Chapter 20

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I handed Finn a chocolate milk and he smiled and screwed the Nesquik milk cap off and sipped it and set it in his cup holder.

"Brookie, you have to swipe it not tap it. Your not doing it right like always." Finn said as he took the tablet and Brooklyn started crying and Liam pulled up to the nearest gas station and I got out of the car and opened the back door.

I picked her up and patted her back to calm her down.

"Finn just give her the dang tablet, you can watch the movie." Liam said and I sighed and she started falling asleep in my arms.

"She's falling asleep right now so let's just get somethings to eat here at QT and then we can go." I compromised and they nodded and the two boys hopped out of the car and went to get some food.

I put Brooklyn to sleep and put her back into her car seat and buckled her up and put a blanket over her.

"Hey I got you a sandwich, chips and a Snapple." Liam said as he got back in the car and I pecked his lips as a thank you.

"I got a hotdog and lays!" Finn said and I put my finger over my lips and he nodded.

"I got a sandwich and chips and a Coke." Liam said as he put his Coke in his cup holder and I put my Snapple in the second one.

"Don't get ketchup all over you." I said as I handed him napkins and he gave me a thumbs up because his mouth was full.

"Let's get going!" Liam said and I opened his sandwich container for him and handed it to him and he smiled as a thank you.
We got to Grant Kingston's mansion and my jaw just dropped!

"Hi Liam how's it going?" The security guard asked.

"Hey Jim, I've been better but this is my wife Gianna." Liam introduced and I waved.

"Hello, well you guys can go in." Jim said and we strolled into the huge circle driveway and we all got out. I picked Brooklyn up and Liam picked up Finn and we headed inside.

"Liam! Your here!" An old lady said and Liam smiled and hugged her.

"Hi grandma Eleanor, how's he doing?" Liam asked.

"He's been worse but the doctors say he's not going to get any better." Grandma Eleanor said and I set Brooklyn down and she crawled around with Finn.

"Grandma, this is my wife Gianna. G this is my grandma Eleanor." Liam introduced and she hugged me.

"It's nice to meet you Gianna, I'm Eleanor."

"Nice to meet you too I've heard so many stories about you and your husband and they sound wonderful." I said and she smiled and led us to the master room. I picked up Brooklyn and held Finn's hand and took them in.

"Grandpa Grant..." Liam said breathless and worried.

"Honey, Liam and the kids are here to see you." Eleanor said as she touched his hand.

"Hi Liam, Finn, and Brooklyn." Grant said taking breaths in between words.

"Hi grandpa Grant, I missed you." Liam said holding back tears and hugged him.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Grant asked.

"This is my wife Gianna, G this is my grandpa Grant." Liam said and I hugged him and a tear dropped down his cheek.

"Nice to meet you Gianna, please take good care of Liam." Grant said and I nodded and wiped away my tears and Eleanor wiped his away and hers with a handkerchief.

"Mom's coming in a few days." Liam said and then Grant had a pained look on his face.

"Alright, I'll show you 4 to your rooms for the next few days." Eleanor said changing the subject and we nodded and followed her.

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