Not a chapter, just headcannons

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Before we get further into our Rollercoaster of a story, I'd like to add some headcannons in this AU.

☆Eclipse headcannons☆

Eclipse is known for being egotistical, but in this AU, he's more cold than stubborn. Eclipse takes joy in taunting others but not to extreme extent. He used to find entertainment to make everyone he disliked miserable. But Eclipse is starting to realize that it got him absolutely nowhere. Eclipse still hates Moon, Lunar, Monty, and BloodMoon. But he's getting nicer around Sun as the time passes, maybe even a bit protective. Eclipse has a hard time understanding and expressing certain emotions and only really expresses anger due to that. He shuts himself off from others so he doesn't seem weak. Eclipse is an orange and black colored version of Sun with yellow eyes and highlights. He wears the same clothing pattern as Sun.

♡Sun headcannons♡

Sun is an incredibly anxious person. He often has panic attacks and suffers from separation anxiety. Sun hates being alone or in silence, so he'll try to stay close with someone no matter who they are. Sun is technically a bit older than Moon, but Moon takes on the protective role and acts more mature than Sun does. Sun is hardly ever angry and rarely snaps. So when he does, it's best to cool him off before he does something drastic. (Example: when he killed Bloodmoon in TSAMS)
Sun expresses his emotions through actions. He'll throw his hands around, fidget with his ribbons, etc. Suns rays react on his emotions as well. They'll retract when he is frightened, shocked, angry, and most commonly; upset. Sun often pulls on his rays when he's anxious, despite how sensitive they are. Sun is more pain sensitive than anyone else and has a tanish-yellow color with red and yellow striped clothing.

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