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I motioned for her to sit down as I went to fetch some water and anything else that could help her. I noticed the scratches on her hands and saw a bit of blood under her nails.

She nodded as I handed her the water, but instead of drinking it, she poured it over her head.

"Kanak... I'm going to call Ayaan, okay? I don't want to leave you alone," I said, but she started shaking her head.

"Please," she whispered.

"It's okay... He won't start disliking you, okay? It's fine," I reassured her as she rested her head on my chest, making my heart race.

She looked so fragile. I needed to call him or at least ask him to bring some medication because she clearly needed help. Ayaan was more experienced than me.

I dialed his number on my phone.

"What's wrong? Don't bother me," I heard his voice on the other end.

"Come to my house right now, bring buprenorphine, and come quickly," I urged.

"Why? Why do you need it?" he asked.

"Stop asking questions and just come," I replied, a bit annoyed.

"I'm on my way," he said, and I continued to hold onto her trembling form.

"When was the last time you took your medication?" I inquired. She stayed silent for a moment.

"Last night... I tried not to take it, but I couldn't resist," she whispered.

There was a knock on the door, and it swung open almost immediately. He never bothered to wait, always just barging in. It was an irritating habit of his.

"One who needs it. Here it is, don't overdose. Take it twice a day, morning and evening, for seven days. In my expert opinion, give it intramuscularly. My head will be so proud of me. Now, let me give you the injection. I'll make you cry for sure because it will hurt. Now, show me your backside," Ayaan said, not even bothering to look in our direction, laughing mischievously.

He won't be as thrilled once he sees his sister.

"Who is she?" Ayaan exclaimed, surprised, as he looked at Kanak in my arms, her face completely hidden.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I shouldn't have laughed like that. If I think about it now, my head would have given me the most difficult and disgusting work if I laughed at a patient for sure," Ayaan muttered to himself as he sat beside me.

"Hey, ma'am," he called out to Kanak, who shook her head and buried her face in my chest even more.

"Girlfriend? Hello, sister-in-law. Okay, but why are her feet so cold?" He asked, leaning to the side so as not to disturb us.

"Kanak," I called out, and Ayaan's eyes nearly popped out.

"What about Kanak?" He said, pulling her out of my embrace. Her hair was all over her face, and her face, along with her hair, was slightly wet because she had poured water on herself.

"What happened to her? Why are you shaking?" He asked, confused. I brought a towel from my room and wiped her face and hair.

"Ayaan," I said.

"Say whatever you want to say. Why is she here? Did you do something?" He said, glaring at me. I don't know how he could even think like that. I'll see you later, Mr. Ayaan.

He started cupping her face.

"Kanak, did he say something? Tell me," he asked, but Kanak hugged him, still shaking.

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