Chapter 5

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"Okay, now put that sticker on the goodie bag and then that's the bag." Kate instructed and I nodded.

"Thank you for helping me today. Jax is busy with the movie today. I'm suppose to be there but I can't for this and Liam is out somewhere." Kate said.

"No problem, Finn's a lucky little guy to have this huge party." I said as I put the sticker on.

"I know, we were just going to take him out for dinner but he wanted his friends over and have a party like Liam." Kate said.

"He's going to be a handful when he's a teenager." I said and she chuckled.
"Mason, please set the table. I have asked you 3 times now." My mom said as she washed her hands.

"In a second mom, I'm playing Destiny and I need to beat this." Mason said.

My mom walked over to him and took his controller and paused the game and set the controller down.

"I'm not going to ask you again Mason." My mom said and he groaned and got up.

"Gianna, can you help with the drinks?" My mom asked and I set down my phone and grabbed 5 cups and filled them up with water.

"Ross, come down here and help with dinner!" My dad called out and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"It's not my night to set up." Ross said with his earbuds in.

"It's not my night either but I'm helping out." I said and he just groaned.

"Mason Hough, I have told you to set the table 4 times now." My mom yelled and I looked over to the silverware still in a clump sitting on the table.

"Off the PS3 Mason, now." My dad said to him.

"Let me just finish this level!" Mason said as he played his game.

"You're grounded for 2 weeks now get off the game before I make it 3." My mom said to him.

My mom is nice and all but really impatient. She hates it when we're on our phones or PS3 or Wii when it's time for us to do our chore or job. Ever since she became a mom she's gotten a lot more responsible and she's trying to teach us that so is my dad.
"Happy Birthday Finn!" I said as he hugged me and he smiled.

"Thank you for coming over." Finn said then ran off to his friends.

"Who are you?" This little girl sassed.

"I'm Gianna a friend of Finn's mom. Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Alexa and I'm the most popular and prettiest girl here so back off. Finn is my boyfriend so stay out of the way." Alexa said and stomped away and I wanted to laugh so hard.

"He has some interesting friends you can say." Liam said behind me.

"Yeah, Alexa is pretty much a 7 year old diva." I said as we walked to the kitchen.

"Gianna! I'm glad you're here. Do you think you can go put this out on the table outside? Liam can you help her?" Kate asked and we nodded.

I took the bowl of the Mac and cheese then Liam took it for me and I smiled and he smiled back.

"This is the first birthday party Liam has been to for Finn." Kate said after Liam left the room.

"Really?" I asked as I helped Kate with the rest of the food.

"Yup, I didn't think he would be at home for this." Kate said as we carried the dishes to the backyard.

"Liam, hand me that meat so I can grill up." Jax said and he handed it to him.

"Ew meat, I'm a vegetarian." Alexa said and I wanted to choke her.

"Same here." These 2 girls said and I was guessing they were her minions.

"Well Alexa, Carly, and Lisa you can have some of the food at the table if you would not like to have meat." Kate said and Alexa glared and stomped away.

"Finn, do you really eat that disgusting food?" Alexa asked Finn and I wanted to tackle her so badly.

"Umm I...I" Finn stuttered.

"Finn, can you come here for a sec?" I asked him and he nodded and came over to me. I sat down on the bench and patted the bench to motion him to sit.

"You don't need to lie to her for her to like you. I don't think you should lie to her because if she really liked you then she wouldn't care." I told him.

"I never liked her anyways." Finn said and I laughed then ruffled his hair and sent him off.

"I like meat, I think it tastes really good." Finn said.

"You're so gross, I never liked you anyways." Alexa said.

"Then you can see yourself out the door. I don't care if you like me or not." Finn said and she huffed then stomped away.

It was like I was watching a teen drama right in front of my eyes.

"Girls!" Alexa yelled and Carly walked towards Alexa.

"Bye Finn, Happy Birthday." Lisa said then walked off and I saw Finn smile.
"Can we play truth or dare since we're done with lunch?" Caleb asked.

"If that's what Finn wants to do." I said as I ate my last chip.

"Yeah, lets play truth or dare!" Finn said.

"Okay, let's gather in a circle so we can play." Liam said and we all sat down on the grass and I was next to Liam and Finn and across from Jace.

"I'll go first! Liam, truth or dare?" Finn asked.

"Dare." Liam said as I sipped my water.

"I dare you to kiss Gianna." Finn said and the kids giggled while I was choking on water.

"But Liam has cooties." I managed to spit out.

"No girls have cooties." Liam argued.

"No! Boys have more cooties than girls you guys are gross." Maia argued and I chuckled.

"You have to do it, it's a dare!" Xavier said and the kids nodded.

I then kissed his cheek and he kissed mine and the kids glared at us.

"On the lips!" Caleb said and I rolled my eyes.

I then pecked his lips for a millisecond and the kids just glared again and Liam and I both just sighed.

"For at least 5 seconds!" Jacob said.

We kissed as the kids counted and there were butterflies in my stomach and I was shaking and I was nervous. What if he thought I was a horrible kisser!

"5!" The kids counted and we let go and the children giggled and I tackled Finn and he was just laughing.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry it came out later then expected. I was just really busy this week and I didn't really have a chapter idea so sorry if this sucks. But I hope you are enjoying this story so far and I want to tell you before hand that this is probably going to be like 20 or 25 chapters because this book is a short story. Happy Reading! <3

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