked over at Katie getting up from the ground looking pissed. 

"One word from you," she said pointing to Caitlin, "and you are on the couch." "And you," she said pointing towards Lauryn now," if you ever do that to me again you'll regret it." She said in her scary older sister voice. Lauryn and Caitlin quickly retreated to their spots. 

Katie quickly ran up behind her sister and whispered, "but you have to teach me how to do that."

Lauryn never smiled to much in her life hearing that her idol and big sister finally wanted to learn something from her.  

Back in the locker room the girls all came up to introduce themselves to Lauryn before Katie and Caitlin reminded them everyone was coming over for a party at their place tonight, which Katie now realized was set up as a welcome party for Lauryn. 

After everyone had had a few drinks it was suggested to play never have I ever. As usual, the game started off innocent. The next person up said "Never have I ever been the person to ask my partner to be my girlfriend or boyfriend. I'm always the person that gets asked." 

A few girls nodded in agreement that they had never done the asking, but it was noticed that Lauryn put her finger down making Katie give her a questioning look, but Beth picked up on it too. "Oooh Mini McCabe who did you ask"

"Uhh I asked my girlfriend out a little while ago now." 

Katie looked shocked. Caitlin couldn't help but notice Kyra's face fall. And Beth was too drunk to notice any of it and instead just made a bunch of ooooh and ahhhh sounds. The game moved on, but now was focused on more sexual questions.  When Katie saw Lauryn put her finger down at one of the first questions she immediately stopped the game. 

"I can't sit here and hear about my sister's sex life that I didn't even know she had.  New game!"

Most of the girls laughed at that, Beth once again wanted to stir the pot and responded with, "Well at least you don't have to hear her having sex like she will probably have to listen to while she is sharing this place with you and Cait."

After the group had stopped their laughter, they slowly started to head out realizing that maybe everyone had already had too much to drink. 

As Caitlin, Katie, and Lauryn were cleaning up the living room Katie brought the girlfriend topic back up. 

"So you have a secret girlfriend?"

"She's not secret."

"So just secret from me?"

"No its not like that, she hasn't come out to her parents yet. Mom and Dad know and so does Ella, but I mean you aren't home that often when we do talk on the phone its about football. "

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me" Katie said a little hurt.

"I'm sure there is a lot you haven't told me because 'im the youngest'." Lauryn said in quotations to refer to a phrase she heard her whole life. Just then her phone rang. 

"Its my secret girlfriend. Im going to answer this." Lauryn said snarkily.

Katie stood there realizing that her baby sister wasn't a baby anymore and she had missed a good portion of her life growing up.  It made her feel even more protective of Lauryn for some reason. Like she didn't want her to grow up anymore. 

Caitlin came over to hug her girlfriend. "Come on Kates lets go to bed." She said kissing her forehead, knowing that recent conversation would have upset Katie. 

Katie let out a sigh realizing she didn't know her sister as well as she thought and that the perfect day now ended on a sour note.

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