Chapter 9

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"I'm moving to New York on Tuesday." I said to him and his face fell.

"Hold on, you're moving all the way to New York? But why?" Liam asked me.

"My mom is starting a design company there and I'm attending Juilliard but my mom wants us to move before we go on tour." I said as I took a sip of my milkshake.

"Can I get more lemonade?" Finn asked me and I nodded.

"But we have to wait for the waitress to come so we can ask her." I said to him and he nodded and started eating again.

"I can't believe your freaking moving." Liam said to me and I just looked at him confused.

"We're going to be seeing each other a lot anyways. I'm going to Juilliard and you're going to Columbia so it's not a huge deal." I explained and he just looked at his shoes.

"I'm not... I'm not going to Columbia." Liam said.

"Why not? I thought you were going there to attend school." I said to him as I munched on a fry.

"I just can't go to Columbia..." Liam said and I just stared at him. I was really really confused. What the hell was he talking about?

"I never got accepted." Liam said.


"You lied to me?" I asked him.

"Gianna I can-" Liam started to say but I cut him off.

"Save it, I should go. Bye Finn be safe on your way back home." I said then got up and left the diner.
I walked into the house and found my family sitting in the living room and I just stared at them.

"Gianna, come sit down." My mom said and I sat next to Ross.

"What's going on?" I asked and Mason wiped a tear off his face.

"Dad got in a car accident just a few minutes ago." Ross said as he stared off to space and I dropped my bag in shock.

"Where is he?" I asked as I stood up.

"He's in the hospital, your aunt is there and we were planning on going when you came home. Let's get going." My mom said and we all got up and ran to the car.
"Daddy!" I yelled and ran up to him and hugged him.

"I'm fine sweetheart just a broken arm." My dad said.

"I'm going to kill whoever did this to you." I said as I got up.

"Are you okay Derek?" My mom asked as she rushed in with Mason in her arms.

"I'll be right back." I said and Ross stopped me.

"Where are you going?" Ross asked me and I just huffed.

"I'm going to kill that son of a gun who did this to dad." I said and marched out of the room and marched back in.

"Who did this to you?" I asked and Ross just rolled his eyes.

"Room 67 right next door." My mom said as Mason hugged Derek.

I stomped next door and swung the door open to see the Kingston's.

"Gianna, what are you doing here?" Kate asked me as she rushed over.

"My dad got into a car accident and I'm guessing Liam was the one who caused that?" I asked and Jax just sighed.

"Is your dad alright?" Jax asked and I nodded.

"Just a broken arm, is Finn and Liam okay?" I asked and they both looked at each other.

"Liam is fine just a broken leg but Finn is in surgery right now." Kate said then broke into tears.

"Where's Liam?" I asked cautiously.

"He's... he's outside getting some fresh air. Could you possibly talk to him?" Kate asked me and I shrugged.
I stepped onto the balcony and saw Liam standing there with his crutches and he was looking off into space not realizing I was there.

"Liam?" I asked and he turned around to face me and his face softened. This wasn't the Liam I was use to.

"Hey Gianna, what are you doing here?" Liam asked me and I just looked at him.

"My dad got into a car accident so my family is here to see him." I said.

"Oh..." Liam said quietly.

"Liam I know it was you who crashed into my dad." I said and he just looked at me and I hugged him.

"I'm so sorry to put your dad at risk. I was being stupid and I didn't realize that Finn was in the car with me and I was making a really stupid decision." Liam said as he buried his face into my hair.

"Hey, at least everyone is fine." I said and he looked down at me and his brown eyes sparkled.

"I killed a mom and one of her kids..." Liam mumbled and I took a step back from him.

"A kid died and their mom too?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm getting sued by the dad and he's a lawyer that doesn't help me at all." Liam said and combed out his hair with his hand.

"Everything will turn out okay. You won't go to prison and everyone that got injured will heal." I assured him and he gave me a tight smile. I was happy to have Liam back in my life.
"Finn!" I heard Kate yell and I hopped up from my chair as we saw Finn being rolled to a room.

"Doctor Hayes will Finn be alright?" Jax asked eagerly and he had some worry in his eyes.

"Yes, he's going to be fine he just fractured some bones and broke a few ribs and also couldn't stop bleeding but we got it to stop but he's unconscious but you're allowed to see him." Hayes said and Kate let out a breath of relief.

"Let's go and see my poor baby boy." Kate said then carried Brooklyn into the room and Jax followed right behind them.

"C'mon let's see Finn." I said and he didn't get up from his chair.

"I... I can't see him. I almost killed him because I was such a dumb ass." Liam said to me and I sighed and sat back down.

"Look, you could've but he's not dead and now you can be a better older brother to see him and support him while you, him, my dad, and all the people that got injured heals. So you better get your butt in there because I bet he wants to have a brother by his side." I said and he nodded and we got up and walked into Finn's room.

Sorry this took so long to upload I just have been really busy packing. I won't be posting the whole week because I won't have Internet or computer or any technology available. Sorry I'm just heading off to camp but please be patient with me and while I'm on the car ride there I will surely be writing chapters because it's a while away. Thank you guys so much for understanding! Happy Reading! <3

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