chapter 15 - finale

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Today marked the day when Jake had meticulously planned to meet with Yerin. After sending her a heartfelt text message the previous day, Yerin was overjoyed to receive a message from Jake after such a long period of silence. At exactly 6 p.m., both of them hurriedly made their way to the park, the chosen location for their reunion. Little did they know that Wonyoung, still harboring doubts about Jake's intentions after witnessing his repeated rejections of Yerin, had secretly followed along, keeping a cautious distance to ensure Yerin's well-being.

As the awkward silence lingered between Jake and Yerin, Jake finally mustered the courage to break it. "Yerin," he began, his voice trembling with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. "What did you want to talk about?" Yerin inquired, her gaze fixed on Jake, awaiting his explanation.

With sincerity in his eyes, Jake implored Yerin to clarify everything that had transpired. He needed to understand the full extent of the situation. Yerin, realizing the importance of this moment, patiently and meticulously recounted the entire incident, leaving no detail behind. As Yerin's words unfolded, Jake could feel the walls of mistrust slowly crumbling within him. Tears welled up in his eyes as a wave of guilt washed over him.

"I'm sorry," Jake managed to utter, his voice choked with remorse. "For not believing you. For rejecting you. For everything." Yerin, witnessing Jake's vulnerability and remorse, found herself tearing up as well. Overwhelmed with emotions, she whispered, "I forgive you. You have no idea how helpless I felt. I never felt safe without you."

In an instant, both of them embraced each other tightly, seeking solace in their shared embrace. Their tears mingled as they held each other, the weight of their past grievances slowly fading away. It was in that tender moment that they shared a heartfelt kiss, symbolizing their renewed love and commitment.

"I love you, Sim Jaeyun," Yerin whispered, her voice filled with affection, as she gently dried her tears. "You're safe with me now, Yerin," Jake replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry, again, for everything you had to go through. I'll make sure Yuri faces the consequences for her actions."

They kissed once more, sealing their reconciliation and newfound strength as a couple. With their hearts mended and their love rekindled, they walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. This marked a new beginning for Jake and Yerin's relationship.

Safe with me | ENHYPEN JAKE FFWhere stories live. Discover now