Chapter 15

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"It's gorgeous! Thanks uncle Parker." I said as I admired my diamond necklace that was glowing as the light reflected on it.

"Looks like we have stiff competition Beth." My dad joked and I smiled.

"Derek, can you light the fireplace for me while I get the cookies out of the oven?" My mom asked as she got up.

"Of course, kids go pick out a movie to watch and Parker get the blankets from the closet." My dad instructed.

"We're watching the dog movie!" Mason shouted a few minutes after at Ross and I.

"No we're watching this movie!" Ross said as he held up a comedy movie.

"We're watching this one because you 3 can't decide on a movie." My mom said as she got a movie from the pile.

"What is it?" Mason asked.

"Christmas Carol, now sit on the floor or couch it doesn't matter but get comfy." My mom said.

My dad and mom took the love seat and they were cuddled up together and uncle Parker was in a love seat too and he was waiting on aunt Tessa, yes Parker got married unbelievable right? The boys were on the floor so I took the single couch by myself and Ross played the movie.

Ding Dong!

"That must be Tess, I'll go get it." Parker said and ran to the front door.

"I can't wait for tomorrow! It's Christmas and we'll get presents and cookies and-" Mason started rambling.

"Gianna someone's here for you!" Parker yelled and I got up and fixed my oversized sweatshirt then went to the door to see Liam there.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Liam asked me.

"My family and I are actually having a family night." I said.

"Gianna talk to him for a few minutes, we're not starting it yet so you have time." Parker said and I smiled a fake smile. Thanks Parker I didn't need your help though.

"Okay, I'll come inside in a bit." I said and he nodded and I stepped outside and shut the door.

"Thanks for talking to me..." Liam said as we sat on the swinging chair.

"Yeah sure; what do you want to talk about exactly?" I asked playing with my sweatshirt cuffs.

"I wanted to talk about the kiss..." Liam said and I wanted to kill myself at the moment.

"Look lets just forget it ever happened and move on." I stayed without hesitation.

"Oh... Alright if that's what you want then we can do that." Liam said with a fake smile.

"Did it mean something to you?" I asked carefully.

"Did it mean something to you?" He asked slowly and I face palmed myself in my face.

"No it didn't, I have a boyfriend and at the moment my heart belongs to him." I said as I got up.

"Well it meant something to me." He said and I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath.

"It didn't, that's what your brain is thinking not your heart." I replied.

"How do you know?!" He shouted and I turned around my hair whipping my face.

"How do I know? I don't like you Nick!" I said and put my hand over my mouth. What did I just say?

"I'm not Nick, you feel the same way don't you?" Liam asked and I turned back around and a tear dropped on to my foot.

"No, just go home." I said then sniffed and went inside but I felt arms wrap around me and it was dramatic. It felt like I was in a Nicholas Sparks movie.

"I like you a lot." Liam said as he put his chin on my shoulder and I shrugged him off.

"Well I don't so leave." I stated then went inside and slammed the door.
My phone rang and I look and saw Nick's name and I smiled and answered the phone.

"Hey babe!" I chirped with happiness.

"Hey Gianna, I'm about to go to San Fransisco with my family and I just wanted to call you before I got on the train." Nick said and I heard rustling in the background.

"Alright, why are you going to San Fransisco? It's almost Christmas you should be in Anaheim." I said as I put my phone on speaker and set it on my vanity desk.

"My grandparents live there so we're staying over there for Christmas but I'll be back in New York just as we promised for New Years." Nick said.

"Alright be safe and tell your family hi for me." I said.

"Alright, see you in a few weeks bye." Nick said as I finished my doing my eyeliner.

"Bye." I said then hung up and I sighed and finished doing my makeup.

"G, Abby and Amber are here!" My dad yelled and I got up then walked downstairs.

"Before you do eat something." My dad ordered and I nodded and met my friends in the kitchen.

"Gianna, you're already ready?" Amber asked as she took a sip of my mom's homemade lemonade.

"I expected you guys to come here." I said as my mom handed me a plate of waffles, eggs, bacon, and strawberries.

"Girls breakfast." I stated.

"We're fine, thank you though." Abby said.

"Oh that wasn't a question, sit down and eat." My mom said as Mason and Ross raced into the kitchen.

Once everyone gathered into the kitchen we all started eating and chatting.

My dad cleared his throat and my mom and dad stood up and we all just looked at each other.

"We have an announcement that we would like to make." My dad said.

"We're having another baby!" My mom said and everyone's jaw just dropped to the ground.

"Mom your like 37 and dad your 43!" I said in shock.

"We wanted to bring someone new into the family. Of course Bailey and you are all just wonderful and amazing but we wanted someone to be home while you kids are out exploring the world." My mom said.

"Do you not want a sibling?" My dad asked.

"I would love to have a new brother or sister!" Mason said and I just played with my food.

"Me too, I think they'll be a good edition to the family that we should expand." Ross said and all eyes were on me.

"I guess someone needs to keep mom and dad company that's a human." I said and Bailey looked at me with confusion and I just petted her.

"Well I won't be able to do the things that I usually do but I'll still be around helping the house but you guys have to help me out." My mom said.

"Well your mom and I will be going to the doctors tomorrow making sure that the baby's okay so Gianna your in charge and no going out tomorrow." My dad said and everyone nodded.

Woah shocking I know! A new family edition and I'm so excited to write about the journey. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Happy Reading! <3

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