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Kanak sobbed as she showed Rahul the email she received from college about her admission. "I can't leave this place. I won't be able to live alone again. Let's run away," she pleaded.

Rahul gently stroked her hair and held her tightly as she cried. "I don't want to go. You deserve someone better than me. I don't even know how you fell for me. You will find someone better than me. I can't leave you, I can't be away from you," she sobbed.

Rahul sighed and cupped her cheeks. "Kanak you are the best I deserve. And Baby, your family isn't wrong. They just want you to be independent. It's not a bad thing. You have to understand them too, right?" he said. Kanak took a step back, covering her face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

He reached out to put his hand on her shoulder, but she pushed it away and fell to her knees. "This is so unfair. Why do I always have to be alone? Why do I end up like this? Why doesn't anyone want to keep me in their life? Why can't anyone love me enough to keep me close instead of letting me go far away?" she cried.

Rahul blinked back his tears, immediately concerned for her. He tried to take her in his arms, but she pushed him away again. "Fine, I'm leaving. It's all my fault," she said, storming out of Rahul's room. Without caring about anyone else, she hailed a taxi and went to her mom's place.

"Mom, I want to leave today, right now. No questions, nothing. If you want me to go, then send me today," she said, wiping away her tears.

Dakshita nodded without questioning her. Just as Kanak started packing her things to leave, Dakshita grabbed her hand. "You'll understand someday. I'm doing this for your own good," she said.

Kanak chuckled, freeing her hand from her mother's grip.

"Mom, stop feeling sorry for yourself. If you're hurting, then I'm sure Dad must have been hurting too. Why do you always show yourself as someone we should pity. The only thing that would make my life bearable is hearing news of your death. I hope God grants my wish and I hear that news very soon. But I won't attend your funeral. I won't see any of you. You and your sons mean nothing to me. They all agree with this decision, right? I hope you all have miserable lives." She yelled before storming out of the house.

Dakshita stands there, placing her hand on her chest.

"She was just upset. She doesn't really mean it. I know she's just upset," Dakshita whispered to herself before heading back to her room.


Few months later

Kanak tapped her pen on her notebook while making notes which she had never done before.

" Ms. Kanak, if you want to go home then please complete it " Her professor said. Kanak looks around in the empty room.

Not a single person was presented in the room and just because of dakshita's strict order kanak had to suffer the strict norm which wasn't even applied to other students.

" Almost done " Kanak whispers softly. Since the day she arrived here she was met with the list of rules and because of her sorrow mood she followed most of them.

But today her professor came to know about her missing notes. That's why she had to sit in detention and write everything.

" Ms. Kanak we didn't teach this topic today. "

She looks at her mid age professor's eyes who has a soft smile.

" I'm sorry. " Kanak said and started writing on the next pages.

" You are too sweet. I don't know if what's your file had information about you is true or not. I don't even see you talking around in class. You directly go to your room from here.

"The guard has never told us about you leaving the premises."

Kanak nodded her head already knowing how every employees here observe her. From teachers to gurde.

She still remember how the head professor here shout at her just because she was holding a medicine which can be used as drug . Not actually knowing she was really in pain.

And she was shocked to know they got all the power from her very own mother.

If she wanted the medicine she has to go to the doctor's office here in college. If she want to go out she need permission from her mother.

She desperately wanted to complain about the professor but she was shocked to know that her mother had no problem with them doing anything, if they keep her in correct line.

Kanak lower her eyes at her paper once more and flip the sheets.

" You have a beautiful ring. I wanna gift this type of ring to my wife. But I think it's hard to get this kind of ring here. "

Kanak looks down at her ring finger unknown smile made it's way on her lips.

" Yeah it's beautiful. " Kanak mumble and again started working on notes. After almost two hours she completed her notes and give the pages to professor.

" Good now you are free to go. Let's meet tomorrow don't be late. "

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