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In the morning, I sat with Khushi on my lap. I attempted to feed her milk and rice, but she made a face and tried to escape from me.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked. She pointed at Kanak's plate, who was having Maggie for breakfast. Since she didn't want to eat anything I cooked and I had made breakfast that morning, it was a bit frustrating.

"Daksh, I'm leaving for my low-paying job," Roshni said with a sigh, pecking my cheeks before she left. I hated her job too. Sometimes she would come home late, which would make Khushi cry. But if I made her quit, she wouldn't be able to fulfill her dream, so I let her suffer for a few more years.

"Daddy, I want this," Khushi said in her baby voice again.

"This isn't healthy," I told her, and she pouted, making a crying face.

"Daddy will buy a loli for Khushi," I said. Since Khushi liked lollipops, I thought she would eat the milk and rice if I gave her one. Just as I thought, Khushi opened her mouth and let me feed her.

Ayaan, Mom, and Dad had told me so many times that I should let Khushi eat by herself. But they didn't understand that I wanted to feed my baby every time I'm with her. Of course, I did let her eat something on her own, and she would make a huge mess of herself.

Kanak washed her plate and went to her room. She came out with her bag hanging on her shoulder.

"You're coming with me," I said, quickly washing the plates.

After finishing the remaining work, I looked around to see if there was anything else I needed to do before leaving. But no, I was done with everything.

I locked the room quickly while Kanak picked up Khushi.

After dropping off Khushi, we went to the university. Throughout the entire ride, Kanak sat there silently.

"Go to your class directly. I will call for attendance after class ends," I said. She left the car without looking at me. And... it hurt to see her go without saying anything.



"I don't want to go," Kanak whined as Daksh buttoned up her shirt.

"I'll be there. Your Ayaan bhaiya will be there. Who else do you need?" Daksh asked the four-year-old kanak innocently.

Kanak looked at Daksh with innocence and then ran out to find her dad.

"Daddy!" she shouted as she ran with her little steps to find her dad.

"Don't shout right now. I had a night shift. I'm already tired. I'm making this breakfast with my half eyes open, so let me concentrate and send your brother here. I need help," Dakshita said in an irritated tone.

Kanak silently turned towards her parents' room. She peeked inside and frowned, finding the bed empty.

"Daddy," she sighed. Ayaan came there and picked her up.

"Daddy went to attend a seminar. Why don't you get ready? Aren't you excited? I will come to your class for lunch, even your Daksh bhaiya will come too."

"I want daddy to take us to school. But he left," Kanak pouted.

"I'm here, I will take you," Daksh said and showed Kanak her skirt.

"It isn't pink."

"Because it's dark blue," Daksh mumbled and helped her put on her dress.

"Let's tie your hair," Daksh mumbled and with full concentration started making Kanak's ponytail.

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