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" Simran, why don't you eat some green vegetables?" Mom said , glancing at Simi. I shifted my gaze to her plate.

"Even Kanak is eating them, so why is our Simi making a fuss about it? Just finish it." I said, trying to cheer her up.

She still made a face but reluctantly started eating.

"I'll bring spaghetti for you tomorrow. We can eat it together, and you'll feel like you're in heaven," Kanak said, as I discreetly placed my hand on her thigh under the table.

Kanak smiled and pinched the back of my hand before moving my hand away.

She always had that mischievous smile. She enjoyed violence a lot. It is actually very risky to sit next to her. When she was happy, she'd punch you, and when she was upset, she'd punch you even harder.

"I'll get it for her, and if you say anything negative, I'll turn you into spaghetti too," she whispered in my ear before returning to her meal.

"Mom, I'll clean up. You should go to bed," Kanak said, and Mom reluctantly allowed herself to be led to her room.

"Simi, you seem nervous. What's wrong?" I asked, noticing her unease after mom left.

"I'm not, bhaiya. I'm going to bed," she replied, getting up. I pulled her close and started tickling her, causing her to burst into laughter.

"Why is my little wizard in such a bad mood? Did something happen? If its the case then tell me. I won't scold you because I hate seeing you sad," I said, pulling her cheeks.

But her expression remained unchanged.

"I'm just tired," she mumbled.

"Why? Are you feeling unwell?" I inquired, rubbing her belly, but she pushed my hand away, giving me a side glance.

"What's wrong, my baccha? Why the look? Where's that smile?" I asked, searching through my pockets.

"Have you seen it?" I asked, confused, as she chuckled and nodded her head.

"Yes, here it is. The smile that was missing from your cat's face," I remark, again pulling her cheeks.

"You have a cat, dog, pig face, not me. I'm going to sleep. Good night bhaiya," she says, quickly giving me a side hug before leaving.

Wait, she didn't tell me why she was upset. Suddenly, two hands wrap around my shoulders. Kanak puts her chin on my shoulder and plants a kiss on my neck.

"I gave mom all her medicine. We two are alone here," she whispers sensually. I chuckle and pull her onto my lap.

I must say, after she stopped taking drugs, her body did show a positive response. Her weight increased, her face looks more beautiful, she doesn't look like a freaking skeleton. And I love her like this. And now, I like hugging her more.

"Are you eating properly? If your weight is the same as last time, I will give you something you wouldn't like," I say, placing my hands on her lower back.

"I don't know about weight, but I'm eating properly. Whenever I'm at mom's place, she and dad make sure I complete my food, and the same goes for Daksh bhaiya and Ayaan," she mumbles, kissing my neck and slightly biting it.

"But Ayaan is a nut. He gives too many orders, and Daksh bhaiya is scary. His eyes hold some magic. He doesn't have to use words to make others follow. But I'm happy Khushi scolds him whenever he gets angry," she says, laughing.

So, if Khushi is a little version of him, then what can we expect from her?

"How is college going?" I ask, playing with her hair. She punches my chest and glares at me.

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