"Family Game Night"

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(Angst and KC being an amazing father)

~No ones pov~

Bloodmoon and Eclipse have been getting along recently. KC didn't say anything or question it since it was nice that his two boys were finally hanging out with each other instead of fighting. KC and Moon talked while Eclipse and Bloodmoon play-fought. Bloodmoon made sure not to go for Eclipses rays now that he knew they were sensitive. The two tackled each other, rolling around on the floor, kicking and pushing. Sun was watching while he cleaned the barrels in the daycare. KC left the daycare to go make some dinner for everyone. Moon and Sun chatted while Sun cleaned, mostly about things Moon made or Sun was interested in. Monty suddenly barged through the daycare doors. "Hey guys! Are you all busy tonight?" Monty asked. Sun shook his head and replied to Monty. "Nope. The daycare is closed today, so we don't have much planned." Said Sun. "You guys wanna do game night? It's been a while." Monty replied. Moon thought for a moment and glanced over to Sun, who seemed very excited about the idea. "Yeah, sure. I'll ask KC and the two homicidal maniacs." Said Moon. Monty chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Alright, meet me in the arcade in an hour or two." Monty said before leaving the daycare. Moon sighed and walked over to the two fighting brothers. "Eclipse, Bloodmoon." Moon called out to get their attention. Eclipse had Bloodmoon pinned the floor and glanced over to Moon. "Yeah?" Asked Eclipse. Bloodmoon squirmed around, trying to free himself from Eclipse. "You two wanna do game night?" Moon questioned. Eclipse got off of Bloodmoon and dusted himself off. "Sure. What about you, Bloodmoon?" Asked Eclipse. Bloodmoon stood up and grumbled with annoyance before replying to Eclipse. "I guess. Will KC be there?" Bloodmoon asked as he looked over to Moon. "I was about to ask him. I'm sure he will, though." Moon replied. Bloodmoon nodded in response and waited for Moon to walk back over to Sun before tackling Eclipse. "Bloodmoon!" Eclipse yelled with an angered tone. Bloodmoon chuckled, and the two went back to fighting. The two rolled back and forth, tossing each other around as they did. The two had rolled their way over to a play structure. One more roll, and one of them would get tossed into it. Sun and Moon were still chatting as Sun cleaned the barrels. They hadn't noticed this. Eclipse tossed Bloodmoon to the side and tackled him. Bloodmoon squirmed around and kicked Eclipse to knock him off. Sun finally noticed and caught Eclipse so he wouldn't hit the play structure. "What are you doing?" Eclipse questioned with confusion. "You were about to hit the play structure. You guys play too rough!" Sun exclaimed. Bloodmoon rolled their eyes and ignored Suns' concerned protests. "It's fine, Sun." Eclipse replied. Moon sighed and walked over to the chaos. "Sun, It's fine. It's not that big of a deal." Moon said. Sun continued to protest his worry. "I'm fine, Sun! Could you at least put me down. You're holding me like a helpless child." Eclipse said with annoyance. Sun had been holding Eclipse the entire time without even realizing it. "Oh! Sorry." Sun let him go, and Eclipse sighed. "It's fine. When exactly are we going to do this family game night?" Asked Eclipse. Moon checked the time and replied to Eclipse. "Now, actually." They went out of the daycare and stopped at KC's to see if he wanted to tag along, which he did. Bloodmoon was on KC's shoulders and Eclipse stick near Sun as they made their way to the arcade.

