"Sibling Fights"

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(Chapters might be a bit shorter than usual, but I'm trying to find the motivation to continue this book. Don't worry, It won't be discontinued.)

~No ones pov~

"What are you hiding...?" Sun repeated. Eclipse scoffed and looked away from Sun. "I'm not hiding anything." Eclipse said in his usual annoyed tone. Sun was growing more annoyed by the second. He sighed. Just Sun was about to speak, Moon woke and came down the ladder from their room. Moon glanced at the two with confusion. Eclipse seemed like he was hiding something and looked nervous. While Sun looked annoyed and worried. "The hells going on?" Moon questioned. Sun looked over to Moon and walked over to him. "Eclipse is hiding something, but he won't tell me what. The computer isn't even telling me what's up with him." Sun explained. Moon glanced over to Eclipse, then back to Sun. "I'll try to figure out what he's hiding. You two go play a game or something while I'm doing that." Said Moon. Sun nodded in agreement and went back over to Eclipse. Moon went back to his room to ask the computer a couple of questions.

Meanwhile, Bloodmoon was watching the entire conversation. They didn't like the fact that Eclipse was lying. Bloodmoon debated on telling KC, but they decided to do something about it themselves. Sun had gone to a different room to find a game,so Bloodmoon figured it was the perfect time. He jumped down from the vent and tackled Eclipse to the floor. Eclipse noticed it was Bloodmoon and kept trying to pry him off. The two fought for a bit before Bloodmoon ended up grabbing one of Eclipses' rays harshly. (Bloodmoon isn't aware of how sensitive Sun and Eclipses rays are.)  When Bloodmoon did this, Eclipse let out a yelp to the sudden pain. Bloodmoon didn't notice, though. Eclipse started trying to push Bloodmoon off him. In response, Bloodmoon pulled on the ray he had grabbed. "B-Bloodmoon, let go of the rays!" Eclipse shouted. Bloodmoon didn't listen. He figured it was some kind of trick to get him off. "Never!" They shouted back. Eclipse desperately tried to pry them off him but couldn't. Sun came back moments later with a game and saw what was happening. Sun didn't really mind it until he noticed what Bloodmoon was doing. Sun wouldn't be able to separate the two since Bloodmoon only listens to KC and sometimes Lunar.

Sun quickly went to where KC had been staying. "KC! Bloodmoon and Eclipse are fighting." Sun said. KC didn't seem to mind the thought of the two fighting. "As long as one of them isn't being too rough, It's fine." KC replied. Sun explained the situation with the two and and they quickly went back to the daycare once Sun finished explaining. When the two got back, Bloodmoon had gotten hold of another one of Eclipses rays. The two were in quite the fight. "Bloodmoon!" KC shouted. Bloodmoon glanced over to KC, still harshly holding Eclipses rays.  "Whaaaat???" They pouted. "Let go of Eclipses rays! They're sensitive." KC growled. Bloodmoon looked back at Eclipse, who was clearly in pain from Bloodmoon pulling and grabbing his rays. When Bloodmoon noticed this, he let go and got off Eclipse. Sun then quickly went over to Eclipse to make sure he was alright. "Eclipse, are you okay???" Sun questioned. Eclipse hesitantly nodded. His now damaged rays retracted as he stood back up.  "I'm fine..." Eclipse growled. He grunted a bit as made his way back up to their rooms, where he had been staying. KC scolded Bloodmoon as they exited the daycare. Sun let out a sigh and went up to the rooms as well since he was quite tired. It was getting late, so everyone had gone to their rooms to rest. Well, except for someone...

(See you all on the chapters, my shooting stars! I won't post on Christmas or Christmas Eve, I hope you all understand.)

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