Chapter 16

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(A/N: I was so excited when I thought of the idea of writing in Beth's POV just saying)
"Beth, it's time to get up and get ready for the doctors." Derek said as he shook me awake and I just groaned and got up and he kissed me and I smiled at him and kissed Derek back.

"I can't wait to see the baby." I said with a smile ear to ear and he smiled and kissed me again.

"Another Hough baby running around is going to be different but a good different." Derek said to me and I smiled.

Bailey jumped onto our bed and we petted her and I smiled and she ran off to another room.

"I guess that means it's time to feed her and the kids." I said as I got up.

"Get ready first I'll start cooking since I'm already done getting ready." Derek said then I kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom.
"Are you worried about seeing the baby?" Mason asked me.

"No I'm excited to see the baby, it's going to be your little brother or sister." I replied as Derek got up and put our dishes in the sink.

"Thanks love, I appreciate it." I said and he smiled and rinsed our dishes.

"When are you leaving?" Gianna asked as she finished eating.

"We actually have to leave right now. Call us if there's an emergency and no going out of this house today until we get home. Also finish your chores and if they're not done by the time we get back your going to be grounded." Derek said as he grabbed my purse for me and he slipped on my coat for me and also his coat.

"Can I invite Tanner over at least?" Mason asked. Tanner is Mason's best friend they pretty much spend everyday together.

"No, nobody comes over and if someone wants to come in and talk you don't let them in." Derek said. Okay they don't spend everyday together now.

"Come now love, they know what to do while we're gone." I said to him and led him into the foyer.

"Love you kids and stay safe and don't do anything stupid!" Derek yelled and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wait mom, how far along are you?" Gianna asked as she came into the foyer.

"5 months, we kept it from you kids until we knew for sure the baby was okay because I had some complications." I explained and she gave me a tight smile and walked into the kitchen again and Derek led me outside.
This is like my other pregnancies all over again. But for Gianna's I didn't have Derek and I'm happy Derek is here for this one. This is the last baby we're going to have and I'm glad he's here for that.

"Alright, is this your first ultrasound?" The nurse asked and I nodded. This was my first official ultrasound alone without a doctor telling me news.

"Okay so your 5 months along and so your ready to find out the gender of your baby." The nurse said and we smiled at each other.

"Um... Your not going to have just one baby your going to have twins!" The nurse announced and Derek and I looked at each other shocked and he kissed my cheek.
It's Christmas Day and my parents haven't told us anything about the baby and all of us are really anxious.

"This is the last present and its for all of you." My mom said and we all looked at each other and we tore it open.

It was a card and it said:
Dear Gianna, Ross, and Mason,
Hi I'm so excited to meet you all soon! I bet your all going to be great siblings! ~Your twin siblings Madison and Matthew

I read out loud and we all got up and danced around and hugged my parents and my grandparents, aunts, cousins, and everyone else hugged our family and congratulated us.

"Madison and Matthew will be your new siblings!" My dad said and I smiled.

"Best Christmas ever." I stated as I hugged my mom.

My mom smiled and kissed my forehead and I couldn't stop smiling!
I stopped by the food truck to get a soda and a burger but I saw Nick. I was going to say hi but he was with a girl... He was kissing the girl too.

"Hi Nick." I said.

"Hi Gianna, what's going on?" Nick asked nervous.

"Oh just to do this." I said as I poured my soda on him and squashed my burger in his face.

"Why would you do that to my boyfriend you crazy bitch!" The girl said.

"Because your boyfriend cheated on you and I." I told her and she just stared at Nick and slapped him in the face and shoved her pie in his face.

"Wait Taylor!" Nick said but she was already out of sight.

"Gianna I'm-" Nick started to say but I cut him off.

"Just stop, I don't want your talk about how it was a mistake. I don't care and I honestly don't have time for it." I said then walked off.
"I'm over it, it's not worth it to cry over him." I said to my mom and she hugged me then kissed my forehead.

"If I wasn't pregnant I would march over there and kick his butt." My mom said and I chuckled and hugged her.

"I'm fine mom, I have you guys and I don't need to be in love I'm still in college." I said and she smiled then got up and walked off.

"Hey Gianna." I heard someone say and I looked up to see Liam and I got up and hugged him.

"He cheated on me..." I mumbled and a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Hey, he's not worth crying over if he did that to you." Liam said and I looked up at him and he smiled down at me and he kissed me and I kissed him back.

"I really like you." Liam said.

"I really like you too." I replied with a smile and I kissed him again.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's kinda early to release a chapter but I was really excited to post this chapter because I wrote in Beth's POV and I haven't done that in awhile. Happy Reading! <3

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