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"Mom takes a seat I will serve your breakfast," Roshni told mom, but I don't think she'll stay. She's here to check Ayaan's apartment to make sure he's living in a clean house."

"Roshni, my dear, I've already had my breakfast. But you can pack my lunch so I can enjoy your delicious food," Mom said affectionately. Roshni smiled warmly and nodded.

I can tell how much she enjoys this affection.

"Daksh, should we go visit Ayaan first and have breakfast together? He's not answering my calls," Mom suggested, and I nodded in agreement. I handed Khushi over to Roshni, who gently put her down.

"She'll follow me, you know," I whispered to Roshni.

"No, she won't... Khushi, do you want some chocolate?" Roshni said, and Khushi happily ran towards her, showing off her two little teeth.




I unlocked the door to Ayaan's apartment, remembering the password.

As I stepped inside, I almost stumbled over some can on the floor.

"What's all this?" I exclaimed, noticing the mess of wrappers scattered around.

"Unbelievable... Even animals keep their place cleaner than this," my mom's voice rang out, not too loudly.

We made our way to the living room, only to find someone sleeping on the couch, which was unfolded and serving as a makeshift bed.

"Does he still have a roommate?" my mom inquired, to which I shook my head, turning to face the person on the couch.

"Daksh," my name was called out from behind, sounding surprised. Okay, this is not how Ayaan's apartment usually looks.


"When did Ayaan start drinking?" my mom asked, and I replied without meeting her gaze.

"He drinks occasionally, but don't worry, it's always in moderation. He never gets drunk. Not since that incident," I muttered to myself, taking a step forward, but I felt her grip on my arm.

"Is it just one can?" she questioned, and I turned to see a large box filled with empty beer cans.

"Mom," we both heard Kanak's soft voice calling out, barely above a whisper.

Please don't tell me she's been drinking too. If Ayaan's influencing Kanak, I'll have to have a serious talk with him.

Kanak rushed over to mom and embraced her.

"I was hungry, and I found a cup of noodles in one of the cabinets. But after eating it, my stomach started hurting, and I even threw up," Kanak explained, clutching her stomach and avoiding eye contact.

"Did you check the expiration date... Let me see that again," I interjected, not waiting for her response. I retrieved the cup noodles box from the trash and examined the date.

"It's expired, Kanak."

Kanak, how are you feeling? Go home and I'll ask Roshni to take care of you," I said, gently caressing her hair. However, she shook her head and stepped back, avoiding eye contact. She wasn't looking at me. I didn't scold her, it was her mom. Why won't she look at me?

"Please, just go," Mom urged, but Kanak still shook her head.

"Alright, then go sit on the couch. I'll check on you in a few minutes," Mom instructed. Kanak nodded and lay down on the couch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her pulling Ayaan's friend's hair roughly. Ignoring it, I made my way to Ayaan's room.

"Go wake up my son and tell him Mom is ready with her slipper. This is what you said when you told me you took good care of him. There's nothing to eat. His house is like a dustbin. I bought him an apartment near you so you can take care of him. He's your younger brother. My baby is living like this, even at home. He must be eating roadside or outside food every day, how will my baby stay healthy like this," Mom rambled on, but I ignored her and headed towards Ayaan's room. I'm not worried about what he eats because he has breakfast and dinner with us most of the time and if he doesn't come then Roshni brings dinner for him.

"Ayaan," I called out, finding him sleeping in just his underwear.

"Let me sleep, I have two days off," he mumbled sleepily.


"What... Let me sleep," he whined.

Why does everyone like to create drama for me?

Third person p.o.v

Hey, Mr. Ayaan's friend is awake now. Kanak whispers to Rahul, tugging on his ear.

"Hey, wake up Daksh, mom is here," she said. Rahul opened his eyes but closed them again, pulling Kanak over him. Kanak's eyes widened, her heart beating loudly.

"Oh, let's go if you want to stays Ayaan's friend, otherwise he will beat you," Kanak said, freeing herself immediately.

She grabbed an empty beer can and started poking him with it to wake him up.


"Daksh is here," Kanak whispered.

Rahul looked around, eyes widening.

"Are you his friend?" Rahul heard a girly voice. He turned around and found Ayaan's mother.

"Aunty... Good morning," he said, quickly running towards her and touching her feet.

Her mom looked at him, amused.

"Ayaan told me about you. I will take my leave, sorry for the trouble. Should I help you with cleaning?" Rahul said quickly, embarrassed about the way he was sleeping.

"No... But you are his friend? Are you a doctor too?"


"How is he... Did he get scolded at work a lot or is he doing just fine?" Mom asked. Rahul scratched his head, thinking about what to say.

"He got the opportunity to be present in the surgery. So I think he is doing fine because he was the only one in his team who got this opportunity."

"Really?" Her mom said, excited.


"It's so good. Thank god he is doing good. I want him to be very successful. I want him to be a specialist before his marriage. So he will be able to give his attention to his wife rather than his book," she chuckled, making Rahul smile too.

"Mom, give me something, my tummy will die," Kanak said, pressing her stomach.

"What happened?"

"You are a doctor too, right? Can you check her? Actually, her drama will be on another level if I do it. She is quite good in front of others," Dakshita whispered in Rahul's ears.

"She was good? I don't want to imagine then what drama she put in front of her mother because she made me see stars last time when I had to take her sample."

"I need to grab Ayaan's stuff real quick. Kanak, can you do me a favor and lie down? I'll head to Ayaan's study room now."

I have to finish up before his brother shows up. I'll leave once I make sure Kanak is okay. I really don't want his brother giving me a serious look, especially if he finds out about last night.

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