Chapter 4

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"Just wear that one!" I groaned as I pointed to a dress.

"What shoes do I wear then? I have to look good for this date especially because Liam is kind of into me!" Amber said.

"Wear the jean vest and those ankle boots! I have to get going." I said as I looked at my watch.

"Where are you going?! You need to help me!" Amber whined.

"Amber! Just wear something I have to go babysit so just wear anything!" I yelled then grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs through the huge house.

"Good luck at the premier Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs! My parents will be there!" I yelled as I slipped on my black converse.

"I'm glad, have fun babysitting." Mark said to me.

"What's the rush?" Lola asked.

"Amber is going on a date and I can't stand it any longer. She's been going crazy for the past hour and I need to go babysit." I explained and they nodded and I ran out the house.
"Gianna!" I heard someone yell and then he tackled me.

"What the heck Liam!" I yell.

"I need your help like right now! Right now!" Liam yelled.

"First get off me." I said as I squirmed and he got up and I also got up.

"What is so important that you need to tackle me?" I asked as I sat on the couch.

"I need to get ready for my date and I don't know what to wear!" Liam exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Finn, come on let's go somewhere." I said and held out my hand and he grabbed it.

Gianna entered my room and then went straight to the walk in closet and I sat on my bed Finn right next to me as Gianna scanned my closet.

She came back with some kaki shorts, a nice/casual button up shirt and some black vans. She handed then to me and sat down.

"Go!" She yelled.

"Where?" I asked.

"To the freaking bathroom idiot!" Gianna yelled and I walked into the bathroom and changed then went back out.

"Okay." Gianna mumbled then went back into the closet and brought back a silver watch and also some hair gel.

She handed me the silver watch and I smiled and saw that it was my favorite one that my parents got me when I graduated high school.

"What are you doing with that gel?" I asked cautiously.

"Spiking up your hair it's all over the place right now..." Gianna said and Finn nodded in agreement.

She started working on my hair and she looked really cute as she bit her lip as she concentrated. She worked on my hair and then her eyes brightened then went to work and started working it was really cute actually. What am I saying?! Snap out of it Liam!

"That's the look!" Finn exclaimed and she handed me the mirror and she did really good for a noob.

It was spiked up and swooshed to the side and I liked the look that she gave me. I can't believe I just said that...

"You're ready for the date with Amber. Here give these to her." Gianna said and handed me a bouquet of roses.

"These look familiar..." I stated then looked up at her.

"I'm going to the store with the kids anyways so don't worry." Gianna said and I snickered.

"Bye, thanks again for this." I said then kissed her cheek and her face turned bright red and I smirked then left the room.

"He kissed my cheek...right?" I heard her ask Finn and I chuckled.
"Then sprinkle some flour onto the counter." I instructed.

"Like this?" Finn asked as he sprinkled the flour.

"Yup, now place the dough on the counter and sprinkle the rolling pin with the flour again." I said.

"I'm home!" I heard Liam shout and he came into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked him as I helped Finn roll the dough.

"I broke up with Amber." Liam said and I dropped the rolling pin and it rolled off the counter and fell onto the floor.

"I'm sorry Finn, I'll go wash it off real quick." I said then picked it up and rushed off to the sink.

"Shh." I heard someone say and the next second I have flour all over my face! That little devil.

I turned off the water and acted like I was calm then ran to the counter and grabbed an egg and chucked it at him. I got Liam and he was the culprit!

"They say egg is good for your hair." I said and he glared at me.

We had a huge food fight that just involved us and Finn was just calmly watching TV as we were chucking around food. He tossed me over his shoulder and I cried for help. He took me outside and I knew he was going to throw me into the pool at the last second when he was going to throw me in I held onto the hem of his shirt and he tripped and fell in with me.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled.

"What?" Liam asked in concern.

"Your parents are going to be here any minute and the kitchen is a mess and the kids aren't in bed." I freaked as I ran into the house.

"I'm going to be bed don't worry." Finn said and I thanked him as I started cleaning the kitchen. I finished the cookies after I cleaned the kitchen except the egg shells and popped the cookies into the oven for Finn.

"Here's a towel." Liam said and threw me a towel and I started drying off and ran upstairs. Brooklyn was asleep and she didn't smell so that was a good sign.

I went to check up on Finn and he was brushing his teeth. I smiled as I walked into his room and sat down on his bed and he sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry Finn, I put the cookies in the oven for you so you can eat them tomorrow as a snack." I said as I hugged him.

"It's fine, it was funny watching you and Liam fight with eggs." Finn said and we chuckled and I hugged him.

"Get some sleep before I get fired for not putting you to bed." I said and he nodded and he laid down and I tucked him in.
I cleaned up the last off the egg shells just in time as I heard the front door open up and I got up from the kitchen floor.

"What happened to you?" Jax asked me as he entered the kitchen.

"Well, Liam chucked eggs and flour at me then threw me into the pool and left me here to clean up the mess." I replied as I threw the last shell into the sink.

"Here's 60, sorry we're late. We got caught up in LA traffic and it was hard to get through the crowd because everyone was congratulating us on the movie." Kate explained as she handed me $60.

"Thank you so much, do you have a certain day you need me?" I asked them.

"Actually, it's Finn's 7th birthday next Wednesday and I was wondering if you could come over next Monday and next Tuesday to help me decorate. $40 dollars each day." Kate said and I nodded.

"Sounds like fun I would love to help out." I said and she smiled and so did Jax.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The picture above is Ana Mulvoy-Ten who plays Amber and that's the outfit she wore on the date. I hope you enjoyed and love you guys! Happy Reading! <3

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