Chapter 17

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A few weeks had passed and we were finally off to Ireland for the games ( and Katie's engagement) which she was still completely oblivious towards.  Caitlin had met my family a few times before, but it was Kyra's first time. I knew she was nervous. I was also a little nervous because with Abby I only told my parents and sister Ella about her initially until Katie found out. Now I would be introducing Kyra to my whole family and most of them thought she was my first real relationship.  

As we got off the plane Katie and Caitlin led the way towards baggage claim where my parents were waiting for us. I grabbed Kyra's hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze and quick kiss on her cheek before we were in front of my parents. 

I heard my mom before I saw her as she clearly saw Katie and I first and came running over grabbing the two of us into massive hugs so tight causing Katie and I to be very uncomfortably squished next to each other.

"Hi ma" we both said

"Hi my babies, I missed you both!"

As we turned to hug our dad, my mom went to give Caitlin a big hug leaving Kyra standing awkwardly in the back.  Katie gave me shove and nodded in her direction to try and get me to introduce Kyra to everyone. Right. I'm bad at this. 

 "Uh Ma, Pa this is Kyra my um girlfriend. She plays for Arsenal too and is from Australia."

"Lauryn we watch every game. We know she plays with you. Come here Kyra it is lovely to meet you." I watched as my Ma gave Kyra a hug and saw Katie and Caitlin snickering at my embarrassment.  

My dad grabbed some of our bags and we all headed to our car which again Katie and I were forced to squish together in third row of seats since according to our mom our guests shouldn't have to climb all the way back there. 

I warned Kyra that she was going to meet my whole family as soon as we arrive since Katie and I really only had today off before practices started. Caitlin, Kyra, and our mom were going to explore around Dublin tomorrow while Katie and I were at practice, but today was a huge welcome back party at our house. 

As soon as I walked into the house I was quickly tackled by one of my brothers whose idea of a welcome back was to wrestle. 

"Come on Kyra I'll introduce you to everyone while shes busy." Katie said walking over my brother and I rolling on the floor.

"Are they always like that?" I heard Kyra ask staring at us

"Yep. Welcome to the fam!" 

I finally pushed him off of me and caught up to Kyra. "Sorry about that. He's an idiot. I'll introduce you to the siblings I actually like." I yelled loud enough so he heard me.

After a LOT of introductions we all settled in and we were just joking around as a big family. It made me so happy. I didn't realize how much I missed us all being together until now. I also noticed Kyra starting to settle in a little bit and even cracked a joke or two, yeah maybe they were at my expense, but it made my family laugh and it made her more comfortable. I grabbed her hand and smiled brightly at her. I saw two of my older sisters give each other a look, which I made sure to completely ignore. 

A few hours later most of my siblings were headed out all promising to come for my debut game as they said goodbye. Katie and Caitlin headed to Katie's old room leaving just me, Kyra, and my sister Ella left. Ella and I shared a room, so it would be the three of us in the room tonight, making me a little jealous of Katie having her own room. As Kyra went to the bathroom to get ready for bed I turned towards Ella.

"Is everything in place at the restaurant?"

"Yeah we got all of the decorations already. I'll go set them up the morning of your game. I'm sorry I can't watch your debut I have to pick Caitlin's mom and sister up from the airport during it."

"I know its okay. I think Katie's engagement is just as if not more important. Plus you've seen more of my games then anyone else probably."

"Score for me yeah?"

"I promised Kyra I'd score for her first. Not sure if I got two goals in me on my debut."


"Yeah I know its only been a little over a month since we've been official, but I really like her."

"I like her too. You guys seem good together."

"Thanks El" I said blushing a little, but before the conversation could continue Kyra walked back in and snuggled in next to me.

"No funny business over there tonight got it?"

"Yeah yeah whatever El"

"I'm serious." She said in a tone which scared Kyra way more than it did me.

"Okay we got it goodnight."

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