After a bit of walking, they finally made it to the arcade where Monty was waiting. "You brought the whole family?" Monty chuckled to Moon as he glanced over to everyone. "Well, it's family game night, right?" Moon questioned. Monty shrugged and nodded in agreement. "Come on, I've already got us a table near some of the arcade games." Monty said as he led them to the table. Everyone went off to play some arcade games. Bloodmoon and KC played a couple of games of pacman, and Moon and Monty were quite competitive in air hockey. Eclipse just stuck around near Sun, not really leaving his side. The place was crowded and loud. Eclipse wasn't fond of suck environments. It was overwhelming. Eclipse wasn't interested in playing any games, so he just watched Sun play. A couple of drunk guys entered the arcade. Somehow, staff didn't realize. Eclipse ignored the drunk men and continued watching Sun, who was doing quite well on the game he was playing. Sun had won three rounds in a row, which was surprising. Eclipse heard the drunk men talking about Sun. They mimicked his voice and made fun of him. Sun didn't notice, but Eclipse definitely did. He attempted to cool himself off and just watch Sun. One of the drunk men threw a red plastic cup at Sun. That was the final straw for Eclipse. Suns rays retracted in response to the object being thrown at him. KC was the first to notice. Eclipse tackled the man who threw it before anyone could react. Eclipse beat up the guy quite badly. Bloodmoon didn't really care unless something happened to Eclipse or KC. One of the other men grabbed Eclipse by his rays and threw him off the guy he had tackled. Before Eclipse could react, he felt someone grab his rays. Eclipse winced to the sudden pain. Bloodmoon attempted to pull the man off of Eclipse, which only caused the man to pull Eclipses rays. "Get your hands off me!" Eclipse said with annoyance. Sun wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't get the man off Eclipse, and he wasn't exactly a fighter either. The man suddenly pulled with force, causing Eclipse to yelp in pain. "L-let go you drunk asshole!" Eclipse shouted as he tried to pry the man's hand off his rays. The man pulled once again, this time rapping off one of his rays. KC grabbed the man by the arm and slammed him to the floor in seconds. "Bloodmoon and Sun, go get the other two!" KC yelled. Bloodmoon and Sun quickly dashed off to find Monty and Moon. The man attempted to kick KC off, but it was obvious that wasn't going to happen. Eclipse's rays retracted. Some were cracked and damaged while one was completely ripped off. Eclipse winced in pain and attempted to stand back up. "Just stay put, Eclipse. Don't move." KC had dealt with Eclipses rays being damaged before, but never one being ripped off. Eclipse stayed where he was, his rays completely retracted due to the amount of pain. "We're back!" Sun called out. Behind him was everyone else. Bloodmoon, Moon, and Monty. Moon had gotten staff to take care of the drunk men. Monty and Moon helped escort the men out of the pizzaplex. As soon as KC could, he went over to Eclipse to make sure he was alright. "Eclipse, can I see your rays for a second? I need to make sure they aren't too damaged." Eclipse grunted a bit as he sat up. His rays were quite damaged. KC sighed and looked over to Sun. "Would the computer be able to make a new ray for Eclipse? Luckily it was just one that was ripped." KC looked back to Eclipse. "Though, the rest of them are quite damaged..." KC added. "Yeah. I'll ask Moon if the computer can, we have first aid kits at the daycare." Said Sun. KC nodded in reply to Sun and glanced back over to Eclipse. "Come on, let's get you back to the daycare." KC helped Eclipse walk back to the daycare, despite his protests against it. Monty went back to wherever Monty stayed, Moon went to his room to see if the computer could make another ray for Eclipse. KC placed Eclipse down on the couch he had been staying at while Sun grabbed a first aid kit. "Got it, here ya' go." Sun handed the first aid over to KC. He nodded in appreciation and used a wet rag to clean any oil off Eclipses rays, while making sure to be careful. Though, when KC went to clean the broken, Eclipse was not having it. "Eclipse, keep still!" KC said rather annoyed. Eclipse continued being difficult and moving away. "Can we knock him out?!" Bloodmoon asked. KC immediately denied the request but offered something else. "Bloodmoon, could you do me a favor and hold your brother still." KC spoke with an annoyed tone. Bloodmoon nodded and kept Eclipse still. "Bloodmoon, get off!" Eclipse said in annoyance. Bloodmoon shook their head and chuckled. "Nope! KC said you need keep still." Eclipse scoffed and finally stopped resisting. KC did what he could to patch Eclipses rays up, all that was left was to wait and see if the computer could make Eclipse another ray. "Get some rest, Eclipse." KC added as he and Bloodmoon went back to the spare room they were staying in. "Goidnight, Eclipse!" Sun said with a smile as he entered his room. "Night, Sun." Eclipse replied. Sun went to his room. Eclipse sighed and laid down on the couch. Talk about a day...right?

(Sorry I haven't posted guys! The next chapter will be out soon. Have a great day/night my shooting stars!☆)

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