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" Mom simi fell asleep. I'm going to tuck her into bed." I quietly open Simi's side door, gently pick her up, and guide Mom towards the home door.

"Come inside," I murmur, trying to keep my emotions in check.

"Put her to bed and then come to my room. I want to talk to you right now," Mom says before leaving. I know what she wants to discuss, but I don't want to be forced to choose between them.

After settling Simi into bed, I head to Mom's room.

"Mom," Mom looked at me after finishing the last pillow and sitting down, motioning for me to sit across from her

"I don't want to talk about today," I say immediately as I take a seat.

"Do you like Kanak?" she asks, and I search her face for any hint of sadness from earlier. However, her expression remains neutral.

"I do, but not more than you two. I won't be making any decisions, Mom," I mutter. She suddenly pulls me into a hug, causing tears to well up, but I quickly compose myself and return the embrace. After a moment, we break apart.

"You know, your grandmother was so kind. She treated me like her own daughter. We were a team, always causing trouble for your dad, and even your grandfather would take our side," Mom reminisces, a smile forming on her lips.

"It's nice to hear that, Mom," I chuckle. She cups my cheeks and speaks to me in a very affectionate tone.

"But not everyone is fortunate enough to have a mother-in-law like that. In the past, many daughters-in-law were treated like servants rather than family members. Even now, some mothers are envious of their son's wife because their attention is divided... Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Mom asks, taking my hand in hers.

"Yes, but Mom, I know you'll treat her like Simi. My attention won't..." I start, but Mom interrupts me by placing a finger on my lips.

"Shh, I'm not telling you how to behave. I've always had a positive outlook, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the negatives in society. I've seen it through our neighbors. I feel like Kanak's mother thinks we will treat kanak just like how her mother-in-law might be treated her."

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it," I muttered, not wanting to dwell on the subject.

"Don't make hasty decisions and stop talking to Kanak. It's okay, invite her over and keep things the way they were before. Her mom will agree," she suggested.

I nodded and left her room. If Kanak's mom thinks I'll harm Kanak, she's mistaken. Sure, I've smacked her a few times, but I had a valid reason.

Why am I even thinking about this? I need to sleep.


The next morning, Kanak, Ayaan, and Daksh sat in front of their father. Roshni and Aashika were shifted to the very last corner of the couch, feeling the heavy atmosphere.

"Kanak, apologize to your mother," their father demanded.

"I will not," Kanak said defiantly, turning her face away.

"Ayaan, what about you?" he asked.

"I will apologize. I was wrong. I shouldn't have blamed her. Although what she said was wrong, what I said was wrong too. And Kanak is coming with me, she will apologize too," Ayaan mumbled, holding Kanak's hand.

Kanak wiggled her hand to free herself from his grip.

"Apologize to Mom, Kanak, otherwise I'll tell Mom and Dad exactly how your drug and smoking habits are under control," Ayaan teased. Kanak's cheeks turned red. She quietly followed behind him to her mom's room.

"What did you do, Dad, to make Mom like this?" Daksh asked, as Akansh avoided eye contact and looked at his daughter-in-law.

"Will you show me your cooking skill. I can assist with chopping and other tasks, and the two of you can cook something," Akansh said with a smile.

"I'll cook since Aashika doesn't know how to do it," Roshni said, glancing at Daksh, who simply blinked, indicating she should do as she saw fit.

"Let's get cooking then. You have two helpers."

In the room, Ayaan and Kanak sat in front of their mother. Ayaan had already apologized to his mother, but Kanak was silently wiping away tears.

Dakshita pulled Kanak into an embrace, causing her to cry even louder.

"Please, Mom, I love him. He loves me too. Trust me, they never mistreated me," Kanak said between sobs. Her mother rubbed Kanak's back and planted a kiss on her cheek.


"If he ever does something like abusing me, I'll tell you. I'll leave him. But he's not like that. He's not like Dad. His mom isn't like Dadi maa, tell me don't you love Roshni and Aashika? You didn't turn out like dadi maa. Everyone is not the same
And your daughter will not accept abuse in relationships." Kanak said, tears filling Dakshita's eyes. Dakshita looked at Ayaan, who appeared confused.

"What did Dad and Dadi maa do?"

Dakshita shook her head and opened her other arm. Ayaan closed the distance and hugged his mother in a comforting manner.

"You love Aashika, right? Promise me you'll never hurt her. I know your marriage didn't happen under the right circumstances, but you'll treat her with love," Dakshita said, a tear slipping down her cheek but quickly wiped away by both Kanak and Ayaan.

"I promise, Mom."

"Mom, can I meet Rahul? Please, he loves me, I swear he does. Because of him, I've tried to change myself. Don't you think I've changed for the better?" Kanak mumbled looking at her mother. "

"Y... Yes, I think I shouldn't have said all those things to him. You can meet him. But don't hate me. I love you all so much. And...... I don't know how to apologize to his mother...."


I can't keep the drama on for a long time 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

I want a lovely lovely moment 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

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