"The Twins"

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~Moons pov~

[outside the mindscape]

It's been a week since Sun was trapped in mindscape. I swear I'm losing it. Lunar has been by my side, helping anyway he can. And I appreciate it greatly. If I can't fix Sun, I can't promise I'll be the same, though. I haven't seen KC around. He's probably in his trailer thing out in the forest. The chip I was working on it finally finished. It should reduce his blood obsession, or at least get him under control. Monty had them distracted with 0- blood bags, so I had just enough time to get the chip installed in his programming. Bloodmoon was distracted by the blood bags, so when Monty gave me the signal, I snuck up behind him. Bloodmoon didn't notice my presence, and I was able to get the chip installed without any fighting. Bloodmoon stopped what he was doing and froze up. Guess the chip was working. Bloodmoon then turned around to fave me. He didn't have the menacing look, though. He just seemed a bit annoyed and confused. Luckily, I wasn't mauled to death. Bloodmoon just stared for a moment before hopping into a vent in the ceiling. I rolled my eyes and saw Bloodmoon flipping me off before crawling in the vent. "Hey!" I shouted at Bloodmoon, half joking. Well, that was rude. Monty came around the corner while laughing. I scoffed and chuckled a bit
"So I'm guessing it worked?" Monty asked while chuckling. I glanced up to the vent, noticing Bloodmoon bring pillows and sticks into the vent. I shrugged it off and looked back to Monty, and nodded. "Pretty sure, yeah. But you need to talk to him about his little attitude." Monty laughed, and I heard Bloodmoon yell from inside the vent. "We don't have an attitude, Moon Man!" Bloodmoon yelled from inside the vent. He growled a bit. Like I said, It's like taking a wolf. Well, technically, two. But whatever. That's one problem solved. Now I need to get back to work on fixing Sun... I called KC and let him know the situation with Bloodmoon. KC said he would visit for a while, mainly to spend time with his sons and try to keep me from losing it. "I'll see you soon, Moon. Let the twins know I'm coming, by the way." KC added before I ended the call. I let put a sigh and got back to work on fixing Sun. I hadn't checked the screen in a while, but I'm sure he's fine.

~Bloodmoons pov~

We no longer had the obsession for blood. It felt strange... but reliving at the same time. We decided to make some nests to hide in for situations since our old nests were destroyed. We gathered sticks and pillows, a couple of blankets, and too and brought it all up into a vent only we could get to. We set our nests up and hung red lights around the vent. We liked our finished product. We were about to collect some other sticks for finishing touches when Moon Man yelled for us to come down. I groaned with annoyance, but brother knew we should go down to see what Moon Man wanted. We leaped down from vent and questioned what Moon Man wanted. "KC is coming over to visit for a while. He wanted me to let you two know." Moon Moon said. We quickly grew with excitement. Father hasn't visited often, so we got very excited at the sound of his name. Moon Man told us to calm down, We scoffed and headed back into the vent to our nest. This one was only temporary. We would make another soon. Maybe the Blue Man could assist us!

~Moons pov~

KC was spending time with Bloodmoon while Monty and I worked on fixing Sun. I didn't exactly blame Bloodmoon, but that doesn't mean I'm not frustrated. Monty was trying to fix the damaged body while I was working on fixing the exit cube,which was honestly more difficult than making the star. Monty kept mumbling to himself, I found this extremely aggravating. M0nty kept doing just to annoy me. I eventually got sick of it and punched a computer we weren't using. I used so much force that my fist went through it. Monty stood there for a second in silence before I glared at him in anger. Monty seemed to be calling for someone, but I was too angry to tell who. Monty said something sarcastic and chuckled a bit. It was a pathetic attempt to cool me down. Monty said something about Sun, and that's when I lost it. I was about to punch Monty the same way I did the old computer, but someone held me back. It was KC. Bloodmoon was yelling at Monty, probably over what happened. LC kept trying to cool me down, which eventually worked after a while. I sighed and stopped trying to KC to let go of me. "I'm fine... You can let go, KC." I spoke in a frustrated but calmer tone. KC only stared for a minute before speaking. "You sure? Because I'm going to allow a fight." KC responded rather coldly. I nodded, and KC eventually let me go. I glared at Monty and went back to what I was doing. I was clearly frustrated and annoyed, I wasn't thinking clearly and let out a sigh. Bloodmoon nudged my shoulder to get my attention. I glanced back at him with confusion. "You need something?" I asked. Bloodmoon just pulled my hand and started leading to somewhere. I nearly feel but tried to keep up with Bloodmoon. "Where are we going?" I questioned. Again, there was no response. Bloodmoon leaped up and crawled into a vent in the ceiling. He gestured to a pipe that led to where the vent was. "I'm not climbing that." I replied. Bloodmoon kept trying to get me to climb the pipe, which zi evening did after a bit of arguing. Bloodnoon led me down the vent to what looked like some kind of nest with red lights hanging around. I hung out in the nest with Bloodmoon for a while, eventually getting quite tired. Bloodmoon insested that I rested here, which I eventually agreed to. I fell asleep after a bit with my back leaned against the wall. Bloodmoon was resting as well on the other side.

[I'll update on what's going on with Eclipse and Suj in the next chapter. See you all soon!]

[1091 words total]

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