"Let Me Explain!"

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~Moons pov~

[outside the mindscape]

It's been a month since Sun was trapped in the mindscape. Monty said he was almost done fixing something. But he wouldn't tell me what. KC has been sticking around during the whole thing, and BloodMoon's just being BloodMoon. I sighed with annoyance. Just as I was about to get back to work, Monty came rushing into my room. "MOON! He's fixed! And I've got a way for us to take Eclipse out!" Monty said rather loudly. We went to Montys lab thing, or whatever he calls it. Monty mafe sure the exit cube would appear before we got Eclipse out. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when we got him out, but I would make damn sure he pays for what he's done to me and Sun. Monty gave me the go-ahead to get Eclipse out, and I did. We waited for Eclipse to power on, and he eventually did after a couple of seconds. "What... What the hell...?" He mumbled while looking around for a moment. Guess he didn't notice us at first. Monty gave a low growl, which was a bit weird. Eclipse then noticed us and seemed... panicked? Whatever. Monty clenched his fists like he was about to beat the shit out of Eclipse. "Wait, let me explain!" Eclipse said  and glanced over to Sun, who was powering on. "There's nothing to explain. You've lost Eclipse. And you'll pay for what you did!" I shouted in an angered tone. Eclipse backed up a bit and kept glancing over to Sun. What was his deal? Some pathetic last attempt to get out of this? He's done so much... I wasn't going to let him get out of this again. I wasn't going to let him win...Eclipse began to say something. He was talking too quickly for me to understand. Or I was just too angry to care. I couldn't take it. I was about to get out of Eclipse for good when someone suddenly stepped in front of him, blocking me. It was Sun...

~Eclipses pov~

Shit, shit, shit! This wasn't supposed to happen! Moon doesn't know what happened. He doesn't know I'm trying to change! Goddammit... Sun needs to get up before I'm blown to atoms by Moon. Just as Moon was about to do something, Sun finally woke and stepped in. He stood in front of me and blocked Moon. "W-Wait! Moon, it's fine!" Sun stammered. He seemed anxious. Isn't he always? Anyway. "Move, Sun! Why are you protecting him?" Moon questioned with anger. I felt weak and vulnerable... I hated that feeling. Sun continued to stand in front of me, blocking Moon. "It's fine, Moon! He's changed! Eclipse is on our side now!" Sun spoke in a panic. I glanced to Moon, who was glaring at me. Who said changing would be easy?! This is torture! I highly doubt it could get any worse. But, of course, it did. Bloodmoon hoped down from a vent in the ceiling and stood next to Moon. He glared at me, and I did as well. We weren't exactly fond of each other. He'll, we hated each other! But we try not to kill ourselves since it annoys KC. Bloodmoon stood next to Sun and growled at Moon? Weirdo... Moon let out an annoyed sigh. "Fine. He gets one chance. But if he screws it up, I'm going to blow him to atoms." Moon spoke in a frustrated tone. Sun nodded in understanding and glanced back to me. I looked over to Moon and nodded as well. This was annoying, but I promised Sun to at least give it a chance.

[I'll post tomorrow. Sorry, this was so short! Angst will be in the next chapters.]

[632 words total]

Trapped in mindscape [TSAMS AU]Where stories live. Discover now