Chapter 1

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"Mom, I just want to dance on the stage!" I cried out.

"I know, but you have to get the money to pay for the things you need for the tour," my mom said and I sighed.

"What your mom is trying to say is that you have to pay for the tour," my dad said.

"You can go if you get the money. I bet your father would love to perform with you and get some father daughter time," my mom said.

"The Kingston's are looking for a babysitter for their 2 kids," my dad recommended.

"Dad, don't they have their 18 year old son?" I asked him.

"Yes, but they don't trust him with their 2 month just yet," my dad said and my mom just giggled.

"I'm the same age as him. Do you really think they want me to help out when I'm a complete stranger to them," I said as I opened the fridge.

"You know them, they're your father's friends and besides they pay really well," my mom said as I grabbed a water bottle.

"I'm going to go ask them, I'll be right back," I said.

"Alright, hurry because you have dance!" my mom yelled and I was already out the door. I hopped into my car and drove up to the rich part of LA. The Kingston's are rich because their dad is a director and their mom is a producer. They made the most awesomest movies ever!

I got out and rang the doorbell and took a deep breath and Mrs. Kingston answered the door and she smiled.

"Hi Gianna! What are you doing here?" She asked me as she gestured me inside their home.

"Hi Mrs. Kingston, I came here to ask you for the babysitting job," I said as I walked into the house.

"Call me Kate, Mrs. Kingston sounds to old," Kate said and chuckled and I did too.

"Gianna!" I heard a yell and saw Finn their 6 year old run over towards me and I picked him up.

"Hey Finn, how's school?" I asked. Finn is a kindergartener and I know him because I volunteered at his school because of a program I did at the beginning of senior year for credit.

"Good, what are you doing here?" Finn asked as I set him down.

"I'm here to apply for the job as your babysitter," I said and he jumped up and down.

"And she got the job," Kate said as she shut the door.

"How's Brooklyn doing?" I asked. Brooklyn is their newest baby and I think last baby. She's only 2 months and the cutest little baby ever!

"She's doing well, Jax and I are actually going to a movie premier at Las Vegas and I was wondering if you could come on Friday night and spend the night and leave Saturday afternoon," Kate said.

"I can do that! Thank you so much for giving me this job," I said.

"No problem, I heard your trying to raise money to head on tour with your dad and aunt to dance all over the country," Kate said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I have to get that money in a month's time and if I don't then I'll be watching my dad perform a show then he'll be gone. I want to perform with him one last time before I leave off to college in September," I said and smiled.

"Thank you so much for doing this. I guess we'll see you on Friday?" Kate asked and I nodded then left the house.
I packed my toiletries then put them into my backpack and sat down on my bed. I got up then grabbed my bag and went downstairs to pack some snacks for Finn. I grabbed another smaller bag and packed some snacks then I was ready to go.

"Call me if you need anything and I'll come over. Be careful with the kids and make sure you follow the rules," my mom said and I nodded.

"Don't burn anything down," my 13 year old little brother Ross said to me.

"Just don't be rude to mom or don't cause her stress because she's worried about me enough," I said then ruffled his hair.

"Okay, we'll be good," my 8 year old little brother Mason said.

"Good, bye and say bye to dad when he gets home," I said and they nodded then I set my bag in the back seat of the car and drove off to the Kingston's.

I got there and the parents were running out the house.

"All the contact information is on the counter and dinner is being made by our personal chef and their night time routine is on the counter as well. Liam is going out tonight so he'll be a bit late," Kate said and I nodded.

"Thank you so much Gianna. Have fun with the kids tonight," Jax said and I smiled then went inside. I went into the kitchen to see the kids eating and they were right on schedule.

"Thank you so much chef..." I started to say.

"Chef Lucas, no problem I thought I would help out a bit. You want anything to eat?" Lucas asked.

"Yes please, I would really appreciate that a lot," I said and he nodded then handed me a plate of pasta and I thanked him and sat down next to Finn.

"What are we going to do after dinner?" Finn asked me with his mouth full.

"Well you get to watch a movie while I feed Brooklyn and put her to sleep. Then you can take a bath and we can have a snack," I said and he smiled. I put on Aladdin for him and went upstairs to see Brooklyn crying her eyes out. I picked her up and fed her some milk as I rocked her on the rocking chair.

"Shh, it's okay Brooklyn. I gotcha don't worry," I said as I rocked her to sleep. She fell asleep and I put her back into her crib and tucked her in with her tiny blanket.

I then grabbed Finn and did the rest of his schedule then put him to bed and he just passed out and I was happy that he fell asleep on his own.

"I'm heading out, if you need anything help yourself to the fridge. I'll be here at 6 am sharp," Lucas said.

"See ya then, bye Lucas," I said and he waved then went out the door.

Hey cookies! I hope you enjoy this book and this is the sequel to I've Missed That Much?! I hope you guys read that then this book but its not mandatory. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love you guys! Happy Reading! <3

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