"Sleepless Nights"

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~No ones pov~

Everyone had gone to their rooms to rest. Moon in his room, Sun in his, Bloodmoon, and KC in a spare room. While Eclipse stayed on one of the orange couches near Sun and Moons room. Eclipse often had sleepless nights. This was one of them. Eclipse stared at the ceiling for a while before letting out a sigh and sitting up. He looked over to Suns room door, bright yellow with some stickers on it. He chuckled softly and looked around the room. It was late, but Eclipse couldn't sleep. He stood up and walked over to the balcony, where he sat down on the edge and stared at the colorful ballpit. Eclipse just sat there on the edge for a while. Thinking and zooning out.

Bloodmoon had woken from their sleep and got up from the bed, making sure they wouldn't wake KC. Bloodmoon made their way to the daycare and just fooled around in the play structures for a while. Bloodmoon's food had gotten caught on something. They grumbled and tried to free their foot from whatever it was caught on. Eclipse noticed the noise coming from the play structure and hopped down from the balcony. Eclipse walked over to the play structure and entered it, looking around for whoever was in there. "Bloodmoon? Are you in here?" Eclipse calked out with annoyance. Bloodmoon soon replied, not sounding very pleased with the fact that they needed help. "Over here, idiot." Bloodmoon said in an angered tone. Eclipse rolled his eyes and made his way over to Bloodmoon, who was still stuck. "There you are. How did you even get caught on this???" Eclipse said with annoyance as he tried to get Bloodmoon's foot unstuck. Eclipse eventually was able to free Bloodmoon's foot from whatever it was caught on. Eclipse sighed with annoyance while Bloodmoon just continued with what they were doing. "Ya' know, a thanks would be nice." Eclipse said angerly. Bloodmoon mimicked Eclipses voice, mocking him as they continued exploring the play structure. After arguing with his brother for a bit, Eclipse went back up to the balcony where he was sitting. Eclipse sat back down on the edge and zooned out for a bit.

Bloodmoon wondered their way over to Eclipse and sat down next to him. "Why are you still up?" They questioned in a rude tone. Eclipse snapped back into reality after a moment and glanced over to Bloodmoon. "I could ask you the same thing." Eclipse replied. Bloodmoon rolled their eyes, and the two kept quiet for a while before Bloodmoon eventually said something. "Can't sleep either?" Bloodmoon asked. Eclipse sighed and nodded his head in reply. Bloodmoon tilted their head. They suddenly pushed Eclipse off the edge of the balcony, sending Eclipse to fall into the ballpit. Bloodmoon began to laugh, and Eclipse threw a ballpit ball, causing them to fall as well. Bloodmoon threw a ballpit ball at Eclipse, and Eclipse in response threw one back. The two chaotic siblings had quite the battle, throwing the ballpit balls back and forth at each other. This little battle lasted a while before the two eventually grew tired. Eclipse and Bloodmoon sat in the ballpit just talking about random things. Making jokes and basically bullying each other. Sure, they both despised each other. But they never went too far during fights or jokes. The two siblings just hung out for the night while everyone else was resting.

[Yes. Short one again. I'm slowly losing motivated to finish this, so ideas and suggestions are appreciated. See you soon, my shooting stars!☆]

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