That's Red she's badass: Charlie

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: Muggle

Happens: As adults in a nonmagical world

Warnings: fighting, cursing, 

Posted on: 02/11/2024

"Who is he?" 

"Oh, that's Charlie, Charlie Weasley... He's cute isn't he?"


"You should go talk to him!"

"No way!"

"Okay, but you'll regret it..."

And I did regret it...

After graduation, Charlie moved to Romania to work. Everyone knew he would thrive there. I constantly kick myself for not talking to him while at school—especially that day in my first year. 

Years passed and I joined the military. A war happened. Eventually, I came home and let things go back to normal. Well as normal as they could get.


I smile at the regulars who walk into the bar.

"Fred, George! Welcome in," I say with a smile and the twins smile at me and sit at the bar in front of me.

"Hey, Red! How are you doing?" Fred asks leaning his cane against the bar. During the war, one of Fred's legs got crushed. He would've died if I hadn't run and tackled him. Both of our left legs got crushed. His suffering more than mine did.

"I'm doing amazing, how are you two doing? How's your leg, Freddy?" I ask.

"Oh, my leg is getting better every day! Finally only using a cane instead of the arm crutches!" Fred says and I smile.

"That's wonderful! What about you Georgie? How is Angelina doing?" I ask.

"Oh, she's been nauseous a lot lately but other than that we are good," George explains.

"Is she pregnant? I know morning sickness can be a bitch" I ask and George looks at me stunned.

"Yeah, she is... how do you know what morning sickness is like?" George asks.

"I have a son boys," I say as if it's obvious.

"What's his name?" Fred asks.

"Sawyer, I talk about him constantly," I say and laugh as the realization hits their faces.

"We thought he was a pet, not a kid," Fred says and I laugh louder.

"Nope, he's an actual child. He is hitting double digits in about a week and a half." I say with a smile.

"So are you married?" George asks.

"No, his father passed away in the war... we were going to get married that next year," I say with a sad smile.

"Ah, I'm so sorry Red" Fred says.

"Oh, it's okay, I've learned to live with it," I say.

"Have  you thought about dating?" George asks.

"Oh no, I don't think anyone would want to date a woman with a ten-year-old. Sawyer always begs me to go out on dates and tries to set me up with his school friends' parents when he finds out they are also single. He means well but I don't think anyone would be truly interested in me" I say and the twins nod.

"What if we found someone for you?" Fred asks.

"Yeah! We can ensure they are a good person and send them your way if we approve." George adds.

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