Prologue: Sympathy For Y/N

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2013 (Y/N and Lara Age 21):

"LARA HANG ON, I'VE GOT YOU!" Y/N called out as he held Lara's hand in on hand while holding onto the boats ledge while the rest of the group started trying to help them up. Lara climbed up on to Y/N's back and helped him up onto the ledge as he caught his breath. "LIFE BOATS THIS WAY!"

They all started running as fast as they could until Y/N and Lara noticed the huge wave approaching the ship. 

The wave crashed into the side of the ship, sending both Y/N and Lara flying over the side and into the sea. As Y/N hit the water he practically curled up into a ball until he felt the water hit him he immediately fought his way to the surface, taking a huge gasp of air and looking for Lara. The waves continued to hit him in the face as he looked around, until he saw her surface for a brief second, heading towards a cluster of rocks, Y/N swam as fast as he could over to Lara before seeing she was barely conscious, he wrapped one arm around her while using the other to try and control their movement but the waves were too powerful and swept them both into a huge rock, Y/N held Lara in front of him and took the hit from the rock, being knocked out by the impact.

1998(Y/N and Lara Age 6):

Y/N Price awoke that morning with a raging headache. He looked at the clock and saw that he had ten minutes until school started, he sat up in his small bed and looked out of the window to see that the car was gone.

"And Dad's gone to work, crap." Y/N muttered to himself as he stood up and was quick to get washed and dressed before grabbing his belongings.

He was headed towards the door until he heard a voice.

"Y/N, don't forget the groceries on the way back." Y/N's mother called out.

"Okay, have you got a tenner for them?" Y/N called out as he heard a sigh.

"Use your own money." She answered. "What am I a banker?"

Y/N sighed before stepping out of the house.

"Well you were one letter out." Y/N muttered to himself as he checked his watch and started running to the nearest school bus stop, he arrived just in time to see the bus pull away. "Bollocks!"

Y/N checked his watch, 4 minutes.

He started running as fast as he could, running two city blocks until he rounded a corner and heard the sound of the school bell sounding, he saw a teacher closing the gate over, the only way in would be to check in late at reception, and there was no way he was going to do that again, not after last time. He looked at the small wall near the field with a small tree line around it.

He made his way over to the wall and looked around to make sure no one was watching. The coast was clear, he climbed up onto the top of the bus shelter and jumped for it clearing the wall and landing on the other side, he quickly ran to the fence surrounding the field and climbed over it before rushing to his class line in the yard, managing to sneak to the back of the line.


"Yes sir!" Y/N answered as the teacher looked at him.

"All right you lot, time for PE." The Teacher said as Y/N sighed.

"Give me a break, I'm knackered." Y/N muttered under his breath as he heard a small laugh from his friend Henry.

"Late again Price?" Henry asked as Y/N nodded.

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