A Debt...

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Y/N was at the bottom of the mountain upon which Jason's main base was situated.

"I'm coming for you, Cunt." Y/N remarked as he thought for a moment...

A Few Years Earlier, Afghanistan:

"Moving up!" The Soldier called out as he rushed up the street with his weapon in hand, taking cover.

"Sergeant, hang back, wait for back up!"  The Major called out as the soldier looked back at them.

"Bollocks to that." the lone soldier said as he was held back by his CO.

"You don't have a weapon, and there's a large number of hostiles between you and those men, you're no good to anyone dead."

"We're no good to them with our thumbs up our arses either... sir." The soldier said, the last word being said with venom in it.

"You will hang back, that is an order Sergeant!" The major snarled as the soldier looked him in the eyes.

There was a long pause as the soldier thought for a moment.

"Get the fuck off of me." The soldier said as he shoved the major's hand from his shoulder and vaulted the cover and sprinted to the next bit of cover, making sure he was undetected by the patrolling hostiles, the soldier climbed up a nearby pipe and shimmied along a washing line, passing over the patrol below until he eventually passed over a wall, they dropped onto the wall and then onto the floor, crouching low as they crept into an abandoned school that was being used by the hostile forces.

As the Soldier crept through the entrance, they heard voices approach, immediately he took cover behind a stack of ammo and weapons crates.

"hal tahdith alsajinu?" One of the enemies asked his friend.

"la, lam yaqul kalimatan wahidatan. hsnan bialnisbat lay, 'iinaha 'akthar muteatan kulama talat almudata." Another hostile answered.

"hal taetaqid 'ana ladayh 'aya shay' dhi qimatin?" The first man asked as his friend laughed.

"la, lakiniy la 'ahtami, 'astatie 'an 'ushahidah wahu yartabiku, qimat altarfih kafiatan bialnisbat li." The second man said as he laughed.

The Lone soldier waited for the enemies to pass before looking at the weapon crates and seeing that they had an alarm on them, he couldn't steal a weapon from them without alerting the hostile force. He decided to remain quiet and make his way through the school, keeping low and when necessary, hiding. As he was approaching one of the classrooms he heard voices approaching and quickly hid in one of the lockers, he waited for the enemies to pass him. As the men passed him he held his breath and allowed them to pass before stepping out of the locker and looking around, he moved through the rest of the corridors before walking out of the school when he heard pained yells from across the street.

The Soldier moved up to a nearby wall and took cover, peaking out from his cover and checking that the coast was clear before crossing the street, taking cover behind a wall and peaking out, spotting two hostiles on the front gate, he looked around for a way into the building before spotting a pipe leading to the top floor window. The soldier skirted along the wall before climbing up and over, taking cover against the building wall, checking he was clear before climbing the pipe up to the top floor window, he opened the window before entering, checking the coast was clear, he started creeping through the corridors of the building, hugging the walls and shadows as he moved, picking up a brick and holding it in case he needed to use it as a weapon.

As he moved through the corridor, the soldier could hear yells coming from a room, it sounded like someone was being interrogated.

"'ayn baqiat rijalika?!"

"sakhif 'umuk fi alsarir 'ayuha aleudw altanasuliu alniswi!" A response came and the soldier immediately recognised it, It was his Squad-mate.

The soldier quietly smashed a piece of a mirror off of the nearby bathroom wall and sued it to look under the door, seeing their comrade tied to a chair with their feet in an ice cold bucket of water and wires attached to them. A scream of pain came from the room as the guards electrocuted the lone soldiers comrade. 

"'ant taleab luebatan khatiratan ya sadiqi. 'akhbirni bima 'urid wa'iilaa sa'adturu 'iilaa mujarat al'amri... wa'ant la turid dhalika."

The Soldier looked around before seeing a fire alarm, he activated it and hid as the guards all rushed out of the room to investigate the alarm, immediately the soldier rushed in to find their comrade breathing heavily.

"Alright, come on lad, let's get you home."

"Roth? Is..."

"It's me, Y/N. Can you walk?" Roth asked as he looked at Y/N's feet.

"I can just about walk, yes sir." Y/N said as Roth nodded.

"Come on then, let's go." Roth said as he heard a voice on the other side of the door, a gun barrel poked through the door way and Roth disarmed the Soldier before turning on the electricity and holding their head under the water as the electricity flowed through it. "Come on."

Roth grabbed the soldiers weapons and led the way, helping Y/N walk, he placed Y/N behind cover before shooting three guards he took cover and crouched down before peaking out again and shooting another four guards, he picked Y/N up and started helping him walk again, as Roth cleared the building of guards he gathered ammo from his fallen enemies.

"This is Sergeant Roth, does anybody read me over?"

"Sergeant, your Major says you've gone AWOL, where are you?"

"About two streets East from where I left the major, currently pinned down in an enemy stronghold, I've cleared it of hostiles but preparing for a counter attack, I could really do with some assistance, I'm gonna start digging in for a siege over. I've got Corporal Price with me."

"Copy, sending nearby forces to your position. How copy?"

"Affirmative, will stand by for back up, over and out!" Roth said as he took Y/N to a small room and gave him a pistol. "Any hostile who comes through that door you shoot, if the worst happens, take as many with you as possible."

Before Y/N could answer Roth had left, taking up a defensive position and digging in. Y/N was sat in the room as he heard gunfire erupt from the corridor outside.

"Come on you bunch of bastards!" Roth yelled out as he started fighting off the waves of enemies until eventually backup arrived.

"Where is he?" a familiar voice said as Roth opened the door.

Y/N watched as in walked five men, one of them wearing a mask, but he knew them all, they were friends of his father.

"Bloody 'ell. Roth, you're with us, we're getting the kid out of here." The leader of the group said as Roth nodded, approaching Y/N and picking him up as the men looked at Y/N.

"We've got you son, you're gonna be okay now." The leader of the men, the one wearing the mask, said as he helped Y/N out to an armoured car that was in the street.

As Y/N sat opposite Roth he looked at the man.

"Thank you... Sergeant Roth." Y/N said as Roth simply nodded.

"Don't mention it lad." Roth said humbly as Y/N closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Present Day:

Y/N looked up the mountain at the compound on top, something within him ignited, everything that had happened recently boiling over as he looked at Roth's military dog tags that he had taken from his body.

"I'll get 'em sir, that's a promise." Y/N said as he put the tags in his satchel before starting his climb up the mountain...

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