chapter 14

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The next day at school, Yerin immediately rushed over to Leehan, and gave him a hug. "Thank you," she expressed her gratitude once more. In that moment, she felt utterly helpless. Yerin proceeded to give Wonyoung a warm hug, followed by a nod of acknowledgement to Jaemin. "We won't give up until Jake returns," Wonyoung declared with determination and with a thumbs up, and Yerin's smile grew wider.

Suddenly, Jaehyun hurried over, his voice filled with remorse. "Yerin, I'm deeply sorry. I discovered the truth, and I can't apologize enough." Jaehyun repeatedly expressed his regret. Yerin's smile remained, and she nodded understandingly. "I forgive you, but please, do help me." Jaehyun quickly nodded in agreement, and they all gathered for a heartfelt group hug.

From a distance, Jake observed this scene alongside his friends. "Jake, don't you believe Yerin is innocent?" Sunoo unexpectedly spoke up, standing by Yerin's side. Jake paused, considering his response. "No, she did something wrong. Why were they even together in that alley, even if it was an accident that they fell on each other?" Jake pointed out. Sunoo was at a loss for words. "Jake-" "I don't want to hear it," Jake interrupted Jungwon, hastening towards class. Heeseung and Jay followed him, while the others simply shrugged, unsure of what to say.


Yerin found solace in the company of her friends, Leehan, Jaehyun, and Wonyoung, after school that day. As they gathered together, Wonyoung broke the silence by addressing the elephant in the room. "So... what can we do to bring Jake back?" she asked, her concern evident. The group exchanged uncertain glances, realizing the complexity of the situation. Leehan couldn't help but express his frustration. "That guy thinks he's too clever to return. If he truly cared about you, why would he leave so easily? You deserve someone better," he scoffed. Sensing Leehan's potential to offend Jake, Yerin interjected, attempting to ease the tension. "Leehan, it's alright," she reassured him. Jaehyun, wanting to uplift the mood, suggested a change of focus. "Let's set aside the planning for now and just enjoy each other's company. Yerin has been going through a tough time," he proposed. The group nodded in agreement, deciding to head to an ice cream shop. "I adore ice cream!" exclaimed Wonyoung, her smile returning. "Same here," Yerin chimed in. While indulging in their sweet treats, Yerin couldn't help but have Jake on her mind. Would she ever have the chance to win him back?

"Rise and shine, mate!" exclaimed Heeseung as he playfully jumped on Jake. "Guess who paid us a visit?" Jake groggily woke up, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head. "Yerin did!" Heeseung smiled. "And why the smile?" Jake asked skeptically, "she's a cheater," he retorted. Heeseung's expression turned into a frown. "Yerin and her friends came to visit Jungwon and Sunoo. They're actually out with them right now." "See?" Jake pointed out. "She even left Jaemin and is now hanging out with Won and Sun." Heeseung sighed. "Dude, why do you despise Yerin so much, despite all the evidence?" Jake replied with a hint of frustration, "I just can't trust her. The evidence Jaemin presented seemed too artificial, like it was created by AI." Rolling his eyes, Jake decided it was best to go back to sleep. Heeseung gave up and left the room. Deep down, Jake missed Yerin, but given everything that had happened, he found it difficult to place his trust in her.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, interrupting Jake's thoughts. He hurriedly made his way to the door and opened it to find Yuri standing there. "Oh, hey Yuri," Jake greeted her. Over time, Jake had become friends with Yuri out of a sense of compassion, as he believed she was wrongly blamed for various things. "Hi, Jake!" Yuri exclaimed, holding his hands and stepping into the house. Heeseung, who had witnessed the interaction, rolled his eyes. It was becoming increasingly apparent that most of Jake's friends were now siding with Yerin, except for Jake and Jay. It was clear to everyone now that Yerin wasn't responsible, and they were planning to spend time with her.

Meanwhile, everyone but Jay and Jake had gathered at Yerin's house, engrossed in a lively video game session. Laughter and excited cheers filled the air, creating an atmosphere of pure enjoyment. As Jake heard about his friends having a great time together, an undeniable pang of jealousy surged within him. He couldn't ignore it any longer; he felt the need to have a conversation with Yerin.

Feeling the weight of his emotions, Jake reached out to Jay, confiding in him about his intention to meet and have a conversation with Yerin. Jay, taken aback by Jake's sudden change of heart, expressed his uncertainty. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" he questioned, his confusion evident. Jake nodded firmly, his longing for Yerin becoming increasingly unbearable.

With a heavy heart, Jake explained to Jay just how much he missed Yerin. Despite everything that had transpired between them, his feelings for her remained strong. He couldn't shake the memories and the connection they had shared. The desire to have closure and potentially rekindle their bond had become too overwhelming to ignore.

Understanding the depth of Jake's emotions, Jay sighed and offered his support. While he couldn't fully comprehend Jake's perspective, he recognized the significance of finding resolution and healing. "Alright, man," Jay said, placing a reassuring hand on Jake's shoulder. "If that's what you need to do, then I've got your back."

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