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I came here to talk to you but here I got new information this little miss too leave the house at night, good very good beta."
Ayaan was mumbling while bandaging Simi's toe. He glanced at me briefly before focusing back on Simi.

"Stop crying right now," he scolded, and I looked at Rahul, wondering why he wasn't intervening. Save her, Rahul, Simi is already upset.

"I've stitched it up. Let's hope it doesn't get infected. You know what will happen if it does," Ayaan warned Rahul, who simply nodded.

Rahul cradled Simi's head in his lap, but she started crying again.

He didn't say anything, just stroked her hair gently.

"Mom," Simi sobbed, lifting her head from Rahul's lap.

"I'm right here, Simi. Why did you do that? Was it worth it? Are you happy now?" Mom scolded her. Poor Simi, she didn't think this through.

"First sneaking out at night, and now this... Was it worth it?" Mom's voice rose slightly.

"Scold her more. She deserves it. And you, Ms, Daksh actually let you off with just a scolding? Remember Rahul how Daksh slapped me when I went out at night and drunk. And now he lets her off. Just wait, I'll make sure he doesn't take this lightly - sneaking out at night, buying drugs, illegal racing. Just wait," Ayaan pointed at me, and I resisted the urge to twist his finger.

"Are you jealous? If he tries to slap me, I'll break his hand," I said, clenching my fist. Ayaan immediately slapped my head and shook his head.

"You little troublemaker...

"Calm down, bhaiya. You're married now, soon you'll have kids. If you scold them like this, what will they do?" Simi said, receiving smacks from all three sides.

She glared at her mom, Ayaan, and Rahul, who had just smacked her. But her eyes widen as she watches Ayaan prepare the injection.

"Bhaiya," she whispers.

"Ayaan, I'm sure it's not important," I mutter, glaring at him. But instead of responding with words, he slaps my head again.

I swear, if he doesn't stop acting this childish behavior with me, I'll pull out all his hair. Is this behavior is reserved for me.

"Pull her sleeves up, Rahul,"

Rahul covers Simi's eyes and rolls up her sleeves. I sit next to Rahul, gently stroking Simi's hair along with mom.

Simi keeps shaking her head, and it bothers me. How can someone be scared of such a small needle? It doesn't even hurt.

Simi starts sobbing when Ayaan gives her the injection, but I'm sure it's just like an ant bite.

"Simi, it doesn't even hurt, baby," I whisper. She looks up at me, then bites my hand that was caressing her head and gives me a glare, but I know it's not a serious one.

"You all stay here. Ayaan, I'll make milkshakes for you all," mom says before leaving the room.

"Madam, you," Ayaan says, glaring at me. He reaches out and starts twisting my ears.


"Change yourself, Kanak," he says, releasing my ears and making me rub them. And all this time, Rahul stays quiet, just patting Simi's head. About an hour later, he shifts Simi's head onto a pillow and covers her with a thin blanket.

"Kanak, adjust the room temperature. And you, Mr., go away. Give us some privacy," Rahul says, pulling me over to lie next to Simi.

"You're not married yet. I'm taking her home," Ayaan says, grabbing my hand. I pull away and hug Rahul, sticking my tongue out at Ayaan.

"At least check my message once. And Don't try any stunts like this again, Kanak," Ayaan says, kissing my head.

I quickly wipe my head, sticking my tongue out at him again, but for some reason, he chuckles

I immediately wipe my head again, sticking out my tongue, but I don't understand why he's laughing.

"By the way, how long will Aashi's medication continue?"

"Ayaan, don't try to hang around here. You were the one who told me to punish Kanak in the first place. Now you're messaging me, telling me not to be too hard on her and blah blah blah. Just go away and let me calm my mind for a minute. Simi has already made me worried," Rahul said, glaring at Ayaan.

I suppress my laughter and nuzzle my face into Rahul's neck.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Clinging to my sister in front of my eyes and then scolding me. Imagine if Simi hugged someone like this, what would you do?"

"Ayaan, I won't disturb her when she's with her husband. Now go away and turn off the lights before you leave," Rahul said, wrapping his arm around me.

Hearing the sound of the door locking, I look up at Rahul.

"Why did you scold my brother like that?" I mumble and playfully punch his chest.

"Aren't you in enough trouble?" he said, turning to Simi and finding her asleep. He picked me up and took me to his room.

"Wanna lie down?" I ask. He chuckles and nods his head.

I quickly undo my shirt button, but he pulls me over his knees.

"After this," he says, bringing his hand down on my bottom, but it's not hard, it's... soft?

"Drugs? Kanak, we've talked about this so many times. I've told you how it affects your body," he says, followed by a few more smacks, but I don't feel any pain.

He pulls me up and lies down with me, pinching my cheeks, causing a little pain.

"Ahh, Rahul."

"What 'ahh'? We talked about drugs, right? If you need a reminder, please remember that you don't have to buy drugs. I've already explained the consequences to you. Maybe we will get married after this year, Kanak. Then we can start planning our family. But if you don't stop smoking, drinking, and doing drugs, our baby might not survive in your womb or could be born with disabilities. Is that what you want? I don't mind you going to parties, but please do so in the evening, not at midnight. You used to be allowed to smoke, but now you can't even do that. I know it's hard to quit everything at once, so I allowed you to smoke once a month, but now you're not even doing that. If you don't know how to stop, we can start your medication again.

I look down, unable to look him in the eye. I would have preferred if he had just spanked me. I don't like being scolded.

"Kanak, I said something," he said, pinching my belly.

"I understand, I'm sorry."

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