"Why Do You Care?"

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[Ima just use the same font for everyone. Hope that's alright.]

~Eclipses pov~

I woke up on a couch, specifically the orange one in Sun and Moons room area. I had a terrible headache, but I get those often, so I ignored it. I attempted to sit up, holding my hand on the back of my head as I did. "Don't sit up so quick, Eclipse!" I heard Sun say. I groaned silently as I sat up and looked around. "Why am I in here? What the hell happened?" I questioned with my usual annoyed tone. Sun sighed and explained that I apparently passed out while walking back to the pizza plex with Moon. How pathetic...I basically had to be carried back like a helpless child. I hated feeling weak. This was nothing but torture. I was being treated like a child. This whole being good thing was horrible. But, I did promise Sun I would at least give it a try. So I guess I'll just have to suck it up. Annoying, right? While I was lost in thought, Moon came into the room and glanced over to me and Sun. "He's finally awake?" Moon asked. How long was I even out??? "Yeah. Uh, he woke up a couple of minutes ago." Sun replied to Moon. "How long was I out for?" I asked. I expected at least an hour or two at most. "Around a week hours." Moon answered. I stared at him for a moment in disbelief. There was no way I was out for an entire week. I glanced over and noticed Bloodmoon in the vent above the room. I stood up from the couch and nearly fell. Damn..."You should take it easy, Eclipse. I highly doubt KC would appreciate you wondering around already." Said Moon. I rolled my eyes and scoffed before walking over to the vent. My movements were a bit shaky, and my headache felt horrible, but I wasn't going to be treated like a helpless child. "Bloodmoon. Are you in there?" I asked as I looked around the vent. Bloodmoon suddenly jumped out and tackled me. "Goddammit, Bloodmoon! We talked about this!" I growled. Bloodmoon chuckled and just sat on top of me. "Bloodmoon, get off of Eclipse." KC spoke in usual raspy deep tone. Bloodmoon pouted for a moment before eventually getting off of me. I sat up and brushed myself off. Me and Bloodmoon glared at each other. "Enough. Eclipse, go sit back down on the couch." KC said. I glanced over to him and scoffed. "Now." KC's voice deepened to a more serious one. "Yeah, yeah. I'm going." I tossed a random piece of wood on the ground at Bloodmoon's face and walked over to the couch. Bloodmoon growled and stalked off to the vents where they usually were. KC spoke with Moon about something before leaving the room. Sun walked over to me and sat down on the couch. "Well...uh, would you like to play a game or something?" Sun asked. I wasn't fond of games, but I was quite bored. I nodded, and Sun went out of the room to find a game. He soon came back with a board game called Candy Land. You're supposed to play with more players, but it was just me and Sun, so whatever. "So, how exactly do you play this?" I asked with my usual annoyed tone. Sun shrugged and looked over an instruction manual. Sun read through the instructions, and we played the game for a while.

~No ones pov~

Eclipse and Sun played the game for a good while. Sun was clearly still energetic, while Eclipse was exhausted. Despite his exhaustion, Eclipse continued playing the game with Sun. It was getting quite late, and Moon exited his room to see what the two were doing. Sun had won the game and threw his arms in the air to express his excitement. Eclipse tackled Sun to the floor, and the two play fought until Moon entered the room to see what all the noise was. Eclipse had Sun pinned to the floor while he sat on him. Sun squirmed around, trying to force Eclipse off of him. Unlucky for Sun, Eclipse was stronger than him. (This isn't in a weird way, ya sickos! They have more of a brotherly bond.) "What the hell is going on here?" Moon questioned as the two glanced over to him. Eclipse rolled his eyes while Sun practically begged Moon to get Eclipse off him. "Moon! Help me get Eclipse off!" Sun pouted. Eclipse chuckled. Moon sighed and flared at Eclipse. "Eclipse, get off my brother, or I'll tell KC you haven't been taking it easy." Eclipse grumbled with annoyance but didn't get off of Sun. Moon began to call KC and waited for him to pick up. Eclipse immediately got off of Sun. Bloodmoon noticed the situation from inside the vent and dragged Eclipse up in the vent. Eclipse gave a slight nod in appreciation, and the two brothers waited to see what KC would do. KC entered the room and glanced over to Sun. "Where did Eclipse go?" KC questioned in a rather terrifying voice. Sun wasn't one to snitch, but KC was PISSED so this was an exception. Sun gestured to the vent. "Bloodmoon, uh, dragged him up there with them." Sun stammered anxiously. KC looked over to the vent. "Boys, get down here. Now." KC was clearly not happy with the two. Bloodmoon shoved Eclipse out before jumping down as well. Eclipse glared at Bloodmoon with annoyance. KC walked over to Eclipse, clearly annoyed. "Eclipse... I'm going to give you three seconds to get back on that couch." Eclipse glanced over to the couch and grumbled with annoyance. "One." KC began to count. Eclipse's rays retracted a bit as he walked over to the couch. "Yeah, yeah. I'm going." Eclipse growled. KC sighed and glanced over to Bloodmoon. "No blood bags for a week." KC spoke in a frustrated tone. Bloodmoon didn't bother to argue since KC clearly wasn't in the mood for it. Bloodmoon glared at Eclipse before hopping back into the vent.

It was quite late, so everyone went to their rooms to settle down.KC was staying where Bloodmoon was, Moon in his room, Sun in his, and Eclipse was just on the couch for now Eclipse was just staring at the ceiling since he couldn't fall asleep. Something was keeping him up. There was a sudden loud crash that startled Eclipse. He sat up and got off the couch. Eclipse went down into the daycare to see what it was. Eclipse walked around the daycare for a while. He walked behind one of the play structures and felt something sharp on his side, followed by a sudden shot of pain. Eclipse glanced to his side and noticed a broken metal pole. Must've been what fell. Eclipse then looked down at his side. The broken pole cause a deep wound on his side. (Yes, they can get cuts, bruises, wounds, etc.). Eclipse winced and held his wounded side that was now dripping with oil. Eclipse eventually made his way back up to the tower and in the room. He sighed and grunted a bit as he attempted to settle back down on the couch. He didn't say anything about this to Bloodmoon, KC, Moon, or even Sun. He was tired of being treated like a helpless child just because he wanted to change. Eclipse didn't want help. He didn't want to feel weak. Eclipse used a roll of bandages to wrap up his side so his wound would drip oil. Eclipse let out a sigh and attempted to fall asleep. He hoped the bandages would be enough to cover up the wound and oil. Talk about a day...

[That's all for this chapter. What do you think will happen next? See you in the next chapter, my shooting stars!]

[1327 words total.]

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