Chapter 10

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"Stop!" I yelled as Liam sprayed me with his water gun and I grabbed the hose and sprayed Liam and he ran around the yard.

"Kids c'mon inside for some snacks." Kate yelled and I set down the hose and rolled Finn inside.

Finn was in a wheelchair because of his surgery on his leg. Liam just had a fracture on his ankle so he's on his feet again but he's still on crutches but he isn't listening to his doctor. My dad has a broken arm but he's doing fine and I'm glad he's okay.

"You guys are crazy!" Finn exclaimed and I hugged him and he squirmed around in his chair.

"You got me wet!" Finn yelled and I just smiled as Liam handed me a towel.
"We'll see you both in New York in a week. Be careful and call us." My mom said then hugged me and kissed my dad and hugged him.

"Mom, we'll be fine just be careful on the drive there." I said and she nodded.

"Bye sis! Bye dad!" Mason said then hugged me and I knelt down and kissed his forehead and his blue eyes sparkled at me and I smiled.

"Be good to mom because it's not mom, dad, and Gianna it's just mom." I said and he nodded then sniffles then hugged my dad and my dad mumbled a few words to him which I couldn't hear.

"Bye Gianna, bye dad. See ya in a week." Ross said then waved and I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Please take care of Mason and mom while dad and I are gone." I said and he nodded.

"Bye Ross help your mom out for me. You're the man of the household while I'm not home so take care of them." My dad said and Ross nodded and they hugged and we all hugged each other and they hopped into the moving truck and drove off and I huffed.

"It's okay, they'll be fine." My dad said as he wrapped his arm around me and I hugged him and we went inside.

"Let's get your clothes into the car so we can head to the hotel." My dad said and I sat him down on the floor.

"Dad you should be resting your hand not moving suitcases. I'll do it don't worry about it." I said and he nodded and pulled out his phone.

I started moving my dad's stuff first and I was struggling to put his bag into the trunk some strong arms came behind me helped out. I turned around to see Liam and I hugged him.

"Where are your crutches?" I asked him as we walked back inside.

"They're in the car, I'm fine you don't have to worry." Liam said and I rolled my eyes.

"You shouldn't be walking around without them, Liam. Your foot could get worse." I scolded as I grabbed my suitcase.

"You shouldn't worry about me, you already have to worry about rehearsal while your dad is out because of my stupid self." Liam said and I kissed his cheek and took my bag out to the car.

"Liam, I'm leaving tomorrow night and I don't want anything to happen to you while I'm touring." I said as I shoved my suitcase into the car.

"Are you coming back to LA after your show tomorrow?" Liam asked as he closed the trunk for me.

"Thanks and I don't know I think after the tour my dad is coming down here again but I think I'll be getting ready for school." I said as we held hands.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Liam said and I smiled at him and he pecked my lips.

"Okay enough of the mushy gushy kissing! We need to get our room checked out." My dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"You and mom kiss all the time." I said.

"Pff, at least we don't make it so public." My dad said as he walked over to the car.

"Love ya too dad!" I yelled and he made a heart out of his hands and hopped into the car.

"I guess I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow at your show." Liam said then kissed my cheek and ran to his car and drove off.

"Look what you did dad." I said as I closed the car door.

"G, you guys are going to be like thousands of miles apart for 4 years with only a couple visits a year. It's going to be hard on you especially as a college student." My dad said and I just looked at my converse.

"Dad I know long distance will be hard but I like him a lot more than you think. I know he almost killed you but-" I said but got cut off by my dad.

"I would be RIP right now if I didn't have luck on my side!" My dad yelled and I just rolled my eyes...again. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as I put my phone in the cup holder.

"To the hotel to get ready for the tour. Gianna, always keep in mind what I jut said to you. I like Liam but you never know what's going to happen." My dad said and I sighed.
"Now introducing Gianna and Derek Hough performing a duet together!" Julianne announced and my dad held my hand and kissed it then we walked out on stage and Julianne smiled as ran off stage.

"Hi LA! How are you all doing?!" I yelled into the mic.

The crowd screamed and I just laughed and smiled.

"I don't think think they can hear you!" Julianne yelled and the crowd screamed and I think busted one of my ear drums.

"Okay, we'll be performing for you all but it won't be our usual performance because I bet a lot of you know my dad got in a car accident and broke his arm so we won't be doing as many lifts as we usually do." I said and then handed my mic to the stage crew.

The music started and me and my dad danced around the stage and I was smiling and he was smiling back and I knew he was proud of me. We got into our ending pose and whispered," I love you." When the dance ended he kissed my forehead and the crowd roared.

Hey guys! Long time no write and I'm so sorry! I've just not had that passion lately and I'm so sorry! I will only be posting this once a week and that's because schools starting up again and I'm going to be a lot more busy this year and I'm so sorry! I love you guys so much! Happy Reading! <3

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