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" Rahul please " Kanak pleaded trying to hide her one year daughter in her arms.

" Kanak you don't want her to be healthy? " Rahul asked sternly. Kanak pouted, removing the blanket from her daughter's body.

He lifted her dress till her thighs were uncovered.

"Sorry, baby," Rahul said to Kaashvi. Kaashvi looked at her dad and started giggling, which made Rahul feel bad, so he immediately stopped.

"I think I should vaccinate Ritvik and Kaushik first," Rahul said, covering Kaashvi again.

Kaashvi reached out to Rahul, babbling dada again and again.

"Your dad is going to find your brothers. Be a good girl and play with mom. Dad will be back in a few minutes."

Rahul left the room to find his little ones. He smiled when he found them in the garden with his mother. He easily recognized them, even though they were identical twins, because of their eye colors.

Ritvik had brown eyes like his father and mother, while Kaushik had almost gray eyes like Rahul's mother.

Ritvik was giving flowers to his grandma, while Kaushik was busy destroying plants.

"Kaushik, stop. Do you want mom to punish you again?" Rahul asked. Kaushik immediately sat down and pretended to take care of the plants.

Rahul shook his head and picked up his son.

"Dad, let me go. I'm Ritvik. Kaushik was the one pulling the flowers, not me," he said innocently. Rahul chuckled and lightly smacked his bottom, making Kaushik cry.

"Rahul, stop smacking my baby's butt," his mother said, holding a broken piece of wood.

"I'm taking them to the room, Mom. It's their vaccination day, Remember?" Rahul replied as Ritvik lifted his head from his grandma's lap and sought refuge in her arms, while Kaushik tried to wriggle free.

"Why are you both so scared? It's nothing. Even Kaashvi took it. Let's go. My babies are strong," Rahul reassured, moving Kaushik to the side and attempting to lift Ritvik.

"Papa, I don't want to. My butt hurts from needle," Ritvik mumbled innocently, pouting and trying to shield himself. His grandma pulled him onto her lap and rubbed his bottom.

"I'll treat you both at the café. Be brave. You're both strong," Rahul's mom promised. Ritvik glanced at his father and reached out his arms.

Rahul chuckled and picked him up.

"What if it hurts?" Kaushik asked, resting his head on his father's shoulder.

"It won't," Rahul replied, kissing their cheeks.

Entering the room, he found Kanak breastfeeding. Ritvik jumped down and ran to his mother.

"Me too," Ritvik insisted. Kanak sighed and shook her head.

"I'll feed you later," Kanak said softly. Ritvik pouted, eyeing Kaashvi.

"She's cute, so I'll let you feed her," Ritvik muttered, hugging Kanak from the other side.

"Mom, Kaushik was plucking leaves and flowers," Ritvik complained. Kanak glared at Kaushik, who buried his face in Rahul's neck.

"It's okay. Let's finish the vaccination so you two can play," Kanak said.

Kaushik sulked but lay down on the bed, resting his head on his mother's lap and playing with Kaashvi's feet.

"Mummy, I don't want it," Ritvik mumbled, glancing at his father.

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