"Fear And Anger"

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~Suns pov~

Eclipse has been strangely quiet. He's just stayed on his side and thinking, or sleeping, I can't tell... The silence was deafening, though. I hated being alone or just keeping quiet in general. Eclipse was asleep. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want someone snuggling up with him, but I couldn't stand being alone in the silence. I scooted over to Eclipse and sat next to him. He seemed peaceful as he slept. Which was a bit weird considering what he's done to me and Moon. Despite this, I felt... safe near him. I inched a bit closer to Eclipse and laid down next to him. If I wake up quick enough, I'm sure he won't notice. I drifted asleep after a while.

~Eclipses pov~

I can't remember how long I've been asleep. But apparently, a while since I woke up to Sun cuddled against me. Didn't I tell him to stay on his side? I glanced to Sun, who was sleeping peacefully. I let out an annoyed sigh. "Just this once..." I mumbled. Why am I letting him rest cuddled against me? I hated Sun and Moon, so why was I allowing this? My mind raced with questions that I couldn't answer. My head felt like it was spinning in circles. One thought stood out, though. Why did I care...?

While I was confused in thoughts, Sun had woken up. I glanced at him and scoffed. He seemed upset, but I could care less. Suddenly, the entire area shook like an earthquake. The hell was going on out there?! Sun was frightened by this. Guess he wasn't familiar with the shaking. I felt something cling onto me, like something was holding me tightly. I noticed it was Sun who was holding onto me. His arms were wrapped around me like I was some kind of teddy bear. Annoying, right? I didn't bother to push Sun off and waited for the shaking to stop. Seriously though, what the hell was going on out there?

~Suns pov~

I was holding onto Eclipse without even realizing it. He didn't do anything about it, though. I wasn't going to argue with that. I felt strangely safe near Eclipse. I knew he hated me near him, so I loosened my my tight hold to let go. But Eclipse just pulled me close again. It surprised me, but I wasn't going to argue with it. I felt safe with someone. Even if it was my sworn enemy. I held onto the Eclipse tightly as the shaking continued. What was going on out there...?

~Moons pov~

[outside the mindscape]

"DAMNIT!" I shouted in frustration. The spell failed, and Sun was trapped in the mindscape with him. "Computer run a second scan." I ordered with anger. Lunar kept trying to tell me to calm down, but I was too worried for my brother to do so. Monty was busy keeping Bloodmoon distracted, so I was left alone to figure Sun a way out until Bloodmoon was under control. I had no way of knowing what was happening there. Eclipse could've done something to Sun. And knowing him, he probably did. This was all so frustrating. If Bloodmoon hadn't destroyed the body so badly, Sun would be fine, and the spell might've worked. I knew Bloodmoon was aggressive, but this angered me greatly. Lunar was probably the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. Just as I was about to lose it out of frustration, Monty knocked on the wall as he entered through the tube. "Hey, Moon. Did you figure anything out yet?" Monty asked. He seemed to notice my frustration. "Oh, yeah, I just figured out a way to rewind time and save my brother." I spoke with annoyance and sarcasm. Monty scoffed at my sarcastic reply and sighed. "Look, I'm sure you'll figure something out. There's no need to be a smart-ass, though." Monty chuckled a bit. But I didn't find it funny in the slightest. "If I'm not able to find a way to save my brother, I'm going to tear Bloodmoon into ribbons..." I muttered silently. My voice had a slight growl in it. Monty seemed a bit put back in my comment but brushed it off. "Yeah, yeah. I'll try to see what I can do. Maybe we can find a way to at least see what's going on in there." Monty suggested. It was a good idea. I nodded my head in agreement and got the computer to start working on finding a way to do so. Monty left to try and figure something out as well. I sighed and got back to work.

~Eclipses pov~

The earthquake-like shaking finally stopped after a while. Sun, however, was still clinging onto me like a helpless child. I rolled my eyes and tried to push him off me. Apparently, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Sun only held onto me even tighter. I don't think he noticed how tightly he was holding onto me me, because once he realized he immediately loosened his tight grip. But he didn't let go. How annoying.
"Let go of me..." I spoke in an annoyed tone.

He hesitated but eventually let go. I sighed. It was getting quite boring, and Suns quietness was almost deafening. He usually never shuts up. So why wasn't he talking? I glanced over to Sun who was sitting down on his side just staring at the floor. His rays were slightly retracted and he seemed lost in thought. "You usually never shut up. What's got you all quiet?" I didn't really care, at least I thought I didn't. But the silence was deafening. So starting up some kind of conversation might help. Sun just glanced at me for a moment before responding. "Why haven't you...ya' know...tried to hurt me? You haven't done anything since we got stuck." Sun said with a tilt in his head. I didn't get what he was talking about at first, then soon realized I haven't tried to do anything since we got stuck. Why was I being kind...? I didn't understand why and just gave a shrug. I decided to lie my way out of the question. "Why would I spoil my intentions? That's for me to know and for you to possibly find out."

~Moons pov~

[outside the mindscape]

I was struggling to think of something, anything, to at least see what was going on in there. I was exhausted and frustrated. Lunar kept egging me on to recharge but I wouldn't listen. Just as I was about to finally give into Lunars constant nagging, Monty rushed into my room and called out my name in a hurry. "MOON!"

[Cliffhanger. Yay I'm doing the one thing I hate, cliffhangers. >:D]

[1139 total words]

[Christmas is almost here!]

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