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Everyone in my family and Liam's family lives in California now. Eleanor moved in with Kate and Jax to stay closer to Grant's grave.

Ross is off helping Liam with the hotel and is married to Lexi and has a daughter on the way and he's 25 now. Mason is 20 and he's attending college studying music and has a girlfriend named Kimberley. The twins are 11 and are in middle school, Madie is the nerd of our family she's such a good student it's not even funny. Matt is our little skateboarder, he loves doing tricks and anything on a board.

Brooklyn is 12 and she's such a fashionista it's so funny and cute at the same time. Finn is 19 and he's a freshmen in college and he's studying business to help out at the hotel.

Liam and I take care of the hotel and we have a 9 year old son and 7 year old daughter. We have a son named Eli and our daughter is Melody and she's a little dancer. She's more of a acrobatic dancer than what I was a lyrical dancer.

"Now introducing Melody with Take It To Go!" The announcer said and I screamed for her.

She strutted out and I held Eli and Liam's hands and she started dancing in her little waitress outfit and I smiled.

She did her tricks which were impressing for her age and stuck the landing and she did awesome! She strutted out and I smiled and Liam kissed my cheek and Eli smiled.

"She did so good!" I said and went to the dressing room.

She ran towards me and I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"You did so good baby." I said to Melody and she smiled bright.

"I'm so proud of you Melody, I love you so much." Liam said and she smiled and hugged Liam and hugged Eli too.

"Melody! You did so good! I'm so proud of my little dancer." Julianne said and hugged her and she smiled.

"That was so good girl!" Haley the assistant said and high fived Mel.

"C'mon let's go see the girls." Julianne said and we went to the auditorium again.

Melody isn't in this group dance because it's really complex and she had a solo to focus on.
"Alright first place for the petite mini solo division is Melody with Take It To Go!" The announcer said and the whole crowd cheered for her and she smiled and went to accept her award.

"What studio do you dance at?" The announcer asked.

"Julianne's Dance Academy! I would also like to dedicate this award to my dad's grandpa. He passed away 11 years ago on this day so this is for grandpa Grant." Melody said and smiled and Liam wiped a tear off his face and I kissed his cheek.

Melody knew how sad Liam was today so she told me if she won that she would dedicate the award to Grant.

"Congratulations to our winners please take a bow." The announcer said and they all took a bow and sat back down and Liam blew a kiss to Mel and she smiled.

"Do you think grandpa Grant would be proud of her?" I asked and he nodded.

"He would be so proud of her and Eli." Liam said and I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you for all coming out to this competition!" The announcer said and we all smiled.

The group won second and our 2 soloists won first. I'm so proud of all of them.
"We had two soloists yesterday, and one will be on top and one will be on the second row." Julianne said and Melody took a deep breath and held Jessica's hand the girl that won first as well.

Julianne took off the paper revealing Jessica's picture and she just smiled but everyone knew she was upset.

"Jessica, you won first but that ariel that you were suppose to land you fell but played it off. Your suppose to follow my choreography." Julianne said and Jessica nodded.

"On top of the pyramid is Melody!" Julianne announced as she took off her picture and everyone clapped for her.

"Melody won first place with her tricks and she's taking classes for her acro and I expect you all to take classes just like her and not just leave after you practice the group dance or your solo." Julianne said and everyone nodded.

"Julianne, why do you give Melody and Gianna special treatment and not the rest of the kids?" Delaney asked.

"Mom just stop!" Jessica said.

"No! We all deserve a reason for the way she treats the rest of you guys!" Delaney said.

"Because Melody works hard and Gianna actually makes sure Melody takes classes to improve her dancing!" Julianne said and the moms just rolled their eyes.

"If you don't want to be part of then get out of here." Julianne said and no one moved and she just sighed.
"Grandma! Grandpa!" Melody and Eli screamed and hugged them.

"Hey kiddos, how are you guys?" My dad asked and they started talking and I smiled.

"How was the competition?" My mom asked as I set my purse down and I gave her a thumbs up.

"She won first and was on top of the pyramid." I said and my mom smiled and my dad was chasing Eli and Melody around and I smiled.

"Hey sis, what's up?" Matt asked and Madie hugged me.

"I'm good, did you really get hurt again?" I asked as I saw all of his bruises and cuts.

"I'm a skateboarder, what do you expect?" Matt asked and I rolled my eyes.

"How's school Mads?" I asked my little sister.

"Good, I'm better than Matt as usual." Madie said and I smiled.

"Hey I have A's and B's!" Matt called out.

"I expect A's Matthew." My mom said.

"I know mother." Matt mocked and I ruffled up his hair.

"I'm here!" Liam called and I smiled and pecked his lips.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Good, hey munchkin." Liam said and lifted Melody up and kissed her cheek and did the same to Eli.

"I have something to show you." I said and he nodded and I led him outside.

I got outside and grabbed a box from the car and handed it to him and he was confused.

"What is this?" Liam asked.

"Just open it and you'll see." I said and he nodded and opened the box and lifted up a baby shirt that said, "I'm Ready To Meet You Dad."

His eyes twinkled and I said, "I'm 8 weeks pregnant!"

He smiled and hugged me and kissed me then lifted me up.

"We're having another baby?" Liam asked and I nodded and hugged him.

"I can't believe I'm married and having another baby with my babysitter." Liam said and I smiled and kissed him.

It's the end for this series! It's bitter sweet and I'm so excited for a new book but I'm so sad for ending this one. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and book! Thank you all for the support and I love you guys so much! Happy Reading! <3

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