The Captain's Story...

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Diary of Captain John Price, Yamatai expedition:

Day 3:

Me and the crew have been stuck on this island for three days now, Croft was right, I'm just glad he isn't here to know I wrote this. Me and the men have been trying to send a message to the outside world but nothing is getting out, we're going to try the radio tower on the mountain in the morning.

I just hope Y/N is okay, this is the last expedition I go on for some time, at least until he's old enough to come with me. I want to spend time with him. I've noticed he has a bit of a thing for Richards girl, Lara, I don't know if Richard knows about it or not, but I have a sneaking suspicion she feels the same. The Pair of them together are shaping up to be brilliant historians, I'm so proud of Y/N. 

Day 4:

We tried the radio tower today and we got through to someone, we've set up an LZ and prepared for exfil. We'll come back more prepared next time. Looking forward to  seeing Y/N again.

Day 5:

The Plane crashed, it was hit by lightning, just like our plane. The rain has hardly let up in the time we've been here, reminds me of home. One of the new faces on the Expedition, Smith, he's been growing more irrational recently, he returned to camp yesterday covered in blood and carrying a half eaten snake.

We're going to try another mayday signal tomorrow.

Day 16:

Something is seriously wrong with this island, every single rescue vehicle that's come for us has crashed because of unnaturally viscous weather, or other strange occurrences, most of them have been struck by lightning, I've never been superstitious, but even I can see that this place is not natural. 

Morale among the men is low, I've had to help Smith break up three fights today.

Day 28:

Some of the men have reported hearing voices in at night in the trees and bushes, I think that hunger is starting to get to some of us. 


This place is unravelling fast, Smith has resorted to sleeping with a baseball bat next to him at nights.

Day 29:

Samson claimed he saw someone today, not a member of this group. He ran back to camp claiming that he approached them but heard something behind him, he turned to look at the noise and when he turned back to talk to the person, they were gone, with no trace of them. He said the person looked like a woman with black hair dressed in white robes.

Day 31:

Something isn't right on this island, I can't deny it, I don't know what it is, but it's got the men terrified. Jameson came back from hunting yesterday shouting about a Samurai attacking him and he had just about made it out with his life.

Smith is starting to grow more violent in breaking up fights, he hit Johnson with that Baseball bat he keeps with him.

It's been a month since we crash landed here, and things seemingly keep going from bad to worse. First the rations run out, then the escape plans all crash and burn in more ways than one, and now I'm certain that there is someone on this island with us, as much as I doubt it's a Samurai, I wouldn't put it past our bad luck to make that the case.

Day 48:

Smith has finally snapped, he brained Jameson with the baseball bat and left, some of the men went with him, joining him. 

Day 56:

We've had to fortify camp recently, Smith has been sending some of the men to attack us and steal our supplies, some of us have been injured in the attacks.

Day 101:

I'm the only one left, the rest have all gone and joined Smith, or they've been killed by Smith's men, the elements or starvation. We've spent the past few weeks building a raft to try and escape and I've figured out what's stopping us, the lightning, if I can find some metal poles to put on the side of the raft to attract the lightning away from the actual raft, maybe I can sail away from the island.

Day 111:

Smith and his men have spent the past six days trying to hunt me, I've sought refuge in a cave, I'm going to let the heat die down and then try to make my escape. I just hope Y/N's fine. 

I killed ten of his men yesterday, and another ten the day before that, but each new shipwreck brings more people willing to fold to him, he has at least 100 people now.

Day 112:

I killed another 15 men today, someone them have started setting traps and building outposts.

Day 117:

I've escaped the island, I had to raid one of Smith's outposts today, killed everyone inside and took what I could carry, I encountered Smith and damn near killed him before his backup arrived, luckily I got out of the outpost and fled from Smith and his men, reaching the raft and managing to navigate the storm, the poles on the raft worked. As soon as I reach civilization I'll try and contact Y/N or someone who can help.

Day 121:

Y/N and Jess are dead, they were killed by someone, shot three times each according to my contact, Richard is dead too. I don't know who's behind it but I'm going to find out who did it and I'm going to kill every last person who was involved in it.

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