Chapter 12

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I'm traveling back to LA for Christmas with my family! My parents own a house in New York and LA since we travel back and forth so much but we're have Christmas in LA because of my aunts and my mom and dad's friends.

The tour was amazing and I had so much fun and I'm over Liam. I might see him since my parents are friends with him. This Christmas might just turn into hell.

"See you in a month, be careful and text me when you land." Bianca said to me. Bianca is my best friend here in Juilliard and she's amazing! Since I don't have Abby or Amber here it's just been Bianca and I.
"It's nice to be in sunny weather again." I mumbled as I slipped on my sunglasses.

"Gianna!" I heard someone yell and I look over my shoulder to see Abby and Amber attack me.

"Hi!" I said as I hugged them.

"It's so good to see you G! I really missed you and your perfect dancing feet!" Abby said and I hugged her.

"I hope you still have those amazing feet that you are gifted with." Amber said and I laughed and hugged her too.

"C'mon lets get going, I know you haven't seen your aunts and uncles in awhile." Abby said and I nodded and we grabbed my things and went to the car.
"Why are we here?" I asked as we parked in a driveway.

"Your parents liked Liam's neighborhood so your LA house is right next door to Liam." Amber said as we got out of the car. I forgot to mention I haven't been to the LA house. This really is going to be hell.

I look out my window to see her light brown hair flip in slow mo and she looks just as gorgeous as I last saw her.

"Liam, are you okay?" My friend Sage asked and I faced him again.

"Yeah, why?" I asked as I faced him.

"You just died..." Sage said as he paused the game.

I got up from my window seat and sat next to Sage and munched on a chip.

"Bro, what's wrong with you?" Sage asked me and I sighed.

"Gianna's in town for Christmas, when we last saw each other she saw Jas text me." I explained as I combed my hair with my fingers.

"Gianna isn't the same girl as she was 6 months ago. She's a mature adult for god sake, Liam. If she's still not over it I don't know how she's gonna get in a relationship." Sage said as he went back to his game.

"Liam I need you to go deliver something for me!" I heard my mom yell and I groaned and got up off the floor and went downstairs.

"What's up mom?" I asked as I sat on top of the counter.

"Liam get off the counter, can you go give the Hough's my casserole? I remember Bethany loved it so I thought as a friend I would make her something nice." My mom said as she took off her apron as picked up Brooklyn.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked as I sat down on the barstool.

"I need to watch over Brooklyn and Finn." My mom said as she sat down on the couch with Brooklyn in her arms.

"I can watch them for you." I said and she just gave me that look that's like 'you know I don't trust you with your younger siblings for more than a second' kind of look.

"Liam, you know I don't trust you with Brooklyn and Finn especially while Sage is here." My mom said.

"Good choice mama K!" I heard Sage yell and I sighed then picked up the dish and walked out the door. I sighed then walked next door.

What kind of best friend and mom do I have? Stupid Sage and stupid mom...

We heard the doorbell and we all stopped talking for a second.

"Gianna can you get that?" My mom asked from the kitchen and I got up off the couch and walked to the door and opened it to see Liam.

"Liam... Hi." I said and he smiled at me.

"Didn't expect you to be in town." Liam said.

"I just got here, not to be rude or anything but why are you here?" I asked and he flashed back into reality and his ears turned a shade of pink.

"Oh, my mom wanted me to drop off this casserole for your mom since she likes it so much." He said as he handed me the dish.

"Thanks, we really appreciate it tell your mom thanks for us." I said and he nodded.

"So, how's New York?" Liam asked.

"It's good, how's things here for you?" I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"They're good, I just wanna tell you that Jas isn't someone I was hooking up with." Liam blurted.

"Liam we have already been through this. We're not even dating anymore so why does it matter?" I asked him.

"I wanted to tell you, I felt like you needed to know that Jasmine is my best friend that I've known since we were kids. She's gay so we don't have feelings for each other." Liam said and I looked down to my feet.

"Liam, I found-" I started to say then I saw a car pull into my driveway and someone came out and I ran and hugged him.

"Hey babe, I missed you." My boyfriend Nick said and I kissed him.

"I missed you too." I said and hugged him again.

"Who's this?" Nick asked.

"Nick this is Liam and Liam this is my boyfriend Nick." I introduced and Liam looked hurt.

"Nice to meet you." Nick said and Liam just nodded.

"I'll see you guys around I need to get ready for dinner." Liam said and I nodded and he walked off.

"So he's the guy that cheated on you." Nick said and I gave him a tight smile.

"I'm with you now so that's all that matters." I said and he smiled and pecked my lips.

Hey cookies! I changed the schedule of my uploading a bit I'm going to upload whenever during the week. But only once a week since school is starting but I just want to get content out for you since some authors don't produce content that often. I don't want to abandon this book or you guys so I hope you enjoyed! Happy Reading! <3

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