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Y/N stirred awake, pain enveloping his head as he looked around to try and figure out where he was, he stood up and fell to the floor before checking his surroundings, he shook his head and felt the back of his head, feeling a dampness on his hair, he looked at his hand and saw blood.

"Shit." Y/N remarked as he sat down and pulled a few supplies from his satchel before applying first aid to his head. He put his hat back on before checking his ammo and started walking through the caves, picking up a bone and wrapping a small bandage around it before lighting it on fire, he walked through the cave with the torch in hand, illuminating the darkness.

He made his way through the cave with his gun drawn, he stepped around the corners with his gun drawn, making sure to check his corners, he continued walking through the cave until he found himself on a beach, he looked up at the mountain where Jason's base was.

"Fuck." Y/N muttered to himself as he put out the torch and threw it away and into the water, he holstered his gun and started making his way through the forest.

"Lara!... Where the hell are you?"

"Oh no! What's happening?" Lara said panicking.

"We're under attack! We need help!" Reyes said with gunfire in the background of the call.

"Damn it, no! I've got to get back there!" Lara remarked to herself as she made her way back to the beach base camp, she heard mercenaries in the bushes nearby.

"We shouldn't be here." A Merc said as he and his friend walked past her.

"No shit. But we got no choice."

"Those outsiders holed up on the beach. Why aren't we going there?" Another Merc said as he held his AK-47.

Lara navigated her way through the forest, reaching the beach ad assisting in killing the mercs who were attacking the camp.

"Watch out, they're on the pier! Oh shit! Fire! Fire! This boat is mine, you sons of bitches! I'll be damned if I'm giving this thing up! Jonah! Help! Where are you? Goddammit. Alright, fuckers, is this all you got? They're retreating!"

"Reyes, you hurt?" Lara asked as Reyes showed her wounded arm. "Here."

Lara handed her a bandage.

"Thanks... Seriously. I thought that was it for me." Reyes said as she took the bandages and applied first aid to herself.

"There's no sign of them..." Jonah said as he looked around.

"What happened?" Lara asked.

"During the attack, Whitman took Sam and they disappeared." Reyes explained as Lara paused for a moment in realisation.

"He's taken her back to Mathias." Lara surmised.

"We should have listened..." Reyes lamented.

"Fuck!" Lara cursed as she looked around at the place.

"I should've listened." Reyes said as Lara thought for a moment.

"So what's our next move?" Jonah asked as Lara tried to think of a plan.

"The boat's fixed now. We should get help." Reyes said as Lara looked at the wrecked ships.

"I bet they thought that too." Lara remarked.

"Look, you were right about Whitman but-" Reyes began but Lara cut him off.

"You've seen the storms. They target any craft that comes near. There were scientists here during World War II, and they believed the storms were controlled by something in a ritual chamber near the monastery. Look. I don't have all the answers, but Sam being taken, I know it's linked. And if we try to leave here without understanding why, then we'll all die. Just like the pilots, just like Roth..." Lara explained as she looked Reyes in the eyes.

"Look. Whatever's happening here, Lara deserves a shot." Jonah stated as Reyes shook her head.

"We can't go back to their stronghold, it'd be suicide." Reyes said as Lara looked her in the eyes.

"They won't take her there. They'll take her to the ritual chamber. We can use this inlet to get closer. Look... I know you want to get home to your daughter, believe me. I do. But the fight's not over yet. I'm not asking you to believe, Reyes, I'm asking you to trust." Lara said as she looked at them, Reyes paused for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Let's get this thing in the water!"

They all set to work on lowering the PT boat into the water...

Two Survivors [Lara Croft x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now