Bonus: The Proposal and Wedding

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A/N: Their suits, dresses and engagement ring will be at the end, if you can't see the vision.

Hallie's date
Winston Duke

Christopher Boudet
Jensen Ackles

Marina Boudet
Danneel Ackles


The Altieri home.

"Addy?" Sidney's voice breaks him out of his thoughts, Adrian looks up and looks at her and Tatum who is staring at him with raised eyebrows, while Hallie looked undisturbed by his spacing out. Wondering what could be distracting Adrian from their hangout session. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... there's just something in my mind." Adrian said, sipping his coffee.

"Not regretting getting with Mickey, are you?" Tatum asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"God, no, I would never." Adrian quickly answered, making the two smile. "It's just something Mickey said after we adopted Romeo."

"What is it?" Hallie asked, placing the mug on the table.

"It's not something you're supposed to think about." Adrian waved off, shrugging his shoulders, looking down at his mug.

"If it got you thinking about it, then it must important." Tatum said, taking Adrian's hand into her own.

"The Altieri home..." Adrian muttered, and if they weren't sitting so close to him they wouldn't have heard him.

Sidney smiles behind her mug before placing her mug on the table. "You're thinking of proposing to him?" She asked, as a small blush appeared on the tip of Adrian's ears.

"I'm waiting for him, actually." Adrian said, not noticing the smile on Hallie's face as he had his head turned away from her.

"Did you tell him that you're ready for marriage?" Tatum asked, smiling softly at Adrian who nodded at her.

"I did, I just don't know if he is." Adrian said, not being able to stop the smile onto his face. Adrian looked down at his watch, eyes widening slightly when he noticed the time. "I need to go pick Rome up." He said, standing up, the three doing the same thing to say goodbye to him.

"Adrian, someone wanted to see you at the back." Sidney said before Adrian could walk out of the Meeks home. "Go out there, Addy." She said, letting out a small laugh when there's a small confusion look on his face.

"What about–"

"Don't worry about Romeo, go back there." Tatum said, starting to push Adrian to the back, knowing that Derek is on the way to pick Romeo's up. "Derek will pick him up for you." She added, smiling when Adrian calmed down.

"Okay, okay. I'm going." Adrian said, holding up his hands and Tatum instantly stopped pushing him. He walked towards the door to the backyard, opening the door and walking out, softly gasping when he saw the petals of roses on the path to the forest.

He looked behind him at his friends and they sent him a thumbs up, turning back to the path. He started following the path, and entered the forest. He walked for about five more minutes before he gasped at the sight of Mickey standing two feet away from him with one hand behind his back, wearing a casual suit, a nervous energy instantly filling Mickey at the sight of the beauty that is Adrian Boudet.

Mickey fiddles with the box behind him, smiling as Adrian approaches him with a smile of his own.

"Mickey?" Adrian asked shakily, a small nervous smile on his lips, standing in front of him.

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