Chapter 6

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I finished washing the last dish and put the rag down and took off my gloves. I then turned around to see Liam staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

"Who knew a LA girl knows how to wash dishes. Don't you have maids and butlers and cooks?" Liam asked with a smirk.

"No, not like you we do things ourselves. My parents think if we make other people do the things we should know how to do then we'll never know how to do them." I said.

"Look what I got!" Finn screamed as he ran into the kitchen holding a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure in his hand.

"Who got you that?" Liam asked as he sat down on a barstool.

"Let me go check!" Finn said then rushed out the room.

"Do you know who got it for him?" Liam asked and I just shrugged my shoulders and turned back around.

"It was Gianna!" Finn yelled and I turned around and smiled.

"It was me!" I said and he hugged me and I hugged him back.
"What are you going to do after college?" Liam asked me as we sat outside on a blanket.

"I'm going to Juilliard on a dance scholarship then I'm probably going to be a professional dancer like I am right now until I get old enough that I don't want to dance then open up a studio like my aunt. What about you?" I asked as I took a sip of my coke.

"I'm going to New York University on a soccer scholarship. I'm probably going to play professional soccer for awhile then have a family of my own and be a soccer coach or baseball coach." Liam said and I smiled.

"I want a family, I want one like mine where it's homey but classy. I want a relationship like my parents but that just goes up hill and not down. They had bumps in the road but they still loved each other." I said and he looked at me.

"I want my family to be homey and not like my family right now. I want my wife and I to come home and take care of the kids and have dinner together and laugh and do chores and just be happy as a family." Liam said.

"Same, I want to be happy and have a close bond with my family." I replied and he nodded. I checked my phone and stood up from the blanket.

"I should get going, thanks for the fun night of talking." I said.

"Yeah sure, I'll walk you to the door." Liam said and opened the back door for me and I stepped into the house.

"Are you leaving?" Finn asked and I nodded.

"It was such an awesome party and thank you so much for having me." I said and then he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"When are you coming back to babysit for us?" Finn asked.

"I don't know maybe sometime soon." I said and he nodded.

"How about this Saturday? You can take Finn and Liam out to a movie and dinner while I take Brooklyn to the doctors office and Jax goes to work." Kate said.

"Yeah! Let's do that!" Finn said and I nodded.

"Sounds great, I would love that." I said.

"Let's go upstairs and get you ready for bed." Kate said then took Finn upstairs and closed the door.

"I guess I'll see you and Finn on Saturday." I said.

"Bye." Liam said and I kissed his cheek then walked out the door.
"Amber, do you think I should break up with Jonah?" I asked.

"To be with Liam? You guys seem cute together so I think you should but that's based on your feelings." Amber said as she looked around in her closet.

"Maybe your right..." I mumbled.

"Ooh, this is a cute dress!" Amber gushed over a red dress.

"You know what I think I'm going to break up with Jonah." I said.

"Maybe I should wear these black heels to match the dress. But what kind of accessory would I wear?" Amber rambled.

"I'm going to break up with him, that's the right thing to do." I said as I stood up from the beanbag chair.

"Oh, I think this shirt goes really well with this skirt. Don't you think?" Amber asked me.

"Were you listening to me?" I asked her.

"Listening to what? I was talking about this dress." Amber said as she held up the red dress.

"I have to go, bye Ambs." I said then grabbed my purse and ran off.
"I get it, I'm going to stay in LA and you're headed of to NYC. I at least want to stay friends." Jonah said.

"Yeah me too, I hope you find someone who loves you a lot." I said.

"Me too, I hope you find someone great and I still care about you even if we broke up." Jonah said to me and I nodded in agreement.

"I still care about you too, I have to get going but call me if you need anything." I said and he nodded and I got up and grabbed my things and rushed out the door.
"I heard you broke up with Jonah today." My mom said as I was working on school.

"Yeah, it seemed like the right thing to do before our relationship got to far. I'm going off to New York and he's staying in LA." I said as I solved an equation.

"I'm home!" I heard my dad yell and he walked into the kitchen.

"Hi dad, how was work?" I asked him as I set my pencil down.

"Good, how was Finn's party?" He asked as he kissed my forehead.

"Good I guess, why are you home so early?" I asked.

"We had a half day rehearsal so I'm not working until 5 today." My dad said.

"Well I'm glad you get some time off of work to spend with the family." My mom said then pecked his lips.

"Are the kids still at school?" My dad asked and I nodded.

"Ross gets out at 2:50 and Mason gets out at 3:10." I said as I started my school work again.

"I guess Ross will be home soon and you're still working on school." My dad said and he poked my side and I started cracking up and he kept doing it to me.

I heard the door slam and we all quieted down. I heard a backpack drop then I knew it was Ross.

"Hey Ross, we're in the kitchen!" I called out and then Ross came into the kitchen.

"Hi mom, hi Gianna, hi dad. Wait dad?" Ross cried out confused.

"Don't be so surprised son." My dad said and he sat next to me.

"How's school going Gianna?" Ross asked with a smirk as he walked over to the fridge.

"Good, I went to a party and now I'm finishing up. I only had 2 hours of school today." I said then gave him an innocent smile.

"Whatever, at least I have friends to hang out with. You just dance and travel that's all you do with your life." Ross said to me.

"Both of you enough." My dad said as he stood up.

"She started it and she's alway little miss-" Ross started to say.

"Shh, please just hand me some plates and Gianna fill up those water cups." My mom cut off and I did what I was told to do.

Hey cookies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope everyone who celebrates the 4th of July had a fun but safe day! I surely did and I really hope you guys did too. Happy Reading!<3

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