Chapter 15

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Over the next two weeks Kyra and I hung out everyday, which I guess is hard to avoid when you are roommates. We continued to grow closer and feel more comfortable around one another but we hadn't officially asked one another to be girlfriends yet. One particular practice day Kyra and I drove separately because her and all of the other Aussies in London were going to dinner afterwards. I decided to stay on the field and practice shooting. It always helped me clear my head when I was overthinking something and right now I was really overthinking whether or not I should ask Kyra to be my girlfriend. She wanted to go slower so I didn't want to rush her. But I also didn't want her to think I didn't want to ask. so I went back out from the locker room towards the field to find someone else had the same idea I did. Turns out that person looked a lot like me and with how hard she was shooting I think something is her mind too.
Katie had her headphones in and didn't see me coming so I waited until she was about to take another shot before I kicked my ball infront of hers knocking it out of the way. She luckily turned around with a shocked face clearly not expecting anyone else to be here.
I returned her shocked face with my smirk which made her roll her eyes.
"Come on sis let's shoot. You first I'll pass" I said to her as I collected all the balls. I confirmed my thought that something was on her mind when I saw her face she didn't have that same spark, she was distracted.
I got ready to pass to her and didn't say anything else and she fired shot after shot into the back of the net. I was always slightly jealous of how much power she had in her shot. I had good placement but no where close to her power. But I've been really working on it so maybe one day I kept reminding myself.
Once Katie went through all the balls we switched and I took my shots. She usually would have some type of comment if we were just practicing one on one but not today. Once I finished she went to collect and set up for her turn again but I walked forward and stopped her.
"What's going on Kate?"
"Nothing just getting the balls"
I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "I may be younger but I'll force you into a headlock throw you in my car and take you to the lake to talk if you are going to be as stubborn as I was opening up."
She let out a small laugh at the memory. We walked over to the goal and sat down.
"I think Caitlin is going to propose soon."
"And isn't that a good thing??"
"It is..."
"Then why aren't you like freaking out with excitement right now?"
"I'm scared."
"Care to give a little more detail?"
"I don't know it probably is going to sound stupid. It's just I was with Ruesha for 7 years. We never got married. Partly cause I was five years younger and I needed time to grow up and then when I did get to an age that I started to think about marriage I just couldn't really imagine myself doing that. But then I met Caitlin. And I know we have only dated a short amount of time but god I know she's the one."
"Okay again I really don't see the problem."
"What if we get married and in 7 years we just end like Ruesha and I did? What if messed it up. I can't mess it up with her it'll break me. But maybe if slew just keep dating it won't hurt as bad when I mess it up."
"Well I see where I get my overthinking problem from now.  Katie you aren't going to mess anything up. You two love each other so much. You can't compare this relationship to your last one. That will get you know where. You're just scared because of how much you love her. As soon as you let that fear go I promise you'll feel a lot better. Don't talk yourself out of happiness. And you should tell Caitlin what you're feeling just so she can tell you you're being dumb. Remember that communication thing you taught me?"
"I think I've taught you how to give good advice too. Thanks sis"
"Anytime. You've helped me out enough time to repay the favor once."
"How are you and Kyra anyway?"
"Yeah we are good. I'm trying to find a good time to ask her to be my girlfriend but she wants to take everything slow so I don't want to rush her."
"I say bring it up. If she says no she's not ready then you don't get upset just say okay and to let you know when she's ready. Clearly she really likes you so I don't think she's going anywhere."
"Well let's hope she says yes and I don't have to deal with that. Now get up we doing one more round of shots. And you can't use your left foot at all."
"Fine then you can't use your right. Whoever misses more has to take the winner to lunch."
"You're on."

Later that night when Kyra returned she has a bouquet of flowers and chocolates awaiting her.
"What's all this Laur?"
"I just wanted to get you something special!"
"Aww thank you I love it!!"
"Listen I wanted to ask you something but I just want you know you don't have to say yes."
"Okay go ahead"
"I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend? I've loved living here with you, being your teammate, but more importantly I've loved to get to know you. You are so special to me. Your personality is hilarious and you never fail to make me laugh. I'd love to make this official if you want to."
Kyra paused for a while making me nervous before she whispered back
"I'd absolutely love to" and then she kissed my cheek.
"Oh my god yes! I was so nervous you would say no" I laughed
"I know I'm sorry I keep saying I want to take it slow it's just you got out of a relationship I wanted to make sure you were fully over. But then on top of that we are teammates and roommates. I didn't want to rush anything and ruin all that. But I'm really happy with you and I don't think there's anything I'd like to do more than be your girlfriend."
I had a huge smile as I saw her walk towards me and wrap her arms around my neck. I leaned in and kissed her. We pulled apart both grinning like idiots.

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