"A Way To See"

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~Moons pov~

[outside the mindscape]

It was late, almost midnight, and I hadn't charged in weeks. "MOON!" Monty called out as he rushed inside my room. I turned around with confusion, a bit annoyed by his screaming. "What?!" I shouted back. He gestured to the exit of my room as he began to speak. "I figured it out! I found a way to see what's going on in there." I immediately rushed past Monty, him soon following behind. We quickly made our way to Montys lab, or whatever he calls it. He pulled up a screen and pressed a small red button. The screen began to flicker as it started up, but eventually, we could see it clearly. My eyes scanned the screen for any sight of Sun. Lunar pointed him out after a few seconds. Sun and Eclipse were having some kind of conversation. We couldn't hear it, but Eclipse seemed... Calm? Relaxed even. He was just talking with him, no threats. It's just a simple chat. I almost didn't believe it. Eclipse literally tried to kill us. Why is he having a decent conversation with Sun? Whatever. At least my brother was okay. He seemed fine but tired and looked like he had been crying. I was worried. But I couldn't do anything at the moment.
"Moon, look." Monty said, catching my attention since I was lost in thought.

I looked back at the screen. Eclipse was asleep. That was quick. Sun was asleep as well. But, his head was rested on Eclipses shoulder and cuddled against him. What is he thinking?! Eclipse is an enemy! I heard Monty call my name, and only then did I notice how tightly I was gripping the desk. I let go of it but left clear dents. "You good?" Monty asked. I nodded and sighed. Then, I continued watching the screen to make sure Eclipse wouldn't try anything. I didn't care how late it was or how long it had been since I last charged, I was going to make sure my brother would be okay and find him a way out. Lunar, however, kept nagging me to charge and take a break. I denied it every time. Lunar was getting more frustrating. He kept pushing and practically yelling at me. I looked back at the screen, Eclipse wasn't pushing Sun away or yelling at him. They just slIept next to each other, Sun cuddled up against him like some kind of teddy bear. I hated seeing him trust Eclipse, but I couldn't exactly do anything at the moment. I sighed in annoyance and got back to work.

[Sorry this one was so short, I'll update later.]

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