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"Simi, if you don't tell me, how will I know? Why are you upset, sweetheart?" Simran's mother asked, but Simran continued to cry, hiding her face in her mother's lap.

Her mother tried to adjust Simran's face on her lap, but Simran started crying even more, causing her mother to stop.

"Simi, please tell me, baby," her mother pleaded.

Simran looked up from her mother's embrace and said in a very low voice, "I miss dad." Her mother's hand froze for a second, but she pulled her daughter closer, kissing her head.

"I'm sure he misses you too from heaven," she reassured. Simran continued to cry but soon drifted off to sleep while still shedding tears.


Ayaan was sitting at the table with Daksh and Roshni after dropping Aashika off at her college.

"Ayaan, you're not talking to me properly. Did something happen?" Daksh asked while sipping his tea.

"Roshni, tell whoever is trying to talk to me that I'm only here because my wife doesn't know how to cook, and I want to have some homemade food for lunch. And I don't have enough time to cook lunch and breakfast, And if he thinks I can't take it from his home, then I won't come," Ayaan said. Roshni looked between them, confused.

"Wait... Did Daksh scold you?" she asked, standing near Ayaan and examining his cheeks carefully.

"Why did you scold him?" Roshni scolded Daksh, giving him a death glare.

"I didn't. He's upset with me for some unknown reason," Daksh explained, giving his full attention to Ayaan and Roshni.

"Why didn't this person say anything to Kanak? I clearly remember when I went to the club for the first time, you brought me home by my collar. So what's changed now? You're being partial, and I don't want to talk to you. Kanak even said you hugged her. Really? If I do the same thing, I get slapped, but when she does something, she deserves a hug. I... I'm not talking to you," Ayaan said, picking up his lunch and trying to move away from the table, but Daksh pulled him back.

Daksh spoke up, "Girls are delicate, of course. How could you even expect me to slap her? You'll understand when you have a daughter. No matter what Kanak does, she's still more sensitive than both you and me. So, naturally, I treat you both differently. Ayaan, you're almost like my son. I've taken care of you since our parents left. Kanak doesn't even remember me properly." Despite Daksh's words, Ayaan refused to meet his gaze.

"Roshni, please tell your husband that I don't have a father who is just five years older than me. I'm leaving," Ayaan declared.

Daksh, in a calm tone, asked Ayaan, "Would you be happy if I slapped Kanak? Is that what you want?" Both of them could sense his underlying anger.

"I don't want that, but I don't expect you to embrace her after she comes home having done something illegal, like putting drugs in her pocket. I expect you to at least reprimand her, to let her know she did wrong. If her own family is going to hug her after she comes home drunk or with drugs, then whatever Rahul does won't have any impact. He doesn't even say anything when he sees us ignoring her bad habits," Ayaan paused, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"And you're saying Kanak doesn't remember you? Let me remind you, when she left, she was ten. I know she came back after nine years or so to stay with us again, but those ten years we spent together as a family, I don't think anyone can forget that. The one you should consider your actual child should be Kanak, not me. If you're going to hug her the next time she repeats her actions, then just stay silent and do nothing. I'll talk to her if you can't. I thought you brought me back on the right track even when I started resenting you, but you managed to make everything normal again. I thought you could do the same with Kanak. If I have a daughter, I won't be partial between my son and daughter. I don't believe in that shit." With that, Ayaan left Daksh's home.

Roshni glanced at Daksh and handed him a glass of water.

" You ok? "

Daksh nodded his head looking down at table instead of Roshni.

Roshni took baby step and hug him from side.

" You know him right. His mind stop working when he is angry. " Roshni whisper. But daksh didn't reply thinking about Ayaan's words.

" Am I actually wrong? " Daksh ask in whispering tone.

" I don't know "



" Now go " I said and park my car in front of Kanak's house. Kanak glanced at her mother's mansion and then at me. I could tell she doesn't want to go home.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" She asked sweetly. I opened her door and as soon as Kanak got out of the car, I drove away. If she keeps asking like this, I might actually take her home. I'm still mad at her, but Simi upset me even more. She thought hurting herself would solve her problems.

I drove faster and reached home within an hour. But I was a bit confused to see my mom's shop closed.

"Did she go to deliver a cake by herself? I could have done it."

I walked inside and felt relieved to see my mom cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom, I thought you went to deliver an order," I said as I approached her. Instead of smiling, her eyes were filled with tears.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Tell me, are you not talking to Simi properly? Do you know how much she cried today? She keeps saying she misses her dad. When you know she doesn't like being ignored, why are you ignoring her?"

"I'll go see her," I said and immediately headed to Simi's room.

"I've never stopped you from scolding her or anything, but if you ever ignore her, I'll beat you with my slipper."

I glanced back at my mom but chose not to respond and went to Simi's room. She was fast asleep, hugging her pillow.

I should freshen up first.

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