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Ayaan was angrily sipping on the shake that Rahul's mother had given him.

"Hey, Ayaan, calm down. What's wrong with you? You're giving off such angry vibes that it's scaring everyone away," Rahul said, but Ayaan still clenched his fist.

"Rahul, did your mom ever hit Simran with a belt?" Ayaan asked, his anger continuing to rise.

Rahul handed Ayaan a stress ball and shook his head.

"Mom rarely scolds her. She's her beloved daughter. Since she had a miscarriage after having me, she couldn't get pregnant for a long time. Then she got pregnant again, and now we have our little troublemaker, Simi," Rahul said, smiling.

"Stop smiling, I'm telling you. You're going to cry a lot when Simi gets married. I'm already upset right now. Do you remember when you told me that Simi hit her teacher? Did you use a belt on her?"

"Ayaan, if you don't stop asking these weird questions, I'm going to kick you out of my house. Look it never crossed my mind I mean it," Rahul said firmly, wanting to end this conversation.

"Do you know why Kanak was hissing? It's because Mom decided to hit her with a damn belt. I'm so upset. I want to argue with everyone. No one should do something like that," Ayaan almost shouted, his anger still visible as he squeezed the stress ball tightly.

"Even Daksh bhaiya didn't stop Mom. I don't want to see them. Do you know how much trouble I caused when I was a teenager? Even he never went hard on me. He would just slap me if it was too much, nothing more than that. But Mom... she's supposed to be gentle. You know what? I think everything changed when Mom left us here. She has changed. Kanak has changed. Everyone has changed. And why the hell am I telling you all these things like girls do? I'm going out. Bye. Enjoy yourself."

" He know his sister do drug? Who know what more she does. I don't like this kind of girls. He doesn't have to compare my sister with Kanak. My sister isn't spoiled brat. I wouldn't be surprise if she had a multiple sex. I don't want to hear about this girl. " Rahul mumbled and grabbed his car keys.

" Let's go for a long drive. "


I'm feeling extremely strange... Where can I find those drugs here? The supply I had with me is completely depleted... No, no, I need it at any cost.

I don't even have the money for this. In the past, my mom used to leave her card with me because she was often away. But now, she just left me at one of my brother's houses.

This is becoming frustrating. I desperately need it. I have no idea how to find it here.

I sit in the park, unable to keep my mind in the right place.

I will go insane like this. I start scratching myself like a deranged person. Okay, I know I'm crazy. Help me, I will end up killing myself if I don't get it.

Suddenly, I felt someone grabbing my hand. Now, who wants to disturb me?

I look to my side and see the most irritating person.

"What?" I shouted.

"Do you want me to take you home?" he asked. I shook my head, trying to control my trembling hand.

"Let's go home," he said and pulled me. But I stumbled, tripping over some rocks.

"Leave me alone, you irritate me so much."

"Why are you shaking? Your hand too..." he said, but then he started thinking about something. He picked me up and headed towards his car.

"Let's take you to my home," he mumbled and put me in his car, fastening the seat belt.

"What if you kidnap me?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm not interested in you. You know, you don't meet my standards," Rahul said and started driving while I sat there, pulling my knees to my chest. He didn't have to insult me. It's not like I wanted him to like me.

But his words hurt a lot. I don't meet anyone's standards.


" I want it " I could hear her repeating the same words over and over again, her body trembling visibly.

"Hey Kanak, give me your phone," I said, pulling over to the side of the road.

"Kanak," I called out again, but she still didn't look at me. Even though I hate her for the fact that she isn't want I had image about her in my mind but looking at her in this condition making me feel frustrated.

I reached into her pocket and took out her phone, dialing her mother's number.

"Hey baby, what's wrong? Tell me quickly," her mom answered hurriedly.

"Aunty, this isn't Kanak. She's shaking so much, maybe she needs her medication now. What should i do in this situation?" I asked, but there was only silence on the other end.

"I... I don't know... She never... Try to calm her down and bring her home. I'll be there in a few minutes," she finally replied before hanging up.

Soon, we arrived at her parents' house.

"Kanak," I said softly, opening her side door.

"We're here? I'll go now. Thanks for dropping me off," she said, attempting to walk but failing miserably.

I picked her up and carried her into her house.

"They're definitely wealthy," I thought to myself as I looked around her home.

"How is she? What happened, Kanak?" I heard her mother's voice. She approached Kanak and knelt down to her level. Since I've put kanak on the couch.

"Where did you keep her drug packet?Give it to her. She'll harm herself like this," Kanak's father said, and I stared at him as if he were a ghost.

"Have you lost your mind? She's your daughter, can't you see how much this has affected her? From her physical appearance to her behavior," her mother shouted.

But I saw her father enter the room and return with a packet in his hand.

"Now there's nothing we can do. You should have known about this from the beginning, not now after a year," he yelled. Kanak almost snatched the packet from his hand, but her mother held onto her.

"Kanak, look at me," her mother said, but Kanak's eyes remained fixed on her father.

"Kanak!" her mother shouted again, finally capturing a bit of her attention.

Kanak shook her head, her grip tightening on her hair as she listened to the conversation.

"This is ridiculous! She can't continue like this," her dad said again.while her mom shot him a glare. If he will not let her stop then how will kanak actually stop taking these things. It's like he is supporting her.

"I'll make sure both of your sons know about this. I've already told Daksh, and it won't take me long to tell Ayaan," she said, her disgust evident.

"You can't just take it away from her all of a sudden," he argued. "Should I leave now?" I ask myself because I don't want to be part of their unnecessary drama.

Kanak tugged at my sleeve, whispering, "Let's go somewhere else and let them fight."

"I'm going to the garden for some fresh air, Mom," Kanak announced, her mother studying her for a few moments before looking at me.

"Take care of her," she mouthed, and I held Kanak's hand as we made our way back to my car.

"Should I take you to the hospital?" I asked.

"How about we go to your house?" she whispered, and I nodded, driving towards my place.

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