Chapter 14

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"Lauryn? I thought you were with Katie?" Kyra said looking up at me from the couch. Half concerned with how quickly I stormed in the house and half a little sad. Clearly picking up on the fact that I went home with Katie because I wasn't happy with her for some reason.
"I was. But I was being an idiot. I'm sorry for storming off after the game. Do you mind if we talk?"
"Uh yeah sure sure" she said in her cute Aussie accent.
"Listen I um think I got a little jealous earlier. I didn't handle it well either. I saw you with Courtney and just assumed you wanted to be with her. I let myself get all worked up. Katie and Caitlin helped me work through that and basically told me I'm an idiot." I paused for a minute as Kyra laughed at me.
"I wanted to tell you earlier. Before my emotions got the best of me. But Im ready to go on a date. That is of course if you still want to." I said hurriedly dealing with nerves that came out of nowhere.
Kyra seemed to want to torture me because instead of answering me about the date she returned to the conversation about Courtney.
"Laur. Im very much so over Courtney but she's still my friend. Im sorry I wasn't clearer about that but I only have eyes for one girl right now. Tell me next time you feel that way okay we can work through it."
I nodded my head eagerly trying to urge her to continue talking and mention the date as my palms got increasingly sweatier.
"And in regards to the date..." she leaned in and softly pecked my lips before whispering "how quickly can you get ready? Something cute but casual."
"Give me 20!" I yelled as I ran to my room and heard kyra giggling in the background as she quickly hurried to her own room.
As quickly as possible I tore through my closet and pulled out so black jeans and a baggy top
Kyra was waiting for me with her hand out waiting for me to take it. We walked out hand in hand. It was a nice day and kyra said it was only a 15 min walk to where we were going. We casually strolled and had some good conversations. We weren't talking about anything different than our normal conversations. But it just felt different. It was our first date. We finally arrived at a roller skating rink and kyra paid for our skates.
"I'm going to worn you I can't really skate Ky"
"Well I'll guess you'll have to hold on then little McCabe"
After a few minutes of holding onto Kyra's hand for dear life I started to get the hang of it and we started racing around. Of course Kyra won because she was a way better skater but it didn't mean my competitive side wasn't hurt.
"Aww don't be upset" Kyra said making me fun of me when I lost.
I playfully rolled my eyes in response and pushed her a little bit.
When we finally left the rink it was starting to get dark and we made our way home stopping to get some ice cream on the way.
"Thank you for a great day Kyra. Sorry I was being stupid earlier."
"Don't apologize it's okay. I wasn't any better when you would talk about Abby."
"Katie and Caitlin told me I need to work on communication skills"
"Funny Cait told me the same thing when I was too scared to tell you about my feelings"
We both laughed. "You know those two are going to have a field day if we tell them that things are working out between us. They will take all the credit."
"Oh I know. Katie especially will be insufferable."
"Oh well. If Katie decides to murder me for liking her little sister then my death will be worth it."
"Oh stop I'd never let her go far enough to kill you. Maybe scare you a bit if you ever get out of line." I joked with her.
"Oh really is that so?!" She said as she opened the front door and started to tickle my sides as I walked past her. Trying to run away I ran into the couch and she quickly fell into me pushing me down playfully and landed on top of me.
The tension became thick as we realized the position we were in. I think we were both past the soft kisses we shared previously. I quickly surged forward and captured her lips. Things were getting heated. Quickly. But before anything went too far kyra pulled away with her eyes still closed and breathing heavily.
"Did I do something wrong?" I said quickly
"No!" She said eyes now open "we said to take this slow. I don't want to race into this."
"Oh yeah no I totally understand. That for the best probably." I said with a little giggle because I was still a little nervous that I just messed something up.
"That was great by the way. I think I could do that all night." Kyra said which calmed my nerves.
"Then why don't we. We don't have to go further than that. Not until we are both ready."
"I'd love that"  kyra said leaning back over to kiss me with a smirk.

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