Chapter 3

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I looked around and pointed to myself and he nodded. I then stepped out on the front porch and closed the front door.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Can you not babysit on Tuesday night?" Liam asked me and I just stared at him.

"I have to because that's my job and why do you not want me babysitting?" I asked him.

"This girl is coming over for a date and I don't want you and my two siblings to mess this up." Liam said to me.

"Are you going to watch them then? This is my job and you can take her on a date somewhere else if you care about it so much. By the way, your not a good brother to them." I said then turned on my heel and walked back inside.

A few minutes later my dad came in with the groceries and I started helping them to put them away.

"Who was that boy you were talking to?" My dad suddenly asked and I stiffened.

"Liam Kingston, I hate him don't worry." I said to him.

"Why was he here?" My mom asked and I turned around from the cutting board.

"He didn't want me to babysit on Tuesday night because he's having a girl over at the house." I said.

"You have to babysit the kids because you need to get Kate and Jax's trust." My mom replied and I nodded.

"Should I call them and ask them what I should do?" I asked.

"Yes, why are you babysitting anyways?" My dad asked.

"The movie premier for Starlights that you guys are going to..." I said then groaned.

"You have to watch your brothers that night." My mom said as she moved around the kitchen.

"Can't they both go to a friend's house? Like I can take Mason with me but can Ross go to Mike's house or something?" I asked them.

"Yes! Let's do that let's have Gianna and Mason go to the Kingston's while I go to Mike's house!" Ross exclaimed.

"You are not going to Mike's house we all know what happened when you went over there the first time. You will go to aunt Laura and uncle Ross' house for the night." My dad said.

"Mason will be going too, I don't want Mason to be a distraction to you and the kids while you're babysitting." My mom said.

"I'm going to go call Kate." I stated then ran upstairs then called Kate.

"Hello?" Kate answered.

"Hi Kate, it's Gianna." I said as I sat on my bed.

"Hi Gianna, what can I do for you?" Kate asked me.

"Umm, Liam came over today and told me not to come over and babysit on Tuesday because he's having a girl over that night." I explained.

"Well, he's not having any girl over while you're watching the kids and while we're not there. Thank you so much for informing me and please come over on Tuesday to babysit." Kate said then hung up and I put down my phone on the bedside table and fell back onto my bed.
"Not just that but he's so into me!" My friend Amber said.

"Ambs, I know you might think that but it's not just about that." I said to her as I stacked up my books.

"What, do you think Liam doesn't like me anymore? Do you think he's going to dump me?" Amber freaked out.

Amber is my best friend ever since she started homeschooling with me in 10th grade. Amber is also dating the one and only Liam Kingston they met because Amber's mom and dad are actors and they were working with Liam's parents so they were brought on set a couple times.

"I don't think he would dump you Ambs, let me check out these books then we can head out." I said said as I picked up my books and went to the checkout line.

"Hi Gianna, how many books do you plan on taking on your trip?" Fiona the librarian asked.

"Just 2 the rest is for a research paper I have to write for school." I explained as she checked out my books.

"Where are you going again?" Fiona asked me.

"New York to perform on a talk show and also as a family trip." I said.

"Have fun, don't lose any of these books." Fiona said and I nodded then started going towards Amber again then I saw Liam.

I walked to the table and grabbed my backpack and stood up.

"You ready to go Amber?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go. But Liam why do we have to change where were going on our date?" Amber asked and I gulped.

"My parents don't want you over while my sibling's babysitter is over." Liam said and I glared at him.

"Okay, see you at the diner tomorrow." Amber said then kissed his cheek and we left the library.

"I wonder who the babysitter is..." Amber said to me.

"Amber, I'm the babysitter." I said a few seconds after the silence.

"What? You're the babysitter of his siblings?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, I needed a job to make money to go on tour with my dad. I don't like him in any sort of way so you don't need to worry. I'm also dating Jonah so I don't like him in that sort of way." I explained and she nodded.

"Sorry I'm just worried about him. He was out partying and he didn't invite me to go with him so I feel like he's cheating on me and also I found a lip gloss in the passenger seat last night and it was bubblegum pink. I don't wear bubblegum pink I wear coral pink!" Amber said.

"I know that you told me a billion times about your lip gloss. I have to get going to finish my research paper but I don't think you have to worry." I said and she nodded then I started walking home.

"Gianna!" I heard someone call out and I look to my left to see Jonah.

"Jonah! What are you doing here?" I asked as he pulled over.

"I was just stopping by, how's the money making going?" Jonah asked then pecked my lips.

Jonah is my boyfriend and he is a dancer that I met at the academy. We did some duets together and we also did a duet together when I was 6 and he was 8 we did a group dance together called Twilight.

"Hop in I'll give you a lift home." Jonah said and I smiled then got into his car.

Hey cookies! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile I had family over for the week and I didn't get the chance to write because I was spending time with them. But this chapter is all over the place and isn't my best chapter but I wanted to get something out there for you guys! The picture above is Liam Kingston who is played by Burkely Duffield. Hope you enjoyed and love you guys! Happy Reading! <3

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