Chapter 2

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I heard the front door open and I got up from the couch and grabbed the baseball bat I kept near me and snuck to the front door and charged.

"Ow!" I heard someone yell and it was Liam Kingston!

"I am so sorry! At least I didn't hit you in the head." I said as I put the baseball bat down.

"Who are you anyways?" Liam asked me as he rubbed his arm in pain.

"Gianna Hough; who are you?" I asked. Well I kind of lied because I knew who he was but I wanted it to look like I didn't know.

"Liam Kingston eldest child of the household. You must be the babysitter." Liam said.

"Aren't you a bit old to have a babysitter?" I asked him as I snuggled up against the couch.

"Haha, very funny. You're not here to babysit me." Liam said.

"Duh, you can go to your room now." I said.

"Are you really sleeping on the couch out of all the places in this huge house?" Liam asked me in a shocked way.

"Yeah, I'm here to babysit. I'm not a guest that needs a fancy room I can sleep on this couch where I will not get into trouble at." I said as I sat up.

"Suit yourself, how long are you here for anyways?" Liam asked.

"Until you parents get back because they don't trust you with your little brother or sister." I said.

"I'm not their babysitter. I shouldn't be their babysitter either." Liam argued.

"But your their older brother which is kind of a babysitter. You should be the brother that they can trust and right now I'm the sister that my little brothers can't trust because I'm here." I said.

"I don't need a life lesson from you." Liam growled at me.

"I think you do because no brother should ever abandon their little siblings for a party. They should have an older brother to depend on." I said.

"They shouldn't depend on me anyways. I'm going to be off to college in a few months not seeing them then I'm going to move out so they won't be seeing me a lot. Why do you even try?" Liam asked me.

"I try because I want to be a great older sister to my little brothers. I want them to follow my lead and have a happy and successful life. I want them to wake up in the morning happy to see their family and not wake up to see a life of hell!" I shouted at him.

"You should leave." Liam stated.

"I'm not going to because I'm going to be responsible and finish my job. I told your mom I would watch her kids with my life and I'm not going to leave them with you to be honest." I said then laid down.

I heard footsteps going up the stairs and I sighed in relief and thought to myself how I don't like him already and I don't even know him...
"Eat up, I'm going to go see Brooklyn real quick." I told Finn and he nodded then gobbled up his food.

I made my way upstairs and opened Brooklyn's room and picked her up because she was crying and sat in the rocking chair and rocked her a bit. I then fed her and changed her diaper then rocked her to sleep and I hummed a little song to her.

"There you go Brooklyn, sweet dreams." I said then kissed her forehead and put a blanket over her and then left the room. I closed the door and made my way downstairs and checked the schedule.

"It's time to practice piano Finn." I said and he nodded then we made our way to the foyer where the piano was.

"Will you dance to the song?" Finn asked as he sat down and I nodded.

"Go ahead." I said and he started playing the piano and I danced around the foyer and it was so much fun. I grabbed his hand and made him dance with me and I turned on the stereo and we dance throughout the house.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked sternly.

"We're just dancing Liam!" Finn said as Liam turned off the stereo.

"Liam, breakfast is ready!" I heard Lucas yell and Finn sighed as Liam went into the kitchen.

"Liam is such a party pooper." Finn said.

"I know, how about we go play upstairs?" I suggested and he nodded and trudged upstairs upset.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my bags and started to head upstairs.

"Don't mess with Finn's 6 year old mind, he's just a kid and that's how kids act." I said because I knew Liam was behind me and I ran upstairs.
"Thank you so much for staying over night with Finn and Brooklyn. Here's a 200, you get 10 every hour but 8 gave you extra today." Kate said as she handed me 2 100 dollar bills.

"Thank you so much, call me if you need me to babysit anytime." I said and she nodded and then I left.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I closed the front door.

"We're all in the kitchen!" I heard my dad yell and I dropped my purse on the counter as I entered the kitchen.

"Was it fun also put your purse away." My mom said.

"It was fun except for the teenager, no worded his parents don't trust him with their kids." I said as I grabbed an apple.

"What happened?" My dad asked me and I sighed then ran my fingers through my hair.

"He doesn't really care about his siblings to be honest. He doesn't even want to get to know them since he's going off to college soon." I said.

"That is so dumb, Derek can you go to the store we're having tacos tonight and I need some tortilla rolls." My mom asked.

"Of course, do we have chips and salsa?" My dad asked my mom.

"No, if you want then you can pick those up too." My mom said and my dad kissed my mom's lips and kissed my cheek then took off.

My parents have such a cute relationship that I wish I have someday to be completely honest. They care for their kids and themselves and have a connection no one really has now a days.

"Want to help me Gianna? I need these tomatoes diced up while I cook the meat." My mom said.

"Sure let me just-" I started to say then heard the doorbell ring.

"Can you get that Ross?" My mom called out.

"Sure!" Ross yelled back as I started diving the tomatoes.

"Who is it?" My mom asked as she wiped her hands on her apron.

"Someone's here for Gianna." Ross said as he came into the kitchen.

"Okay, let me wipe my hands first." I said then wiped my hands and went to the front door to see Liam.

"Hey Gianna, I was wondering if you could do something for me..." Liam said.

Hey cookies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long to get out. Happy Reading! <3

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