Chapter 11

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"You know that anytime you think it's to hard you can go to home. I don't want you to think you need to be here." My dad said as I sat down.

"I know dad, you've told me 10 times now." I said as Kelsey my manger handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks Kels, do I have anything tomorrow?" I asked.

"Well the show at Idaho tomorrow night and that's about it." Kelsey said as she jotted something down on her clipboard.

"Don't even think about it." My dad said as he took a sip of his Pepsi.

"Dad, can't I be a be a normal girl for a day?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"Gianna, we have rehearsals from 8am to 12. Then we have lunch for an hour than practice on stage for 2 hours. Then we need to get your makeup and hair and wardrobe ready. We're to busy for your little explorations." My dad said as he got up.

"What about after the concert?" I asked and he turned back to me.

"It's late after the concert and the bus has to leave at a certain time for us to get at our next location." My dad said.

"Can't we at least stop at Walmart or Target to pick up a couple snacks and drinks?" I asked and he nodded then went outside.

"So, how was it?" Kelsey asked me as she plopped down next to me.

"It was fun I guess." I said as I played with the water bottle cap.

"Come on, how is it to be on your very first tour?" Kelsey asked as she took off her heels.

"It was amazing to perform again and to meet all of my fans." I said with a shrug as I propped my feet on the coffee table.

"Hey no converse on the table. You, Amber, and I need to keep this place in order." Kelsey said and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you like the tour bus mom?" I asked and she glared at me and I just laughed. Then Amber came into the tour bus and I got up and hugged her.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me that your a backup dancer!" I yelled and she laughed and I hugged her again.

"Someone's at the door for you Gianna!" I heard my bodyguard James yelled and I looked at the girls and they just shrugged. I put on an oversize sweatshirt and went outside to see Liam!

"Hey!" I said then hugged him and he kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the show I had something come up." Liam said and I nodded.

"It's fine I-" I started to say but got cut off by his phone ring.

"Sorry it's a text from a friend." Liam said and I looked at his phone and it said Jas with a heart emoji!

That freaking cheater!

"You should go I see Jas misses you." I said as I backed up into the bus.

"Gianna it's not like that I'm-" Liam said but I cut him off.

"James scratch him and any Kingston off the list. If any Kingston comes near this bus kick them out." I said then ran into the bus and I heard Liam shout my name.

I got in and slammed the door and sat down on a couch and put my face into my hands. A tear slipped down my cheek and then it became a flood.
"That bastard keeps texting you, I swear I will kill him with my own 2 hands." Amber said as she looked at my phone and I just sighed.

I grabbed my phone and clicked on his name.

G: Stop texting me because I'm sick and tired of it. Don't even think about calling me or talking to me. I'm glad I'm moving to New York because I don't get to see your ugly and big head that's full of arrogance and stupidity!

I texted and I was tapping my screen so hard I felt like I was going to shatter the screen and I clicked send then went to his contact and blocked his number and set my phone down on the table.

"Girls, can I talk to Gianna alone please?" My dad asked as he entered the bus and they nodded and got out of the bus and my dad sat across from me and I looked up at him.

"Do you want me to go beat him up for you?" My dad asked and I chuckled as I wiped the tears off my face.

"You're not going to see him for a while so I think you can get over him." My dad said.

"I thought he was going to be different." I explained and he kissed my forehead.

"I have someone who wants to talk to you." My dad said then got up and pulled his phone out and it revealed my mom.

"Mom!" I said and she smiled and my dad handed me the phone.

"Hi Gianna, I know it's hard right now but it's going to get better. I love you and miss you so much and so do your brothers." My mom said and I smiled.

"I miss you and love you guys too." I said and she smiled.

"Be strong for me and I can't wait to see you soon. I love you so much and never ever forget that." My mom said and I nodded as tears streamed down my cheek.

"I love you too." I managed to speak out and she nodded and the call ended.

"I miss them so much dad." I said and he knelt down and hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I know G, I miss them too." My dad said and he took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling with water in his eyes.

"You should get going dad were leaving soon and I bet you need to get some rest." I said and he nodded and kissed my forehead and left the bus.

I put my head down and I started to cry a lot more and I sobbed and sobbed. I missed my mom as brothers.

Hey cookies! I will be uploading every Wednesday for this book so look out on Wednesdays for this book! I'm so sorry that I have to change up this schedule I just want to make sure I get this out there and that I can focus on school. I love you guys and I hope you understand. Happy Reading! <3

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