"I'm Fine!"

368 14 31

~No ones pov~

After discussing with Sun and Eclipse, Moon decided that Eclipse would stay in one of his many bunkers until fully trusted. Eclipse wasn't fond of the idea but agreed for Suns' sake. Eclipse felt weak and vulnerable like this. He hated being pushed around and told what to do. Redeeming himself felt like torture. Eclipse hated it with every wire in his body. Moon gave Eclipse the coordinates for the bunker, and after reassuring Sun for the 100th time that he would be fine, Eclipse set off to bunker.

Eclipse sighed as he exited the pizza plex. It felt as if any pride or sense of control he had suddenly vanished into thin air. The bunker was an old one, for the most secure. It was hidden somewhere in a forest neat mountains. After what felt like ages, Eclipse stepped on something metal. He brushed the leaves and dirt aside and attempted to lift the hatch. It was rusted shut. Eclipse groaned with annoyance. After a while, he eventually got it open but was hit with a swing of nothing but dust. Eclipse covered his mouth and looked away from the bunker as he coughed. He sighed and covered his mouth as he entered the dust-filled bunker. "I get I'm not exactly liked, but a dust-filled bunker? God..." Eclipse growled to himself as he walked around searching for the switch to power the place on. The computer had followed Eclipse to the bunker, since Moon wanted the computer to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn't try anything. "The power switch is located to your left, next to the couch." Said the computer. Eclipse rolled his eyes and glanced over to where the switch was. He flipped it on, and lights began to flicker, the place making a buzzing sound as it powered on. A wave of dust blew, and Eclipse suddenly began to cough harshly. His breaths became raspy and short. The computer couldn't help but grow with concern. Perhaps it should notify Moon? Eclipse struggled to catch his breath. He cough once more before finally being able to calm himself. Eclipse felt as if he couldn't breathe, but he didn't worry. He felt weak. He hated that feeling. Eclipse sighed and looked around the bunker.
"Should I notify Moon or Sun? You seem to be in distress." The computer questioned. Eclipse shook his head, denying the computers request. "I'm fine." Eclipse growled in a rather rude tone. "You are struggling to breathe. I believe something may be wrong. I will notify Moon if it continues to get worse." The computer stated. Eclipse scoffed, quickly regretting that as he began to cough again. The computer gave a sigh as Eclipse struggled to catch his breath. Eclipse finally stopped coughing after a moment. His breaths were raspy and short. The computer began to speak, but Eclipse hated the idea of asking for help. Especially from Moon. "You are clearly not fine. I am notifying Moon." Eclipse growled slightly and sat down on the dusty couc. He felt like shit. That he was certain of. But he didn't want to ask for help. What would Moon think of him? He hated feeling weak and helpless. Sun would probably go on a panic frenzy if Moon told him. That would be quite the nightmare. Around an hour later, Moon entered the bunker. Eclipse had attempted to rid the place of dust, but it was far too much. Moon  didn't know the place had been abandoned for that long, but he didn't exactly care. He was only there because Sun was currently on a panic frenzy. Eclipse was sitting down on the couch since the computer insisted that he say down. Eclipse was struggling to catch his breath, but he continued a calm and annoyed expression. Moon walked over to Eclipse after noticing him and insisted that he wasn't fine, despite Eclipses' desperate attempts to convince him otherwise. "I'm fine, Moon!"  Eclipse hissed in an angered tone. Moon rolled his eyes and continued insisting that he wasn't. "You're clearly not!" Moon protested. Eclipse breathing was short, and he wheezed a bit. Moon grew tired of Eclipses constant arguing. He grabbed one of Eclipses' rays and pulled it so Eclipse would face him. Eclipse let out a yelp due to the sudden tug. Both Eclipses and Suns rays were very sensitive. "I don't care if I have to drag you. We are going back to the daycare so I can see what the problem is. Sun is already in a panic frenzy, so you don't exactly have a choice here." Moon spoke in a stern and annoyed tone. He let got of the ray, and Eclipse winced slightly. He wanted to get back at Moon. He truly did. But he held back his violent urge. Eclipse scoffed. Moon grabbed Eclipse by his wrist and practically dragged him out of the bunker. "Hey! I can walk, you don't have to drag me!" Eclipse protested. Moon rolled his eyes. "Would you prefer I drag you by the rays instead?" Moon growled. Eclipse grumbled with frustration and caught up with Moons' pace so he wasn't being dragged around. The pizza plex was pretty far away from the bunker. Eclipse could barely keep himself from passing out. He didn't tell Moon about this, so Moon assumed he was fine at the moment. Eclipse grew dizzy and lightheaded. His struggle to catch his breath only worsened. Despite this, Eclipse still didn't say anything about it to Moon. Eclipse suddenly passed out. Luckily, Moon caught him. Moon was a bit startled by it. Eclipse hadn't said anything, so Moon assumed he was fine. Well, clearly, he wasn't if he had just passed out. Moon carried Eclipse the rest of the way back and finally arrived at the daycare doors. He entered, and Sun immediately dropped what he was doing. "Is he okay? What happened???" Sun questioned in a quick and panicked voice. Moon sighed and brought Eclipse up to the area where Sun and Moons rooms were. Moon placed Eclipse down on the couch and went over to the computer to find out what the helk was wrong. "He'll be fine, Sun. " Moon reassured. Though, he wasn't completely certain if Eclipse was fine. He kept things to himself and hardly ever asked for help. Not to mention, Eclipse never really showed any other emotions besides anger. According to Sun, he cried for the first time while they were trapped in the mindscape. Sun kept an eye on Eclipse while Moon tried figuring out what was wrong. Eclipse was practically a mystery.

(That's it for this chapter. See you all in the next one!)

Trapped in mindscape [TSAMS AU]Where stories live. Discover now